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  • Islam Responsible For Deeds Of Muslims ?

    Posted by Arsalan Riaz on September 1, 2021 at 6:37 am

    My question is why Islam is not responsible for whatever the Muslims do in this world ? If there’s a terrorist organisation that claims to be Islamic why can’t we blame Islam for its actions ? Or if there’s an oppressive state that claims to be an Islamic republic and oppresses it’s minorities or women etc in the name of Islam why can’t Islam be blamed for its actions ?

    Many people give the argument that it’s because of the wrong understanding of Islam that these type of atrocities happen. So what’s the right understanding of Islam and who is going to decide the right interpretation of Islam ? Why are Muslims unable to create an Islamic society that’s based on the principles of justice and equality so that it can become a model for the western world to follow ?

    Umer replied 3 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Islam Responsible For Deeds Of Muslims ?

  • Umer

    Moderator September 1, 2021 at 7:10 am

    Islam is not here to create a model state or a role model of any kind, atleast its not the primary objective of religion. The premise of religion is that when God created man on this earth, the basic realities of religion were ingrained in man’s nature. He was then communicated the following things through his earliest ancestor, Adam (sws):

    Firstly, he has a Creator who created him; He alone is his Lord, and as a natural corollary to this, He alone should be worshipped by him. Secondly, he has been sent in this world to be tried and tested, and, for this, he has been given a clear awareness of good and evil; he has not only been given the freedom to exercise his will, he has also been given sovereignty on this earth. This trial of his will continue till his death. If he is successful in this trial, he will be given the Kingdom of Heaven where he will be free from the regrets of the past and the fears of the future.Thirdly, the Almighty, at various times, will keep sending His guidance according to man’s needs. If he obeys this guidance, he will not go astray, and if he evades it, he will be eternally doomed in the Hereafter. However, when one takes care of the guidance ingrained within oneself and complements it with the guidance given by the Prophets, an ideal society can result as a secondary benefit. We humans will be judged independently depending upon the level of Tazkiya that one attains. Irrespective of the religious tag, every human will be judged separately.

    The only representative of God in this world were the Prophets and their lives are free from oppression, terrorism or other similar activities for that matter. Most of them had to face oppression and persecution and not the other way round. Therefore, if we are to see any role model, that should only be that of the Prophets.

    The right understanding of religion is what a human being in all honesty undertands it to be the right interpretation and whether he acted truthfully when something more logical came in his way which contradicted his previous understanding of the religion, and whether he honestly paid heed to people who were trying to point out the fallacy in his understanding of the religion. All these factors and numerous others will be given due consideration when serving justice.

    Please also refer to the following response by Ghamidi Sahab from 53:56 to 1:00:57

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