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Forums Forums Islamic Sharia Working In Oil & Gas Sector

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  • Working In Oil & Gas Sector

    Posted by Rashid Iqbal on September 6, 2021 at 8:58 am

    What is the religious directive with regards to working in the Oil & Gas Sector.

    We know that the use of oil & gas and coal ls causing carbon emissions and global warming is causing a lot of death and environmental damage. But at the same time if we stop using it now it will also cause alot of issues.

    In this context what do we do who are working in the Oil & gas sector. Is it haram or Halal for us to continue. Will i be held responsible in the hereafter.

    Nadeem replied 3 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Working In Oil & Gas Sector

    Nadeem updated 3 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator September 6, 2021 at 1:43 pm

    There’s nothing wrong in working in the field until the government has declared such work as illegal. Up until that time, a person with knowledge can help spread awareness, find scientific ways to minimize the impact on the environment, or help in other ways that will be useful for the society.

  • Rashid Iqbal

    Member September 16, 2021 at 2:34 pm

    Can we assume/ trust the government are acting in the interest of humanity in the longterm.

    Can we argue that it is permissible to use fossil fuel because this resource benefits are more than its negative spill over for now.

    • ودود

      Member September 18, 2021 at 7:22 am

      1. In case of a democratic government, yes!

      2. Yes true.

  • Nadeem

    Member September 18, 2021 at 8:35 am

    Brother Rashid. There is nothing directly against Islam for working in Oil industry; unless a company is deliberately destroying the environment or directly engaged in illegal activities. If we consider indirect impact, most if not all companies are somehow engaged or supporting something against humanity.

    Having said the above, the real root cause of environmental disaster is not Oil, nuclear or anything else. The real root cause is…

    1. Human population increase. (More people need more food, more homes, more clothes, more travel and more of everything. To manufacture more of everything from ores, to various steps of manufacturing to various steps in shipping, to end of cycle when a product is disposed. The whole cycle requires so much energy that no matter what energy source we use, it would harm the world.

    2. Excessive or extravagance life style. If increase in human population and providing essential for their survival was not bad enough, there is a second problem of living extravagant life style. Having multiple homes, many cars, big trucks, boats, lots of furniture and all sorts of luxury items. Possession of all these items requires manufacturing, delivery, use of product to disposal. Each step adds to environmental impact many times over. This is biggest environmental impact issue than if humans were living a basic and simple lifestyle with very few possessions.

    3. Disregard of environment. Disregarding environmentally friendly process for manufacturing and using less efficient methods to gain short terms profits and competitive edge.

    4. Narrow minded and selfish attitude by countries. Rather than the World being one for all, every country is trying to be more technologically advanced and economically better than the other and in the process becoming selfish. The mindset is that their actions are not harming the environment as much as others. Or others got economically strong by harming environment; why can’t we do the same. There is no end to greed.

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