Why Didn't God Preserve Other Scriptures?
I have heard Ghamidi sb saying that Divine books in Bible are completely free from any interpolation and all the alterations occurred in historical texts. I differ from this as even the Divine books are not available in their original forms and are translations of what was actually revealed to previous Prophets, therefore it is certain that while carrying out the translations text was open to interpretation and was altered by the scribes according to their beliefs. I want to ask why didn’t God preserve Bible and other scriptures in their original forms like He preserved Quran? Wouldn’t that have prevented Christians and Jews from forming erroneous beliefs? Like in Islam although sects differ in some beliefs but their are core and fundamental beliefs are same (which is due to the fact that we still have Quran in its original form and can always consult it in the matters of faith), jews and christians could’ve done the same.
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