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Forums Forums Islamic Sharia Izar, Shalwar And Trousers And Validity Of Salah

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  • Izar, Shalwar And Trousers And Validity Of Salah

    Posted by Muhammad Saim Siddiqui on August 14, 2021 at 7:51 am

    Assalam o Auilikum,
    I have read about the Ahaadith regarding where Prophet PBUH is instructing to keep Izar above the ankles. I have listened to Ghamdi Sahib’s view on this as this was to stop the symbolic representation of pride as the rulers of that time had their dresses longed from behind and they had people carrying them. So the Sahabah obeyed and it became a common practice.
    Nowadays we see people raising their trousers, shalwars or folding their pants before Salah and when asked why they do it, they reply Prophet commanded this to be done, or it is necessary part of Salah or the sahabah used to do this.
    My question is that this practise was only a cultural practise, right? Rather than a religious compulsion? or in simple words, Would my Salah be nullified if my trousers hangs below the ankles?

    Ahsan replied 3 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies

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