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  • The Whole Matter Of Dressing In Islam.

    Posted by Mohammed Zubair Alam on November 13, 2021 at 2:31 am

    After understanding the whole fact of dressing I’ve come to the conclusion that every part of dressing based upon reasons. Most of the reasons are scientific, some are cultural and some are to maintain the system of this world.

    Firstly, Allah made the whole matter of hifz-e-furzooz to prevent the world from unlawful sex. Now there are various meaningful reasons why Allah made the unlawful sex forbidden.

    Secondly, the whole matter of Mustahab also dependent on culture, nature and weather.

    After maintaining Hifz-e-furooz the things which one should maintain while dressing are:-

    1) weather:- example (he/she cover her/his head due to cold breeze or sunrays, wearing gloves= covering hands due to winter) and etc.

    2)personal choice

    3)choice of closed one’s:-example (A husband can choose the dress of his wife, wheather to cover the hair or not ,which type of dress should she wear according to enviroment . Similarly A wife can do the same for her husband.) But personal choice is above than this.

    4) her/his culture (which can be different from the culture of the place where he/she lives in)

    5) society norm.

    Among these 5 reasons I truly believe the first one (weather) actually pass the concept of mustahab . Cause Allah will obviously like It If we prevent ourselves. And then maybe the culture or societly will interfere. Cause A culture can also make a women wear headscarf and A culture can also make a women wear nothing on head/hair . Also a women belonging from a culture , which doesn’t wear headscarf can reject the culture(wearing headscarf) where she lives in.

    There was a time when Culture used to be decisive in Clothing but now Culture should be in a way which should not force anyone to wear headscarf or not to wear it. It should be free and the dressing sense should be left to the personal choice of everyone. The essential things should be there but the rest should be left to the people.

    And in a society , people from different culture lives in. And each culture in a society make the societly norm for that every particular culture .

    So I normally don’t think that covering head for women , or wearing full sleeves is mustahab or anything. We can’t make anything “mustahab” based on our thinking or our personal choice.

    According to me the conclusion is the whole matter of mustahab on dressing is mainly based On weather.

    And If one talk about culture or society then It’s human nature to follow the society norm and it’s upto the person whether she/he wanted to follow or not. But I don’t think there is anything mustahab on this matter.

    Modesty is the main thing for which one will be rewarded.

    Thirdly, adornment can be worn by women on hair, face, neck[adjoining part:- neckline area], hands[adjoining part :- Arms(not the armpits)], feet.

    And these are the things which are also now socially acceptable in most of the places in the world.

    Ghamidi saab normally doesn’t support the adornments on hair I don’t know why because it is the part which generally stay exposed but he also said that there can be disagreement on this matter. Also I’ve seen here many scholars, moderators do say it is permissible .I also believe it is permissible.

    And the next thing in which I am in confusion is adornments on chest.

    I mean If someone wear loose cloths and according to that society or eniviroment everyone wear adornments on neck or shoulder which generally goes down the chest.

    Cause If someone wear adornments on neck which go down bosom but she is also wearing a loose cloth then how is it possible for someone to get attracted through her bosom when it is covered from cloths.

    I believe once essential part of a body is covered properly it doesn’t matter where she adorns .

    Clarify me If I am misunderstood. It’s very complicated. In India ,women wear saree which expose the middle part of the body. And it is considered to be modest.

    Mohammed Zubair Alam replied 3 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • The Whole Matter Of Dressing In Islam.

  • Mohammed Zubair Alam

    Member November 14, 2021 at 3:09 am
  • Mohammed Zubair Alam

    Member November 14, 2021 at 8:53 pm

    Can I get a reply?

  • Umer

    Moderator November 15, 2021 at 7:35 am

    Can you please post your question in a specific way?

    • Mohammed Zubair Alam

      Member November 15, 2021 at 7:53 am

      Sorry for making it too confusion.

      1) tell me wheather my understanding on the concept of mustahab is acceptable or not.

      2) my understanding on adornments is correct or wrong.

      3)Why adornments on chest is not allowed If the chest is already been properly covered by a cloth?

      4) In India, saree expose the middle part of the body(the stomach region) and it is considered to be modest . So is it alllwed?

    • Umer

      Moderator November 15, 2021 at 8:49 am

      1) Anything which is over and above the requirements of وَ یَحْفَظْنَ فُرُوْجَھُنَّ and covering of adornments for women (except for hands, feet and face) comes under mustahab. It can be due to any factor, whether it be culture, weather or personal preference.

      2) This point seems correct.

      3) Adornements do catch eye of the person and chest area for women is also one of their private areas which falls under وَ یَحْفَظْنَ فُرُوْجَھُنَّ directive, therefore extra precautionary directive has been given, despite the fact one is covering her chest properly, where adornments done over and above the requirements of وَ یَحْفَظْنَ فُرُوْجَھُنَّ need to be covered except for إِلَّا مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا .

      4) As far as dress code is concerned, it can be less and it can be more, but there’s no element of fawahish in here. Quran has asked to cover private parts fully and with caution, which means that bodily areas annexed to private parts should also be covered in order to ensure proper spirit of a directive. Wearing of a Saree exposing body of a woman does infact violate the proper covering of private parts and goes against etiquettes of dressing, and Muslims should avoid wearing such a dress. However, it cannot be called as ‘Fawahish‘ as used in Quran. Following response maybe helpful:

      Discussion 41639 • Reply 43290

    • Mohammed Zubair Alam

      Member November 15, 2021 at 8:54 am

      Thank you for clearance🙏🏻❤.

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