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  • Metaphysical Beings?

    Posted by Abdullah Farooq on October 29, 2021 at 2:05 am

    My mother knows someone who is fanous in our family that she knows when something bad is about to happen or something good. She is very pious and rightous person. Like recently the family was going through a crises that no one knew about but she called and said that she was told by her teacher ( she calls them teacher) that this fanily is going through some trials. I didn’t use to believe it, but this last incident has been thinking how is it possible? is it all fake or how can someone know about our crises when we didn’t tell anyone. Is there any explanation for it or this is all a coincidence?

    Abdullah Farooq replied 3 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Metaphysical Beings?

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar October 29, 2021 at 4:10 am

    We all experience at some point the telling of our sixth sense. This faculty can be stronger in some people.

    Secondly, there is an established relationship between junns and human as told by the Quran. They inform humans about certain happenings. Sometime these jinns as told by the Quran succeeded to overhear angels discussing the direction of God, and they tell that to their friends in human beings.

  • Faraz Siddiqui

    Member October 29, 2021 at 7:05 am

    There’s one such “buzurg” is all indian/pakistani families.

    the problem is deep rooted and related to tasuwwuf that if you r pious and prays alot, Allah will reveal somethings to you and especially about others. This is, at its heart, a very strange if not outright ridiculous idea that one get communication about others but not him/herself like what he/she should do about increasing personal morality or avoiding certain small and hidden sins etc etc. It is usually about others which doesnt make any sense

    usually it is nothing but conjecture / guess work. As far as communicating with higher beings, its not uncommon at all. You can search RA-ONE and Seth speaks, 2 very popular extra terrestrial beings who communicated with 2 women and told alot of things about the future of mankind, nature of human existence, reality of spirit etc etc

    in my experience, people would get true dreams when they get close to Allah and even without it, sometimes Allah would reveal something in future about them or immediate family members and thats it. There’s no way Allah would show a dream about an unrelated person to someone who’s pious or whatnot. Allah has no need to go through such a path, He can just let the concerned person know if He wish to.

    personally, I’ve dragged to 2 different females peers who, my mother believed, had spiritual powers. I asked them about 2 different things at different times. Both times their opinion was different than mine and outright wrong. I didn’t take their advice and prayed and did my own istikhara and was successful Alhamdulillah. It cemented my belief that Allah is always available and always free for me and He will listen my question and answer immediately. My only job is to stay impartial and do not force my own wish/opinions on the matter.

    Another sufi I know personally, he is very good and he foretold many things and they were true. Again, i don’t know how but i realized that i do not need that because no one has power to change taqdeer so why worry? just do your best and remain honest to yourself in your actions and Allah will give you peace of heart in your life

    hope this helps

  • Abdullah Farooq

    Member October 31, 2021 at 4:25 am

    Thanks for the reply. I understand your point. It is still pretty impressive if such skill does exist in some people.

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