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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Good Deeds Erase Evil Deeds?

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  • Good Deeds Erase Evil Deeds?

    Nadeem updated 3 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • Haris Virk

    Moderator August 27, 2021 at 7:41 pm

    Keep up prayer at both ends of the day; and at the approach of night. Good deeds remove evil deeds: that is a reminder for such persons as will be reminded.” The Quran (11:114)

    Translation by T. B. Irving

  • Nadeem

    Member August 27, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    To my understanding, as long as a person meets the following conditions

    1. Believe in one Allah

    2. Bad deeds are committed unintentionally, or due to lack of knowledge, not done repeatedly, and a person is remorseful, repents immediately after sinning and asks Allah for forgiveness.

    3. Also good deeds are not done to show off or good deeds are not done intentionally to offset bad deeds.

    If all the above conditions are met, then Allah multiplies good deeds many times and a sin is counted as only one sin. Thus good deeds offset bad deeds in the last day when heaven and hell will be decided for a person.

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