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  • Clarifications About Hadith – Women Naqis-ul-Aqal

    Posted by Muhammad Usama Ashraf on November 19, 2021 at 1:34 pm

    Recently I came across a hadith: Link to hadith

    And it drew my attention back to one of the nicest lectures I watched where Ghamidi sb. talked about “Does Islam suppress women.” Link to the lecture

    So in order to make things easier, I will go in sequence to address the issue.

    IF this hadith is authentic (if it is not authentic, you can already ignore this part and move to the next part)

    If there is no argument about its validity and surety, then I wonder how could prophet tell women that:

    • They are less intelligent giving the reason, “The evidence of two women is equal to the witness of one man.” While Ghamidi sb. holds the opinion that it has nothing to do with the capabilities of women being less than men and it is only those witnesses made for personal reasons e.g. while having witnesses for your personal dealings etc. Then why did the prophet use this argument to reason out the intelligence of women less than men? A lot confusing to me.
    • I find it very hard to digest that the prophet will say women are deficient in their religion because they cannot pray and fast during menstrual periods. They (women) have been given room to not fast by their religion during the menstrual period. And then you use that freedom that you gave at first to degrade someone based on something that they have no control on. I do not understand at all how could one give this argument.

    IF this hadith is not authentic

    Sahih Bukhari is the most authentic book of hadith considered among the whole Muslim nation. If this hadith is not authentic (or even if it has the slightest doubt about its authenticity), why on Earth would you add this to a book which is going to be a source of great knowledge to the Muslims or even the whole world in general who might be interested in knowing about ISLAM.

    When I attended the above-mentioned lecture on Women by Ghamidi sb., I was very contented about how religion perceives women but reading this hadith makes me wonder a lot to rethink what I thought was a problem solved to me.

    I look forward to some plausible explanation to my doubts and thank you for paying attention to my question.

    Faisal Haroon replied 3 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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