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  • Sources Of Religion

    Posted by Muhammad Saim Siddiqui on August 30, 2021 at 2:09 am

    Assalam o Auilikum,
    Please explain why does Ghamidi Sahib considers Sunnah and Quran as the only two sources of deen(religon) and why does he not consider Hadith as the source of Religon.
    He says Hadith is just a historic record of happenings during the times of Prophet, in contrast, if we ponder over hadith we find it can be helping in matters of religon and provide ultimate guidance.
    Hence it can be used as a source of Religon, it is my opinion.
    Please elaborate with proper references so I can study.
    thanks and may Allah bless you all.

    Umer replied 3 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Sources Of Religion

    Umer updated 3 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Umer

    Moderator August 30, 2021 at 2:45 am

    Prophet Muhammad (sws) is the only source of religion for us till the day of judgement. The religion given by the Prophet (sws) has been transmitted to us through the most credible means of Ijma and Tawatur comprising of Quran and Sunnah. Ahadith are transmitted to us through comparatively less credible means of akhbar-i-ahad (Zanni ilm). And when studied with a deliberation, one can reach this conclusion that all of Hadith corpus is only an explanation and elucidation of the religion which is confined in the Quran and Sunnah and also describes the exemplary way in which the Prophet (sws) followed this religion. This is the whole content of Hadith Corpus. Therefore, it does not add or remove anything from the religion because it is an explanation of already laid out religion given in Quran and Sunnah. Majority of classic jurists are of the same view that Hadith is a Zanni-ilm and can neither abrogate nor add anything to the religion (except for Zahiri).

    Following links will help you greatly in understanding Ghamidi Sahab’s take on the matter:

    Description of Soures of Religion:

    Discussion 49769 • Reply 49794

    Principles of Understanding Hadith:

    Discussion 56230

    Can Hadith add, remove or abrogate anything from a Quranic Verse: (The text and videos provided at the end discuss the most significant cases where general belief is that Hadith has either added something or abrogated something from a Quranic directive, but Ghamidi Sahab has proved it to be otherwise):

    Discussion 55772

    Please also refer to the following discussion to understand some basic principles when approaching the sources of religion like what is the importance of hadith? Can religion be studied without studying hadith altogether and rejecting hadith corpus completely? and some other pertinent questions regarding Sunnah:

    Please refer to the video below from 1:34 to 43:41

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