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Forums Forums Islam And Science Scientific Advancements And Religion: Immortality And Humans Living On Mars

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  • Scientific Advancements And Religion: Immortality And Humans Living On Mars

    Posted by Tamzid Al Hasan on August 22, 2021 at 9:54 am

    As a muslim I feel daunted to think about sci-fi space thriller, living in mars or artificial intelligence and VR. Does Islam limit your thinking of future? I mean in our tradition, it is more like dajjal and signs of end of times. These certainly limit my vision. I mean will Islam still be relevant when people will starts settling in Mars? I personally think these are not so far in future. And there’s always a high possibility that man will start to live much longer from now on,may even obtain immortality given the technological advance. I’ve seen Mr. Hasan Ilyas’s video regarding similar question and he rather seemed irritated by the question. What’s your thoughts on these matters?

    Umer replied 3 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies

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