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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Meaning Of Words Naqis-ul-Aqal And Naqis-ud-din Used In Hadith

  • Meaning Of Words Naqis-ul-Aqal And Naqis-ud-din Used In Hadith

    Posted by muhammad saad on November 15, 2021 at 11:51 am

    my question is that here dr shahzad saleem describes in his book that “the word ‘”(عقل)” here

    means “worldly affairs” since it is used in conjugation with the word “دین ” (religion).” .is it a rule of Arabic that if word “عقل” comes with “دین” the ” عقل“means wordily affairs. anyone please give example of this usage of word عقل+دین as mention by sir i will be thankful to him?

    reference from book:

    The following

    Hadith is generally presented to support the

    view that women are less sensible than men:

    Islam and Women: Misconceptions and Misperceptions 12

    Abu# Sa‘id Khudri narrates that the Prophet (sws) while once

    talking to a group of women on the occasion of Eid ul Fitr or

    Eid ul Adha said: ‘… and I have seen no one more than you

    rob even a resolute man of his senses in spite of being Naqisati

    ‘Aql wa Din’. They said: ‘O Allah’s Messenger, what is this

    Naqs in religious and worldly affairs?’ He said: ‘Is not the

    evidence of a woman equal to half of a man’s’. They said:

    ‘Yes’. He said: ‘This is their Naqs in worldly affairs’. He said:

    ‘Is it not a fact that when they enter the period of menses they

    neither pray nor fast’. They said: ‘Yes’. Whereupon he said:

    ‘This is the Naqs in religious affairs’. (Bukhari, No: 298)

    This misconception has arisen because of a wrong translation

    of the Arabic phrase Naqisati ‘Aql wa Din. The word ‘Naqs’ has

    generally been translated as ‘defective’ keeping in view the Urdu

    meaning of the word. However, in Arabic, the verb ‘ ’

    (Naqasa) means ‘to reduce’ and the word ‘ ’ (‘Aql) here

    means ‘worldly affairs’ since it is used in conjugation with the

    word ‘ ’ (religion).

    HAMZA Hussain replied 9 months, 1 week ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies

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