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Definition Of Modesty And Minimum Dress Code
Posted by Mohammed Zubair Alam on October 15, 2021 at 11:11 pmIf Some men/ women doesn’t dress in a modest way like wearing shorts, half sleeves but the dress is modest according to the society .Is it alright?
And even if it is immodest will he/she questionable for this or it’s just an etiquette or a way to avoid the happening of fornication.
Daniyaa Khan replied 2 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 8 Replies -
8 Replies
Definition Of Modesty And Minimum Dress Code
Moderator October 16, 2021 at 3:08 pmSurah Nur includes etiquettes/norms of Gender Interaction. In principle, a decent dress is what is required according to the norms of the society. Etiquettes of dressing may vary from situation to situation as well as from time to time. For salah, the etiquettes are different than for sports, for example. In all cases, the requirement of وَ یَحْفَظْنَ فُرُوْجَھُنَّ must be observed in additon to other directives in Surah Nur, however, it’s application may very from situation to situation and from society to society.
Securing the Institution of Family is the rationale (Hikmat/Maqsad) behind these directives, but prevention from Zina (adultery) is the ‘illat’ (Haqeeqat) behind them. One will be questioned when one commits any ‘Fawahish‘ as mentioned in Quran which includes adultery, display of private parts to others, bestiality, homosexuality etc. One may also become accountable if one goes against his/her honest understanding of these directives and flouts them intentionally because such an attitude may lead to arrogance (‘istakbar’). Other violations done in following of these directives will also be a sin but of a lower magnitude when compared with a major sin like adultery for example.
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member October 17, 2021 at 12:56 amOkay .
What about those who did fornication knowingly it’s haram but repented later.
As far as I know there is forgiveness If repented in a true in a true way.
Moderator October 17, 2021 at 6:03 pmDoors of repentance are open. Following is the law of forgiveness in Quran:
Please also see:
Daniyaa Khan
Member November 19, 2022 at 2:18 pmbut in other discussion you said zad e zariya(minor sins) are forgivable without asking forgiveness if one stay away from actual major sin ALLAH will forgive them as a reward now you are saying its comes under arrogance which is although big big sin. People do a lot of minor sins knowingly then they come under arrogance where will be the reward concept?
Daniyaa Khan
Member November 19, 2022 at 2:25 pmif one lives in western or American society then norms will change culture changes will it be acceptable to dress like them or it comes under arrogance against ALLAH?
because hifz-e-furooj applicability will change in west or American society and in a sports what Sir Javed ahmad Ghamidi explained. private parts should be covered but increasing and increasing further stuff will it depend on situation, society if ones do it then he/she will be showing arrogance towards ALLAH?
Daniyaa Khan
Member November 19, 2022 at 2:53 pmif these directives are minor sins and one do it intentionally because people who do not study quran or ask questions about it they are less sinful than us who learning and asking questions about it because if they do minor sins they are doing unintentionally but now we know these are directives and minor sins if one do it after knowing then it is arrogance right ALLAH will not forgive them without repentance?
Daniyaa Khan
Member November 19, 2022 at 3:25 pmAren’t those people are in better situation who don’t study islam that such and ask questioning they follow as much as they know because if we know we can’t undo it and then everything thing which is wrong if we do it we are commiting a sin intentionally and if we continue to do it like minor sin even if we don’t like it but in Liberal societies like west if we don’t dress modestly or do other minor sins and continue to do it then we are showing arrogance to ALLAH isn’t it better to ask less or as much as we can follow because sometimes its too difficult to be perfect or fullfil all the directives
Can we say explore islam less? like other muslims
Daniyaa Khan
Member November 19, 2022 at 4:25 pmIn west tight shirts or shorts and cleavage visibility this is normal dresse code there. is this their hifz e furooj because they don’t find it awkward their moms, girls all of them dress like that even in school they wear short skirts. In sports there they wear the same dress tight and short and cleavage visible although their private gentiles and main area of chest is covered. People dress like this normally its there norm, cultural thing even in turkey a lot of people dress like that even in most muslim countries women dressing is tight outfits and much liberal if someone is there will then norms will change culture will change would it be okay there to change the dress code or dress code will be same as in sudia or Pakistan etc
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