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  • Consenual Sex Or Fornication

    Posted by Zayf Shakir on July 31, 2021 at 2:19 am

    So, i have discussed this before but my mind just doesn’t seem to get a satisfactory answer regarding this matter. Whats the main reason behind prohibition of fornication or consensual sex before marriage and by all this i mean those people who are committed to a single person like we see in western societies people are having cohabitation and to me it seems fine because they are committed to each other unless they break up and in most cases this live-in relationship becomes successful and yes i am not talking about one night stands, hook ups and all other sexual stuff. So my question is regarding this matter only in which a person is committed to only one person and in this century we know child birth is also not a problem as we have tools to control it. So why’s it prohibited because sex addiction doesn’t seem to be one the reasons as studies show that sex addiction is caused by many factors like:


    Genes: You may have a genetic predisposition to emotional dysregulation, impulsivity, or sensation-seeking behavior. You may also have a predisposition to other traits that are commonly associated with sexual addiction, like anxiety or depression.

    Hormones: As one might expect, higher levels of sex hormones like testosterone or estrogen can affect libido. If you are inclined towards impulsive behavior and have high levels of sex-related hormones, you may be more likely to engage in excess sexual activities.


    Environmental influences: Early-life environmental factors, including adverse events like abuse or exposure to sexual content, can contribute to some of the underlying characteristics that drive hypersexual behavior.

    Mental health: Anxiety, depression, personality disorders, poor impulse control, and performance anxiety might be simultaneous issues that one struggles with alongside sex addiction. Those that have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, or have a tendency toward “manic” states, are much more likely to engage in excessive or risky sexual behavior.


    Rejection in relationships and social circles can lead to other, less healthy ways to find sexual gratification.

    Social isolation: Not only does social isolation increase one’s likelihood of seeking inappropriate ways of being sexually gratified, it also leads to a host of other problems–like depression and physical maladies–that can contribute to sex addictions or unhealthy sex behaviors.

    Social learning: Watching others perform a behavior, or “modeling,” is one way to learn something new–especially when you “like” or “identify” with that person. So having a friend, or a group of friends, who engage in excessive sexual activities or porn viewing can influence you in a very subtle, yet powerful, way.

    Zayf Shakir replied 3 years, 6 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Consenual Sex Or Fornication

    Zayf Shakir updated 3 years, 6 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies
  • Faraz Siddiqui

    Member July 31, 2021 at 9:27 am

    Why don’t u start by listing your reasons for a normal person of either sex should have consensual relationship before marriage?

    May be you can find satisfaction by exploring your own ideas

    • Zayf Shakir

      Member July 31, 2021 at 9:33 am

      I am not supporting this i am trying to find the reason behind its prohibition. I personally can never do something because of my religion and culture but i just needed reason for its prohibition. If it was so bad then we would be able to see its consequences in the western culture! I can’t give you reasons for a normal person to have consensual sex as my culture doesn’t allow me to do so. Personally i consider it bad but again thats because of my culture and society where i have been brought up. I am talking about those societies where sec isn’t a big deal and those people aren’t facing consequences. I just need a reason why it is prohibited.

  • Faraz Siddiqui

    Member July 31, 2021 at 10:15 am

    Personal reasons are the most important factor for humans to do or not to do something. The question you have to answer is “why do you care about it” answer to yourself and analyze why it’s affecting you

    The effect of sexual promiscuity are very slow and confounded by lot of other factors but one can see it’s effects quite easily

    Diseases are on the rise, syphilis nearly eradicated now coming back

    Mental health decline is directly linked with multiple sexual partners

    Substance abuse is v common in men with more partners.

    People with more partners tend to have low economic status

    More partners means less longevity

    Physical abuse and sexual abuse is highest in these societies, in USA sexual assault happens every 68 seconds

    Despite all this sexual promiscuity is on the rise and psychologists predict more open marriages and relationship in future. Remember that any thing that give pleasure or fun to people always keeps on growing no matter how dangerous it is. Society on its own will never stop any pleasurable activity. Smoking, junk food, alcohol are open examples.

    • Zayf Shakir

      Member August 1, 2021 at 1:24 am

      You stated all these facts without reference! But anyways i got my answer. Thanks for your time sir

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator July 31, 2021 at 10:26 am

    In Islam nikah or marriage is a publicly announced consensual decision to live together with a sincere intent that this arrangement will be a lifelong relationship. There are certain ‘adab’ of nikah and it establishes certain rights and responsibilities for each one of the spouses because as opposed to animals, humans are intellectual, social, and moral beings. With this understanding I really don’t see what your confusion might be.

  • Nadeem

    Member July 31, 2021 at 8:37 pm

    All the problems identified with living a promiscuous lifestyle are true, but it takes a lifetime to see the results. We can’t experiment for our entire life and then find out at death bed that Allah was right. Once we believe in Allah we listen and follow while trying to understand his logic. He is the creator of this universe and he knows better about everything. Sometimes we start to feel like we are too smart and start questioning Allah.

    Regarding your example of people living together faithfully with each other without marriage. Think about why don’t they get married? There are two reasons. 1. The divorce laws here are unfavorable against men and thus they dread getting married.

    2. They don’t get married because they can easily get out of a relationship and start a new one. They have less incentive to put effort into making a relationship going. A little difficulty is a reason enough to get out and change partners.

    Also from outside it seems like western societies are really enjoying life having no restrictions on sex, but their own studies repeatedly show that married people have much better physical relations than promiscuous lifestyle.

    • Zayf Shakir

      Member August 1, 2021 at 1:22 am

      Indeed GOD has made it haram and we should try to understand wisdom and His logic behind it. You are making sense here! Thank you for explaining it beautifully

  • Ahsan

    Moderator July 31, 2021 at 11:54 pm

    The consequence of sexual liberation are discussed in this book. I highly recommend it to read it.

    • Zayf Shakir

      Member August 1, 2021 at 1:19 am

      Thanks 🙂 InshaAllaah I’ll read it.

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