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Forums Forums General Discussions Meaning Of Tabarruj / تبرج In Hadith

  • Meaning Of Tabarruj / تبرج In Hadith

    Posted by Ameera Tahir on September 21, 2021 at 8:40 pm

    Aoa! Please tell me what does this hadith mean and if it is authentic:

    “The worst of your women are the ones who commit tabarruj. They are the hypocrites. None from them will enter paradise. ”

    Al Bayhaqi 7/82 Authenticated by Al Albani in As Saheehah 4/1849.

    Im Confused

    Mohammad Asim replied 3 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Meaning Of Tabarruj / تبرج In Hadith

    Mohammad Asim updated 3 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 16 Replies
  • اشهل صادق

    Member September 22, 2021 at 9:21 am

    السلام عليكم

    I don’t know whether this is authentic or not but, as you have stated, according to Allama Albani it is. I see nothing problematic in the text. تبرج is basically a woman’s display of her beauty and ornaments to entice men. God has strictly prohibited this in the Quran in Surah Noor. So, the narration just seems to be emphasizing God’s orders.

    • Mohammad Asim

      Member September 22, 2021 at 3:01 pm

      I humbly request that before you emphasize any sort or kind of ordinance on all of us here for 1.

      2. “God has strictly prohibited this” what is ‘this’? Explain. “ in Quran in Sura noor” it’s An-Nur I looked whole Quran couldn’t find “sura noor” there 350 verses which one?

      Your reply’s narrative seem more like your order then God order.

      Please back your explanation.

  • Mohammad Asim

    Member September 22, 2021 at 9:51 am


    Brother, Allah Pak has and. Have been protected his book Quran throughout.

    Anything, I mean everything, outside Quran is not authentic.

    We have so much, immense confusion in Muslims due to Hadith literature, Allah is not protecting Hadith nor Allah is source of any Hadith. Leave Hadith completely disconnected to Islam focus only to Quran. Go to Quran. Come back to Quran, stay with Quran.

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator September 22, 2021 at 10:09 am

    As اشهل صادق stated, there’s nothing confusing about this narration. Also you already provided the classification by Al-Bani as saheeh.

    The content of the narration is right in line with the norms of gender interaction as we know from the Quran and Sunnah. Please see the following for more details in this regard:

    Discussion 30301

  • Ameera Tahir

    Member September 22, 2021 at 2:24 pm

    Then that means i cannot wear makeup and jewelry to a event even when im fully covered? Non mehrams are everywhere and there is no gender segregation. How will women then attend weddings? Ghamdi sahab also said if im not wrong that women can wear ornaments as it is in their fitrat but then cover themselves properly. As it is in surah nur too clearly that ” except of which modestly appears of” and the mention of ” hidden adornments ” right? That means strictly the decoration of body should not be revealed wear dupatta but face and hands mein riyayat hai right? Im saying this because of ” except of which modestly appears of.”

  • Mohammad Asim

    Member September 22, 2021 at 3:14 pm

    ASA Sister,

    I would like to help you with your confusion before we proceed to much more confusion then we can handle. By asking this question?

    I want to know! Is there a any, or single women (with name) out there in Muslim world today, currently is sole author of Hadith?

    There are I don’t know 100s books of Hadith can anyone please produce a Hadith book who author is, was a Women.

    If there was one,(I m just guessing) we wouldn’t been having this conversation.

    • Afia Khan

      Member September 22, 2021 at 4:18 pm

      Very humbly I am disagreeing with your reasoning. If you think like this then you can also give this reason that all Prophets Alaihim us Salam were men and hadud for women are not right. Respectfully Ahadith are the historical record. A great source for us to understand the life of our beloved Prophet MPOH and to understand Quran better.

  • Ameera Tahir

    Member September 22, 2021 at 3:16 pm

    Sorry im a bit dumb 🙁 you mean men collect hadith so ? They include the inauthentic ones too??

    • Mohammad Asim

      Member September 22, 2021 at 3:27 pm

      You asking question right? So you are not dumb😊 ones who don’t ask questions are dumb.

      2. No, I am saying brother who ask this question stated Hadith literature and author name.

      I am asking Can you search a Hadith book OR can anyone tell you & me that if a women have, had any participation in collecting in these Hadith books.

      WHY all the references of Hadith channel has only Men in it.

      WHY prophet swa saying (Hadith) channel through men?

      WHY there isn’t a single Hadith narrative say this women heard prophet swa say this?

  • Ameera Tahir

    Member September 22, 2021 at 3:39 pm

    I really don’t know 😔

    • Mohammad Asim

      Member September 22, 2021 at 3:46 pm

      ‘Iqrah’ Quran 😊

      I am surprised on the audacity of Mr. Sadiq quote “I don’t know whether this is authentic or not but, as you have stated, according to Allama Albani it is.”

      This means if Allama Albani cusses means “gali de” it’s Authentic?

  • Ameera Tahir

    Member September 22, 2021 at 3:59 pm

    Yes we should never believe in everything blindly. We should check everything. Right.

    • Mohammad Asim

      Member September 22, 2021 at 4:03 pm

      Excellent 😊 hold the book of Allah nothing but, Allah book Quran.

      You will have thousands of questions in, from Quran you won’t find anywhere else except within Quran.

  • Ameera Tahir

    Member September 22, 2021 at 4:05 pm

    Okay thankyou

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator September 22, 2021 at 4:37 pm

    Asim, I’m glad that you give a lot of value to the message of God in the Quran, but please don’t confuse people about Hadith. Ayesha RA has narrated thousands of Hadith narrations. Your point about women not being involved in this enterprise is therefore invalid. I suggest that you take some time to study and understand the body of knowledge called Hadith before discarding or undermining its value.

    Also according to Ask Ghamidi Code of Conduct, if you choose to post a response, that response must directly address the question asked. It might be a great time to review our code at:

    Code of Conduct

  • Mohammad Asim

    Member September 22, 2021 at 5:25 pm

    I thought? This platform, this app, this institution stands and named “Ask Ghamidi” if it’s “Don’t Ask Ghamidi” I will be happier to leave with no problem no harm.

    Before you, or anyone in threads or Mr Ghamidi himself or anyone in organization can point one reply, discussion that I said was irrelevant to question and subject. Except one private message that I have sincerely apologized for.

    You are accusing me for confusion, these people who come ask these basic questions query confusion in Your court or I say Ask Ghamidi for help they all are been turn away with heavy literature that make them more confuse or divert from Quran

    If you, or Ghamidi or Hadith is threatened by me, my reference to Quran than I’m so sorry, I shall leave and give no harm humbly.

    Before you slap code of conduct for second time I shall humbly say you work for Ask Ghamidi then simply open clip of mr Ghamidi where he said “ master Quran 1st then go to history” if I m saying something different in any of my posts I am honor to leave.

    ONE Liner purpose for all of my post reply my narrative was people! don’t pay attention to literature that you can’t do just with, (Hadith) start with Quran apparently this was threat to you & your business so I will leave.

    My totally expression for joining Ghamidi was that he was first person who said Hadith is history DO NOT MIX THEM I thought wow that is different from mullah

    System and this institute is different but realized everyone is sheep eyes ear closed.

    By the way I exactly knew you were gona mentioned Hazart Ayesha my question is who wrote that Ayesha said this?

    Was that a man or woman? No where I have gave impression or ignore the fact she narrated prophet saying had no role.

    Court adjourned!

    Tell Ghamidi there was guy who was trying to bring people focus to Quran and had guts to ASK questions. Make a another code and slap on face of questionnaire.

    Allah hafiz.

    Think you again. It’s sound like exactly how it spells.

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