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  • Another Question On Wudu And Prayer

    Posted by Haseeb Faisal on October 15, 2021 at 5:30 pm

    As my last few questions show, I’ve been having lots of trouble performing wudu and salah of late. The answers I’ve received have no doubt been very helpful! However, there’re a couple questions still lingering in my mind.

    1. Is it okay if my limbs touch the wet sink or walls during wudu? In this case, water that is coming out of the sink would be mixed with used water or water already present on those locations, so would this prevent me from cleansing myself with purifying water? Not to mention, the water in the skin could be mixed with spit or impurities removed from the hand during cleansing. Unless I’m overthinking. Additionally, I have to basically sit my foot into the sink because there isn’t lots of room to keep it in the air.

    2. If I fail to pronounce a word during salah exactly as I would’ve liked, should I go back and repeat the word or is it okay for me to ignore slight imperfections and continue? As in, the word is pronounced as it should be but I wasn’t able to generate the exact sound.


    Haseeb Faisal replied 3 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Another Question On Wudu And Prayer

    Haseeb Faisal updated 3 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator October 16, 2021 at 2:09 pm

    1) All these matters relate to custom of a society (urf) i.e. what are the ways people usually use to perform such acts, as long as the basic requirements of the directive are being complied. If people are performing ablution on a sink, then there’s nothing wrong with that. But for your satisfaction, you can fist pour the water on the sink to wash it first, then you can perform the ablution and/or you can was your feet through some other mean, like pouring water directly on the feet through a pail or a bucket. But that’s only for your satisfaction, otherwise there’s nothing apparently wrong with performing ablution on a sink.

    2) If you realize it instantly or at a point where it can still be rectified, then you can say it properly and peform Sajda-e-Sehav. But if you realize it later at some point where it’s not possible to rectify it, then you can simply perform Sajda-e-Sehav.

    • Haseeb Faisal

      Member October 16, 2021 at 3:58 pm

      JazakAllah that makes sense!

      But what would constitute a mistake in pronunciation? For example, if I didn’t roll my tongue enough while saying “subhana rabbiyal a’la”, would this be a mistake in pronunciation?

      And about the sink, this means that there’s no problem if parts of my foot are in direct contact with the sink while I wash it?

    • Umer

      Moderator October 16, 2021 at 4:58 pm

      – When you’re 100% certain that you’ve mispronounced something, then you can consider it a mistake. Otherwise, don’t become too involved in finding mistakes in your recitation all the time, it may lead to OCD.

      – Even if your foot is in direct contact with the sink, continuous water flow will ensure cleanliness of your foot and secondly, even if it doesn’t get properly cleaned after you tried your best in the given circumstances, Insha’Allah it will still be acceptable in the sight of Allah.

    • Haseeb Faisal

      Member October 16, 2021 at 5:07 pm

      JazakAllah Mr. Umer Qureshi! Thank you for all your help over the last couple of days – the answers make a lot of sense! I think I’m going to start a thread for one more question though. Sweat Smile

  • Umer

    Moderator October 16, 2021 at 2:11 pm

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