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Forums Forums General Discussions Is Refusing To Take COVID Vaccine Against Islamic Principles?


  • Is Refusing To Take COVID Vaccine Against Islamic Principles?

    Posted by Nadeem on August 1, 2021 at 3:57 pm

    Disregarding expert’s recommendations and refusing to take COVID vaccine without any medical justication jeopardizes the health and well being of others, unduly burdens medical resources that could have been used for other deserving patients and drives medical insurance rates higher for everyone.

    All this is equivallent to unduly taking other’s rights to medical resources and taking other’s money illegally.

    So does that mean not taking COVID vaccine against Islamic principles? Why or why not?

    Faraz Siddiqui replied 3 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Is Refusing To Take COVID Vaccine Against Islamic Principles?

  • Faraz Siddiqui

    Member August 1, 2021 at 8:58 pm

    As much as I want everyone to get the vaccine, I don’t think it should be viewed as Islamic or non Islamic. With vaccinations earlier there were lot of fatawas of not permissible cuz it contained alcohol or pig were used to culture the bacteria etc. people with less knowledge asked people with even lesser knowledge about genetics and made it religious when it wasn’t

    Getting vaccinated is for ur own health and it’s personal decision and a social responsibility and that’s it

    Again this is my view point and I could be wrong

  • Nadeem

    Member August 1, 2021 at 11:20 pm

    Brother Faraz with full respect of your opinion, let me present you the case differently.

    1. Islam gets involved whenever Allah’s obligation or human rights are impacted, when others rights and priviledges are trampled and when others money is unjustifiably taken. Now let me explain how not taking COVID vaccine is equivalent to that.Consider taking vaccine similar to driving a vehicle. If anyone wants to drive a vehicle at 200 miles per hour in the middle of a desert that it is his right and freedom to do so because it doesn’t impact anyone; just the driver is jeopardizing his own life.On the other hand if the same person drives the same vehicle at 200 mph on a city street, he is jeapordizing others lives too. Thus he has no right to drive fast and thus he goes to jail for doing so.

    Similarly if someone for whatever the reason, myths or beliefs (not based on facts or science) refuses to take the vaccine and goes and lives in the middle of the desert with no contact to others and in case he gets sick he forgives his rights to use medical system, then certainly the person has the rights and freedom to do so; otherwise not.

    Regarding fatwas, those are absurd, and nothing to do with Islam. For medical reason, as the only choice available, if someone has to eat pigs meat, drink alcohol or even eat feces, it would be allowed in Islam. Islam is not an illogical religion.

    Until there is a choice of Vaccine that is developed without using pig or alcohol, the current Vaccine is perfectly halal. Also there are plenty of vaccines that are RNA based that may not have anything to do with pig or alcohol.

    • Faraz Siddiqui

      Member August 2, 2021 at 7:04 am

      No disagreement

      I am just reluctant to make covid vaccine a religious thing

  • Ahsan

    Moderator August 2, 2021 at 2:05 am

    Ghamidi sb answered to similar question here. I think same principle can be applied
    Discussion 36835 • Reply 37118

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