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  • Hadith In Light Of Science

    Posted by Mohammad Asim on September 15, 2021 at 5:55 pm


    My name is Mohammad Asim, I reside in DFW, Arlington Texas.

    I would like to introduce myself with question that perhaps could turn into our communication in person 😊.

    Question: in various versions:

    Can you please explain Hadith scientifically?

    Can you prove Hadith scientifically?

    (True, false) analysis.

    Can you read Hadith in light of science?

    They all are one question? Reason I explain in various versions so, It can help us with better understanding.

    Thank you.

    Mohammad Asim replied 3 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Hadith In Light Of Science

    Mohammad Asim updated 3 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator September 15, 2021 at 6:25 pm

    Hadith narrations are meant to convey history. I’m not sure what’s the utility in trying to prove isolate narrations in the light of science.

    To understand what is hadith and how to understand it, please see:

    Discussion 1042

  • Mohammad Asim

    Member September 15, 2021 at 7:27 pm

    Hadith narrations are meant to convey history.Thanks. out of your statement the content is history and i am trying to understand Hadith meant (purpose is) to covey history, describe events, in those events, literature about Prophet swa has said? Hadith foundation based on history of people heard through channel to last who saw prophet swa heard his saying. When I ask scientifically proven Hadith, one way means that all the people that all involved in one Hadith should be scientifically proven that, none, none of them had lied in their life (DNA test). Even one of, out of, finest and true Hadith proven to be wrong tomorrow, this means and point finger at prophet swa of being liar. and there are thousand of Hadith that are proven completely absurd. Do we just pass this as half book being true and rest lie, and convince us, others to please ignore the lie part focus on true, Quran don’t work that way, or ignore this as mistake move on, consequence of one, single Hadith wrong directly point at prophet. I mean, I’m sure anyone can prove Quran scientifically, Hadith is very well connected to Quran and all prophet I say why not prove Hadith scientifically.

  • Mohammad Asim

    Member September 15, 2021 at 7:46 pm

    Thank you so much for your time. To get much better understanding I went a head and watch Ghamidi youtube clip “authenticity of Hadith” excellently explained.

    Future reference any question circle around mine simply answer:

    We cannot scientifically prove History 😊


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