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  • Why Didn't God Preserve Other Scriptures?

    Posted by Amjad Khan on September 26, 2021 at 5:20 pm

    I have heard Ghamidi sb saying that Divine books in Bible are completely free from any interpolation and all the alterations occurred in historical texts. I differ from this as even the Divine books are not available in their original forms and are translations of what was actually revealed to previous Prophets, therefore it is certain that while carrying out the translations text was open to interpretation and was altered by the scribes according to their beliefs. I want to ask why didn’t God preserve Bible and other scriptures in their original forms like He preserved Quran? Wouldn’t that have prevented Christians and Jews from forming erroneous beliefs? Like in Islam although sects differ in some beliefs but their are core and fundamental beliefs are same (which is due to the fact that we still have Quran in its original form and can always consult it in the matters of faith), jews and christians could’ve done the same.

    Amjad Khan replied 3 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Why Didn't God Preserve Other Scriptures?

    Amjad Khan updated 3 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator September 26, 2021 at 6:03 pm

    I think that this question might be better answered by someone who believes that the previous scriptures were significantly altered.

    It’s true that previous scriptures are not available in their original form and there are errors in translations as well as interpretations. However, there are are errors in translation and interpretation of the Quran as well. Factions within Muslims don’t disagree in “some” beliefs; there are fundamental and ideological differences among different interpretations of Islam.

    • Amjad Khan

      Member September 28, 2021 at 12:13 pm

      Thank you Faisal bhai for your answer. While there are fundamental differences in the interpretations of Islam, a person can still check these interpretations and compare them with the original text of Quran to reach a conclusion. It was not the same for the Jews and Christians whose original text was replaced by different interpretations and the forthcoming generations lost the standard against which these interpretations needed to be tested. That’s what I meant to ask. Jazak’Allah.

  • ودود

    Member September 27, 2021 at 2:39 am

    I agree with bro Faisal’s reply.

    No matter which one of the divine books you are reading, it contains the truth – the true divine verses. The books require pick and choose what make sense. Not everything in the book is necessarily from God and not everything from God can help you in all situations or at all times. You’ll always have to explore all your options from the books and outside the books to do your best to stop tyranny and promote justice. Bear in mind the options you get from outside the book to tackle a problem are also from God.

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