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  • Some Confusion On Adornments.

    Posted by Mohammed Zubair Alam on October 23, 2021 at 10:16 am

    “Illama zahara minha” means which normally appears.

    Hifz-e-furooz(Women):- Face, hair, hands,feet,neck.

    Maintaing this Women can adorn their hair, neck as well.

    According to verse 31 of Surah noor It was advised to “cover the bosom with their khimar”.

    Khimar was not the order to wear but to cover the bosom was the order.

    It can naturally be understood that their khimar was used to be long so that’s Why Allah advised them to hide their adornments on chest with khimar and not to expose except mehrams, people with no sexual desire, children unaware of women nakedness.

    In my knowledge women at that time used to wear less cloths on the upper part of the body resulting in appearing of cleavage. They also used to wear adornments on neck/shoulder which used to go down the cleavage. This has become more clear when Allah mentioned “children unaware of women nakedness”. A necklace on neck can’t be described as nakedness/private parts.

    So I believe It’s no wrong for women to adorn their neck, hair. Someone can also wear adornments(jewellery)on clothes by properly covering the bosom.Also someone can also adorn their neckline area.

    This is my understanding. Please correct me I am wrong. And sorry for making it so lengthy.

    ودود replied 3 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Some Confusion On Adornments.

    ودود updated 3 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • ودود

    Member October 23, 2021 at 6:35 pm

    The objective is to uphold modesty while dressing up. What is modest and what is not depends on time and place you live in. In india exposing tummy while wearing a sari is considered modest. In western world, exposing legs to some extent is considered modest. On the other hand, one can easily identify hookers no matter where you go in the world. They dress up differently. There are also some women who are not hookers as such but they are actively looking for a sex partner. You can also easily spot them while roaming around streets and malls in any country. Allah does not want believer women be mistaken as hookers or sex seekers. Thats the whole point. As long asvyou are seen as a modest man or woman in the society you live in, you are fine.

  • Mohammed Zubair Alam

    Member October 23, 2021 at 11:18 pm

    @Irfan76 What’s your take on this?. Do u agree with him.

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar October 24, 2021 at 3:22 am

    Not only a modest women should not dress up like a hooker, she is advised to not to arise extra attention of men for example by producing sound from the anklet. The same goes for bangles.

    face, feet, neck, and hands are usually considered to let uncover even if adorned. The bosom is to be covered with extra cloth, Khimar, when they it is adorned. This is the bottom line drawn by God.

    • Mohammed Zubair Alam

      Member October 24, 2021 at 3:46 am

      So If someone wear jewelleries after covering the bosom properly and also it’s accepted by society and culture but then also it’ll considered to be wrong?

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar October 24, 2021 at 4:00 am

    Since woman’s bosom comes in the category of Faruj, which is supposed to be covered, the jewelry on the bosom attract eyes toward it. So jewelry on bosom needs to be covered.

    • Mohammed Zubair Alam

      Member October 24, 2021 at 4:20 am

      If it is so then a beautiful/attractive design on the bosom region of a cloth can also attract eyes towards it🤔.

      Also Is the upper region of a bosom excluded from this ruling? I mean the neckline area.

    • ودود

      Member October 24, 2021 at 5:07 am

      Sex seekers use many tactics to try to turn necks of men and seek attention of their targets. In the modern days this is done thru instagram or sharing your profile handle thru bluetooth, QR codes etc. A muslim woman should not indulge in actions that invite men to flirting. Thats the substance and the spirit and it need to be followed in all times. The form given in Quran or Ahadith was meant for Arab culture of that time and it may not necessarily be effective to other cultures or in other times. Jewelry and colors of cloths don’t matter any more so no need to worry about it. We need to worry about figuring out the best ways to follow the spirit rather than the letter.

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