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Forums Forums Youth And Islam Marriage System Developed By Patriarchal System Not God

  • Marriage System Developed By Patriarchal System Not God

    Posted by Khawar Pasha on July 12, 2021 at 5:58 am

    Allah arranges food, water, oxygen etc. as soon as someone comes into being. I mean to say when Allah creates a necessity, he arranges ways to fulfill it as well. But sex is not like that. It is not available in a lot of situations when a person need it. First 12 to 17 years when he needs it too badly, the only options is abstinence because he can’t fulfill the financial obligations. Same thing happens when he gets old. So it goes like this: Allah created a necessity but did not make arrangement to fulfill it. Hence there is a question if marriage system created by Allah or by patriarchal way of living since it fits into economics but does not fit into nature.

    Ahsan replied 3 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Marriage System Developed By Patriarchal System Not God

    Ahsan updated 3 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • Nadeem

    Member July 12, 2021 at 6:58 am

    The system does meet the nature. We are part of the nature too. Naturally parents are protecting their daughters from having a child with a person who can’t even afford himself. How would the couple will take care of the child.

    Even animals don’t bear offsprings if they do not have enough food, the right weather and protection from elements or predators. Even plants don’t bear fruit if there is not enough food or the right weather.

    Similarly humans are trying to avoid having children before parents can take care of the children.

    There are two things to consider. Marriage is being delayed because we increased our demands and desires. If we were living in a jungle, we would only need food, clothing and shelter to be ready to produce offsprings. But in todays society we need much more to be called ready to produce offsprings.

    Secondly marriage doesn’t necessarily need to start with producing offsprings. Our culture and sometimes religion has not adjusted to the new technologies. Unlike animals humans can now marry early but they can delay producing offsprings until they are financially ready. Both male and female after marriage could continue living with their parents and continue schooling until they are ready to move together and produce children. Until that time they should be able to see each other, but stay strict about taking precautions not to produce children.

    This way youth will avoid comitting the sin of adultry and enjoy Allah’s greatest gift of having sex with a spouse as soon as they are ready.

  • Nadeem

    Member July 12, 2021 at 7:25 am

    Or perhaps in religion marriage is only allowed for producing children. In this case perhaps until a couple is financially ready to get married and produce children, they can make use of technology and robots, if those are allowed.

  • Ahsan

    Moderator July 12, 2021 at 1:58 pm

    This is due to misconcpetion that marriage is a legal way to get laid.
    In Islam, marriage is institution to reproduce and take care of constituent members in their childhood or old age. For further understanding, refer to following thread
    Discussion 29865

    • Nadeem

      Member July 12, 2021 at 2:20 pm

      Brother Ahsan. I am totally confused with your statement. Marriage is the legal way of getting laid if the intention was not to have a short term marriage for such purpose. If it saves people from committing adultery, it is a great achievement.

      If the sole purpose of marriage is to reproduce, then might as well adopt or get test tube babies and allow two or more people of whatever gender commit legally to raise a child. Or setup institutions to raise childrens.

      If marriage is solely to reproduce then contraceptive and other methods to avoid pregnancy would be prohibited in Islam.

      Sex in marriage is the attraction that compels two people to consider getting married without ever considering having children. Sex connects two hearts and link people and binds them together in love. Due to this connection and love they decide to have a child as if making their love permanent and deciding to live together forever…and sometimes it is just an accidental pregnancy 🙂

    • Ahsan

      Moderator July 12, 2021 at 11:59 pm

      I didnt mention about intercourse with spouse as it is obvious. However, from certain Quran directives we come to know that other purposes include to reproduce, taking care of children, parents and each other. Hence, we take part in God creation scheme as husband and wife. If avoiding fornification was the sole aim, then there was no wrong in muta. Whole marriage institution should be understood in overall directives in Quran o sunnah.

      Family planning is allowed because every one has right to make decison according to their own conditions.
      If you can read Urdu, you may find following article helpful

      You may also find ghamidi sb point of view about institution of marriage in following video

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