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Forums Forums Epistemology And Philosophy Is The Veil Between God And Human Beings The Reason For Atheism?

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  • Is The Veil Between God And Human Beings The Reason For Atheism?

    Posted by Amjad Khan on November 10, 2021 at 12:31 pm

    I heard Ghamidi sb in a lecture that there’s a veil between mankind and God because it is necessary for this worldly trial. If this veil is not there and God becomes visible then there would be no need for this trial/test. I would like to ask what about angels and jinns? There’s no veil between them and God and they’re in His presence, still God tests them. Wouldn’t that have ended the whole notion of atheism if humans too were granted some empirical evidence of God’s presence like angels and jinns? The trial still could’ve existed (like it exists for Jinns). JazakAllah

    Amjad Khan replied 3 years, 3 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Is The Veil Between God And Human Beings The Reason For Atheism?

  • ودود

    Member November 10, 2021 at 5:56 pm

    God has created life on earth as a part of His creation plans. Like other creations, no matter they are angels, jinns, energy, mass, chemicals, living things, etc., all of them are playing a role in the creation process. Humans are also assigned a role in the creation as per Surah Almulk verse 2 to excel in good works that requires creating and innovating solutions. Just like any employer, God will see which ones of us do a better job. Please note the primary objective here is to meet the creation goals and not to see which one of us are better than others. Thats because God has said in Quran that he has not created this world as a “game” that delivers no meaningful output other than a ranking of players. In the contrary our role on earth is a serious work on creation plan.

    God has always helped people make this test easier and not harder from day one by sending us messengers, divine books and miracles. If the intention was to make the test fairer and harder for us regardless how many people deliver the good deeds, there was no need for all those ‘out of the way’ favors and generous repentance and mercy on top of that. Also there was no need to clear off the earth with rebellious insane people who denied messengers despite clear signs as exponential growth of their race could have created a lot more criminals that world could afford to successfully deliver the creation plan.

    Now the reason why God has not made himself visible to humans or enable us remember the life before birth or at least the covenant we have ‘allegedly’ made with God could be the limitations of our biological body that we have been given to play our role on earth. Jinns and angels have a different role so they got a different body and if they can directly interact with him that might be required in their role and possible for their bodies to do so.

    Now one can ask if God can do everything so why did he give us a body that is not capable of doing certain things that we believe could have helped us on earth to follow God. We can come up with many ideas but it’s not our domain to decide what kind of body would have been better or worse it is Allah’s domain to make his creation plans and how He wants to deliver it. He is the master mind of his creation plans.

    Saying God has not given us certain information or ability because ‘he wanted to test us’ is a baseless argument you hear when one can’t think of a plausible explanation as that would require zooming out and figuring out the big picture since the beginning of the history of the universe.

    • Amjad Khan

      Member November 12, 2021 at 10:45 am

      Thank you Wadud for such a detailed response!

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator November 10, 2021 at 7:13 pm

    Angels are not being tested. As far as Jinns are concerned, there’s no evidence to conclude that there’s no veil between them and God.

    What Ghamidi sahab stated regarding the reason for the veil between God and humans is a logical inference of God’s grand scheme described in the Quran. For details please see:

    Discussion 1623

    The problem with atheism is not the veil between humans and God. We believe in many things that we can’t see. No one can see things like energy, force, time, and even their own intellect. However, we positively conclude in the existence of these things from their respective signs. Similarly, we can’t see God, however His existence is undeniably evident from His signs all around us. In fact, neither this universe nor our own existence within this universe can be explained without God. Atheism doesn’t provide an alternative explanation in this regard; it simply denies God with baseless arguments. The existence of God is so glaringly evident to every human being that unless someone is really determined to suspend their own faculties of reason and rationality, there’s absolutely no possible way to deny it.

    • Amjad Khan

      Member November 11, 2021 at 3:13 am

      Thank you Faisal bhai for such a detailed response. I would like to clarify another point, as you stated earlier there’s no evidence to conclude that there’s no veil between them and God, wasn’t Iblees present when God ordered angels to prostrate to Adam. And from Quran we also know that Jinns have access to high up above from where they can eavesdrop. Please clarify. Thanks.

    • Umer

      Moderator November 11, 2021 at 5:30 am

      In the same incident, Adam (sws) was also present and yet we humans have this veil beween us and God. The point is that we do not know the nature of the test for the Jinns and nature of veil for them, we have been given very limited information in this regard.

      For comments of Ghamidi Sahab, please refer to the video below from 1:25:25 to 1:26:35

    • Amjad Khan

      Member November 12, 2021 at 10:46 am

      Thank you Umer bhai.

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