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Forums Forums Islamic Sharia HFA Vs HMC In UK W.r.t Slaughter Through Stunning

  • HFA Vs HMC In UK W.r.t Slaughter Through Stunning

    Posted by Waqas on July 24, 2021 at 6:45 am

    In the UK, we have 2 different bodies to approve/authenticate halal food.

    HFA – Halal Food Authority

    HMC – Halal Monitoring Committee

    There is one difference in the acceptance criteria for the method of slaughtering the animal where HMC does not permit to stun the animals prior to slaughter while HFA accept recoverable /reversible stunning in compliance with the Halal Slaughter guidelines of MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia), JAKIM (Department of Islamic Development Malaysia) and the WHFC (World Halal Food Council) – (Source:

    I have always asked the shops and restaurants for Halal food and looked for either Halal or Vegetarian etc logos on the products but never had to ask about its approving body.

    It will be great if Sir Javed Ahmed Ghamidi can shed some light on this matter to help us understand if both methods are acceptable and should we only be asking for Halal products regardless of its certificate governing bodies.

    Umer replied 3 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • HFA Vs HMC In UK W.r.t Slaughter Through Stunning

    Umer updated 3 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • Faraz Siddiqui

    Member July 24, 2021 at 10:42 pm

    Brother I can feel ur pain. There r so many “halal certification societies “ in UK, Canada and USA. As muslims we believe anyone about Islam. Who gave these people permission to issue halal certificates? Whose the central body that regulates their training. They have no butchers or slaughterhouse owners in their governing body, they r not educated or trained in science of meat production or sales, they don’t have engineers to know how stunning works. In short, they know absolutely nothing about slaughtering, physiology of different animals.

    It’s interesting to know that muslims got this idea of halal certification societies from Jews. Jews have most strict laws about meat and that’s why there’s no kosher McDonald’s or Burger King or kfc anywhere except Israel. The kosher societies r also similarly corrupt and uneducated

    No ones uses stunning to kill the animal except accidentally. Why? Because if u kill then the blood won’t come out and the meat doesn’t taste good! So slaughter houses HAVE to bleed animals dry otherwise they will lose business. animals r always under stunned to make them unconscious so they don’t feel pain and bleed out. There r studies showing differences in meat taste if only 2 vessels r cut vs all 4 r cut.

    If u have doubt then ask any member of these halal certification about how much current should be used to stun a chicken or a goat and for how long? Muslims should’ve research papers, books about slaughtering and stunning cuz millions of Muslims live in Europe and USA Australia etc but all we find is books with fatawas from 800 yrs ago and maulanas with zero understanding of modern slaughtering practices, they’ll try to convince u that cutting the neck is less painful to the animal compared to neck cutting after stunning.

    My sincere advice to u is to learn about halal rulings from Quran and sunnah directly(Meezan lectures). If a Muslim says this product is halal then it’s halal for u. Remember that sahaba conquered many different countries but there’s no account of them teaching people how to slaughter, how many vessels should be cut etc. if halal regulations r so complex then sahaba would’ve taught that very strictly to all the new muslim colonies all around the world.

  • Umer

    Moderator July 25, 2021 at 4:46 am

    To understand the Islam’s Dietary Laws, please see:

    Discussion 39350 • Reply 39673

    As long as the requirements are fulfilled, irrespective of the method adopted, the Zabiha is considered Halal.

    Following comments of Faisal Sahab also shed light on slaughter through stunning, in line with principles described by Ghamidi Sahab:

    Discussion 29347

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