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Forums Forums Islam And State 13. Excommunication / Takfir – Response To 23 Questions

  • 13. Excommunication / Takfir – Response To 23 Questions

    Faisal Haroon updated 3 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 4 Replies
  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator November 11, 2021 at 10:09 am

    Part 1 – Episode 68

    00:15- A summary about the concept of takfir?

    1:50- Explain your point of view about Takfir?

    18:15- How can we distinguish between literal meaning of Kufr and implication in Quran

    20:10- Understanding of Kufr with reference to Verse of Surah Araf # 75-onwards

    22:25- Understanding of Kufr with reference to Verse of Surah Ibrahim # 9-onwards

    24:31- Understanding of Kufr with reference to Verse of Surah Ibrahim # 13-onwards

    26:16- Understanding of Kufr with reference to Verse of Surah Zukhruf#20-onwards

    29:03- General understanding of Kufr and takfir based on these references

    32:30- Meaning of Takfir and its application?

    38:29- Excerpt from Maqamat “Muslim and Non-Muslim” and explanation

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator November 18, 2021 at 1:21 pm

    Part 2 – Episode 69

    00:29- Summary of previous episode

    10:12- Takfir in case of Apostasy

    21:43- Takfir in case of Muslims who have wrong belief or practice?

    37:25- Why ulema cannot decide which interpreation is correct or not?

    39-35- Isnt Kuffar e Makka also used to give argument about their belief?

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator November 25, 2021 at 9:35 am

    Part 3 – Episode 70

    00:00- Summary of last episode

    1:00- What does Quran say about your stance?

    4:48- Comment on Hadith Sahih Bukhari# 67

    8:15- Comment on Surah Hujrat verses 11

    11:14- Is takfir icluded in Tanawuz bil alqab?

    16:35- Comment on Hadith Sahih Muslim# 96

    21:12- Comment on part of Hadith Sahih Bukhari# 6047

    26:15- Comment on Hadith Sahih Muslim# 60

    35:35- Consequences of takfir

    37:19- What are the reasons of such Hadith narration?

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator December 2, 2021 at 9:44 am

    Part 4 – Episode 71

    01:30- Why Surah Kaafirun calls meccans kafir?

    13:00- If Allah has done takfir then why cant we do it?

    14:05- When Allah has already gave innate ability of recognition of God, then why we cant do it?

    17:09- Is it possible to say there are kafir and we dont know about them?

    19:06- Why Quran donot use the word non-muslim?

    20:42- Quran says when people come to medina they needed to be investigated, isnt it permission for muslims?

    24:25- When you admit that nonmuslim cannot live in Arab then how can you say tafkir not possible?

    27:00- What if some one claim God has sent wahi?

    33:36- What if that person claim those who dont accept his wahi is non muslim?

    34:21- If some one claim he is muslim but deny basic tenet?

    36:34- Why Allah called bad names to some people?

    40:00- Why then muhadiseen called narrators as liar?

    43:05- What if muslim fight with other muslim on some wrong idea? can a govt be dissolved base

    46:16- Why Prophet said that there will be people can become kafir

    46:40- There are sign of hypocrites, can we call some one muafiq?

    48:11- There are some matters which need takfir of people then how can we deal with such situation?

    51:15- What is take home lesson from all the episodes on this topic?

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