قصاص / Qisas
Qassas. Why it is allowed? Does it not work against deterring against crime in larger society?
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Tagged: Punishments
Qassas. Why it is allowed? Does it not work against deterring against crime in larger society?
I’m not sure how one can logically conclude that justice would work against deterring crime.
For details of Qisas please refer to:
Much thanks. With utmost respect and qualifying my next statement w’ an apology, however, sometimes I do find the tone of reply to be condescending or as if taking an umbrage. Of course we lack the knowledge and seeking to fill that gap. I am not questioning the sincerity just pointing out that such discourages participation. Not just on this thread but any history of asking questions this pattern emerges.
Most sincerest of apology and JazakAllah!
I’m sorry if you felt that way, however, I can assure you that such was not my intention and it never is.
Please also refer to the following response:
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