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Forums Forums Epistemology And Philosophy Why God Loves Humans More Than The Other Creatures?

  • Why God Loves Humans More Than The Other Creatures?

    Posted by Nabeel Akbar on October 1, 2021 at 2:11 pm

    Why do ALLAH SWT love humans that much among other creatures , whereas, humans were created from clay ( means they are not better than angles or may be jinns) ? And why his love is and mercy is endless in case of Prophet Muhammad ( SAW ) ?

    Umer replied 3 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Why God Loves Humans More Than The Other Creatures?

    Umer updated 3 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator October 1, 2021 at 3:19 pm

    God loves all of His creation. His endless mercy is for everyone, and that’s why He has created the paradise where Insha’allah we shall live an eternal life of joy and comfort.

  • ودود

    Member October 2, 2021 at 2:00 am

    Allah loves all of His creations. Where did you get that Allah loves humans more than others?

    All of His creation (both living and non-living) is playing a given role in the universe. Mankind and Jinn are also playing their assigned roles but they needed special assistance and Divine intervention to learn how to handle the ‘freewill’ so we do not misuse it in fighting with each other as it would have failed our mission on Earth. That’s why, the angels were skeptical about delegation of free will to mankind.

    Looks like God wanted to create the next level of intelligence through humans, just like God has created humans out of a lower form of life. Good news is we are almost there to complete our mission and bad news is the end of our mission might also mean the end of world :).

  • Umer

    Moderator October 2, 2021 at 4:17 am

    Please also see:

    Discussion 52245

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