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  • Quran Is Copied From Bible, Torah, Sumerian And Greek Books

    Posted by Ahmed Mohiuddin on November 23, 2021 at 7:01 am

    How can we say that God exist and Quran is word of God ? Quran is copied from Bible ,Torah,sumerian books,Greek books every story of Quran is copied then how can it be word of God

    Umer replied 3 years, 3 months ago 7 Members · 62 Replies
  • 62 Replies
  • Quran Is Copied From Bible, Torah, Sumerian And Greek Books

    Umer updated 3 years, 3 months ago 7 Members · 62 Replies
  • Nadeem

    Member November 23, 2021 at 7:35 am

    Brother Ahmed, I had the same questions, but looking deeper into it you find clear answers to all this. These are three questions with very long three answers.

    I will attempt to answer extremely briefly.

    1. For existence of Allah, look inside yourself and think deeply and also look outside at the greatness of universe from infinite expanses of galaxies and stars and look at the smallest of objects and their size from atoms and subatomic particles. Whoever created all this is called Allah. Another proof of Allah is Quran.

    2. Is Quran a word of Allah? Only Allah can know about past, present and future and how this universe and everything came to existence. Then read Quran. See this video and read carefully.

    3. Is Quran copied from previous holy books and from already known Greek science? This is the claim those people make who have not read the books. All holy books are from the same Allah so they would carry the same message. But if you read carefully there are many corrections and additional info in Quran. Also, other than Quran, there is no authentic holy book that exists which is a direct word of Allah. There are 60 distinct and dramatically different versions of Bible. Also Bible is not a Word of Allah. Most of it is like we have Hidith of prophet Muhammad pbuh.

    Also it is claimed that facts of the universe were already known by Greeks and copied in Quran. Even if it was true, at that time there were also very wrong science believed by Greeks at that time. How is it that only correct science got copied in Quran and no wrong science entered in Quran? Did prophet tested and verified all science first?

  • ودود

    Member November 23, 2021 at 7:51 am

    Existence of God and whether He has revealed anything are two different topics. Which one interest you more? If both, better create two separate discussions.

    Here are my one-liner answers to you question – hope that would help:

    • The design part of the creation can’t be explained without a conscious supreme power aka God.
    • The proof of Quran having divine intervention is that it guides you to a successful life both in here and in the hereafter without asking for anything in return.

    Do ask follow up questions if necessary.

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 23, 2021 at 8:05 am

      Many books written by different people who are doctors,life coaches too guide people in life this doesn’t mean these books are from God .and evey story of Qur’an is either based on previous religious text like Bible,Torah,epics of Gilgamesh and rest of it is taken from Jewish legends stories from Jewish scholars and the myths of pre islamic are too included in Quran.if God was really the author of Qur’an why he did told a story Which was knew? Why he have to copy everything? If he was really the author of Qur’an then he would not copy anything and every story would have been unique

    • ودود

      Member November 23, 2021 at 8:25 am

      The other divine books are also from God so if he has included a more accurate version of the same stories in the later version, so what’s wrong in this?

      The right way to read any book is to get the central idea first at the macro level. Discussing micro level stuff without the central theme may confuse the reader.

      Just focus on those verses that makes sense and ignore those that don’t, until they begin to make sense. Thats because there is some valuable contrarians truth that does not click to everyone in their first reading.

      It’s hard to prove with a fool proof certainly that everything in Quran is from God, though I believe it is but I would like to suggest you do not believe anything from God until it makes sense.

      Just to get an idea, could you please explain what is the central of islam and christianity and which one makes more sense to you?

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 23, 2021 at 8:34 am

      Nothing makes sense to me neither Christianity nor Islam I am very confused whether God exists or not. If hypothetically God exist and sent a message in the form of book he doesn’t have to repeat the same old stories in Quran why would he ? Does he lack creativity ? No but a human like muhammad lacks creativity hence he made up that book and claim to be the word of God.and sorry if I hurt anyone here . I am not here to hurt anyone’s feelings and beliefs.i just want the truth

    • ودود

      Member November 23, 2021 at 8:45 am

      Alright, so start with existence of God question first.

      No point in discussing Quran or Bible. That would come later.

      What’s you questions about existence of God and what popular arguments on the web to prove God do not make sense to you? You need to be specific so we keep the discussion to the point.

    • Nadeem

      Member November 23, 2021 at 9:30 am

      I agree with you Wadood. Brother Ahmad need to read and understand Quran at Macro level. Getting into details comes later. Whether it is copied or scientific arrors are all Internet diversions and not the truth. Without basic, a person can’t go to details.

  • Ahmed Mohiuddin

    Member November 23, 2021 at 7:59 am

    1.the whole universe every thing every atom is unique . universe is finely tuned that doesn’t mean God exist or he created it

    2.You said there are scientific facts in Quran no there are none .those are just re interpretation of verses of Quran .There are many scientific errors in Quran

    How can it be word of God

    All Qur’an contains is just pre islamic stories myths of epic of Gilgamesh, Jewish legend stories . Persian legends this is because Mecca was centre of trade and muhammad was a merchant he might have heared these stories for years until he claimed propehthood after 40 years

  • Faraz Siddiqui

    Member November 23, 2021 at 8:26 am

    Brother Ahmed why r u asking such questions?

    Epic of Gilgamesh!! This is such an old argument, probably 60-70yrs ago and refuted so many times. Same is the scientific errors story, grammatical errors, all these have been answered so successfully by number of scholars. I don’t understand why r u reinventing the wheel?

    If u have exhausted other sources and still have questions then, absolutely, share the results of your research and post your critique on the answers given by Muslim scholars and then we can have a fruitful discussion

    On the other hand, if u think another scripture is better than Quran then let us know your reasons

    Lastly, if u r of the opinion that science has proven God doesn’t exist then tell us your opinion and evidence

    All this to have a fruitful and learned discussion in order to achieve some meaningful outcome. Just bashing Islam isn’t helpful for any learning

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 23, 2021 at 8:38 am

      Where was the argument of epics of Gilgamesh refuted? When? Who refuted it?

    • Faraz Siddiqui

      Member November 23, 2021 at 9:18 am

      There r research papers written on comparison b/w epic and biblical and quranic accounts. Epic was discovered in 1920-30s and it’s incomplete. It’s about gods and goddesses fighting their pawns and doesn’t resemble the monotheistic God of Bible/Quran.

      Plz read few papers and see if u have any questions left

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 23, 2021 at 9:20 am

      Are that reaserch papers refuting that Qur’an didn’t copied from epics of Gilgamesh

    • Faraz Siddiqui

      Member November 23, 2021 at 10:19 am

      It highlights the difference between epic and biblical & quranic narrative based on non theological arguments.

      Beside the difference between epic and Quran is so apparent that even superficial read can highlight that Quran isn’t talking about the epic at all

  • Ahmed Mohiuddin

    Member November 23, 2021 at 8:30 am

    Science can’t prove that God doesn’t exist neither it can prove that God exists this is because science itself is dynamic.we can’t be 100% sure that this fact of science is true then how can we come to a conclusion using science

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 23, 2021 at 8:57 am

    @Qutubshah brother there are more than 200 flood stories in different cultures similar to Noah a.s flood including epic of Gilgamesh .this is only because most of population of the world are descended of Noah .as (savior of flood) otherwise who is it possible there is same story of flood revolving all around the world.?

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 23, 2021 at 9:14 am

      The 200 stories of great flood exist either because all originate from the Noah or this maybe because every civilizations went through a great flood . every civilization had floods if all the stories 200 of them tell that after the great flood they were saved from a big ship then only the story of Noah is historically correct

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 23, 2021 at 9:21 am

    @Qutubshah brother flood is not important many also came in Pakistan. all these stories have same theme” GOD BECOME ANGRY DUE TO SIN OF PEOPLE HE KILLED SINNED PEOPLE AND ONLY FEW PIOUS PEOPLE ARE SAVED IN A SHIP.” there can’t be any other explanation other then i gave .

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 23, 2021 at 9:33 am

      If all stories say the same story then it’s an historical fact.and the issue of copying is invalid here but what about other stories in Quran each and every story is copied from here and there and there is not a single orginal story in quran

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 23, 2021 at 9:36 am

    @Qutubshah comes up with them one by one so that we can answer?

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 23, 2021 at 9:38 am

    @Qutubshah brother you can create separate threads for each of the query.

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 23, 2021 at 9:49 am

    @Qutubshah brother always go where facts takes you rather than you will go where you want to go and pick and choose selective facts. If you have doubt don’t lull them to sleep keep asking questions . i bet you will get satisfactory answers.

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 23, 2021 at 9:52 am

      Yes I think I am being selective .I may be taking facts which are against Qur’ understood me partially what you ask me to do now? Which facts to look for? I am confused

    • Faraz Siddiqui

      Member November 23, 2021 at 10:01 am

      You started the thread as existence of God is doubtful

      Let’s stick with that

      Post ur doubts serially

      See if u can reference ur thoughts too so we know which source u used

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 23, 2021 at 10:05 am

    @Qutubshah brother first comes with doubts regarding Quran .create separate treads for each doubt.

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 23, 2021 at 10:07 am

    @Qutubshah brother you should critically evaluate these doubt like devil advocate. critical thinking is admirable act.

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 25, 2021 at 1:34 am

      The Qur’an says sperm comes from the backbone same does Greek scientists Aristotle and Gallen said that sperm comes from backbone this is an scientific error this proves Qur’an is copied then why believe in a thing which is copied

    • ودود

      Member November 25, 2021 at 2:22 am

      Quran is not a monolith book that was send down to earth as one book of over 6000 verses. It was revealed verse by verse and chapter by chapter over a period of 23 years.

      If any verse or verses do not make sense to you, you can move on to the next ones. The right way to benefit from a book is to try to get the central idea first and find those points that makes sense to you. If you like it you can move on to other points that you do not agree and try to figure out if there is some hidden contrarian truth. this is when you will begin to benefit from the Divine wisdom.

      If you read a book that has ideas already aligned with your prior knowledge or concepts, you wont learn anything new and the book will be useless. Learning start from disagreement but you got to be humble and remember the difference does not mean the other person is wrong it may also mean that you are wrong.

      The reason why this book cannot be from anyone other than God is that it respect your freewill and present the case of purpose of life to your rationale and tells you follow it only if this makes sense to you and does not hold you accountable if anything you do not follow because does not make sense to you. The punishment part comes in only if despite knowing it’s true and rational you choose not to follow out of arrogance or other self interests. If it were from someone other than God, it would force you to follow certain rules no matter you agree with them or not – no one would ever write a book for you to set you free and follow your own rationale except for the one who has created a rational being and He wants it to optimize the use of this unique capability so you can deliver the task you been given on Earth.

      If you disagree with my understanding that Islam liberates mankind and sets us free and, unlike any other ism or ideology, does not force us to any rules, laws or other dos and donts unless we accept them with our own freewill, you can create a separate question and i will be happy to explain it.

    • Faraz Siddiqui

      Member November 25, 2021 at 5:23 am

      I thought you wanted to talk about existence of God! But, again, u mentioned something, without any reference to the quran, just repeating an old and discarded argument

      Did u see it in any translation of quran? I guess not

      Aristotle believed that semen originated from spinal fluid because it was whitish like semen. Galen, correctly, identified role of sexual organs due to his ability to perform autopsies.if u want i can send u a link to a scientific paper examining Greek and medieval views on human reproduction.

      Both, Aristotle and Galen, did not say anything about sperm but semen because sperm couldn’t be seen with naked eye.

      May be you would consider reading the quran before posting your doubts

  • Umer

    Moderator November 24, 2021 at 2:31 pm

    Following thread and videos provided might give you a different perspective to look at (especially the Zawiya-e-Ghamidi Series):

    Discussion 1630

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 25, 2021 at 5:15 am

    @Qutubshah brother where in this verse there is word “semen” mentioned ?

    [86:6-8] “Now let man but think from what he is created! He is created from a drop emitted -Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs:”

    Its a common allegation which is made against the Quran. The Quran implies that semen production takes place in the kidney or back area citing the verses:

    [86:6-8] “Now let man but think from what he is created! He is created from a drop emitted -Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs:”

    The allegation, in the words of Dr. William Campbell is as follows;

    “Since the verse is speaking of the moment of adult reproduction it can’t be talking about the time of embryonic development. Moreover, since ‘sulb’ is being used in conjunction with ‘gushing fluid’, which can only be physical; and ‘tara’ib’ which is another physical word for chest or thorax or ribs, it can’t be euphemistic. Therefore, we are left with the very real problem that the semen is coming from the back or kidney area and not the testicles.”

    What Qur’an Says

    [76:3] We have created man from a mingled sperm-drop that We might try him; so We made him hearing, seeing.

    [86:6] So let man consider from what he is created.

    [86:7] He is created from a gushing fluid,

    [86:8] Which issues forth from between the loins and the breast-bones.

    [86:9] Surely, He has the power to bring him back to life


    The allegation is based on false premises that the Qur’an talks about semen coming out of the area between backbone and ribs.


    The Qur’an used the words, “Khuliqa minm Maain Daafiq”, that was translated by Sir Zafrullah Khan as, “created from a fluid poured forth” and by Maulvi Sher Ali as, “created from a gushing fluid”. These four words mean the ejaculate, which consists of 2-5% sperms and 95-98% other ingredients. Therefore only 2-5 % of the fluid is produced in testes. The majority of the other ingredients, including prostaglandins, Zinc, lipids, steroid hormones, enzymes, amino acids and minerals, are produced and stored in the seminal vesicles, and prostate glands, both of which are located away from the the backbone (not even close enough to the ribs) and in the pelvis area closer to the sexual organs.


    Furthermore, we should try to discover what is that present in between the backbone and the ribs that causes the seminal fluid to be issued or expelled. In order to understand this verse, we must recollect the anatomy and the physiology of the spinal cord, vertebral column, and the autonomic nervous system. Briefly, without going into biological and physiological details, the reflex centres in the spinal cord begin to send nerve signals or emit rhythmic sympathetic impulses that leave the cord at lumbar segments L1, L2 and pass to the genitalia. Next, the last wave of reflex nervous mechanism takes place. Rhythmic parasympathetic impulses from the sacral segment S1, S2 leave the cord resulting in the expulsion or ejaculation or forcing out the “gushing fluid”.

    The spinal cord ends at the level between first and second lumbar vertebrae. The spinal segments, L1, L2 and S1, S2 are enclosed within the first and second lumbar vertebrae, which are below the thoracic ones where the ribs meet the backbone. Thus we have seen that the nerve signals to expel the ejaculate or the “gushing fluid” is issued from the lumbar and sacral segments of the spinal cord, which lie below the level of the 12th ribs on either side and above L3 vertebra or “between the backbone and the ribs,” as the Qur’an says.


    Briefly, the Holy Qur’an is absolutely right in using the above words literally and scientifically too. All knowledge is in the Qur’an but some intellects are the one who fail to grasp it. The above mentioned physiological mechanism of ejaculation of the fluid and how the nerve impulses are discharged from the lumbar and sacral segments of the spinal cord that lie within the first two lumbar vertebrae, which are below the 12th ribs and above the remaining lumbar and sacral vertebrae, the backbone. Is there any doubt what the Qur’an uniquely summarizes it, the nerve impulses are discharged “between the backbone and the ribs”?

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 25, 2021 at 5:17 am

    @Sid brother please you also guide brother Ahmed Mohiuddin “The Qur’an says sperm comes from the backbone same does Greek scientists Aristotle and Gallen said that sperm comes from backbone this is an scientific error this proves Qur’an is copied then why believe in a thing which is copied”?

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 26, 2021 at 2:13 am

      I don’t understand why would a God send his revealtion as Qur’an that too as a final revelation and that is completely the same stories which came earlier in Bible ,Torah why would God repeat the same stories and what’s the point of repeating old stories.only a human living in 7th century arabia can copy stories easily

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 26, 2021 at 4:25 am

    @Qutubshah brother prophet muhammad is last prophet of islam not first.

    1:prophet s.a.w is belong from bani ismail (decended of prophet ismail a.s who is son of prophet ibrahim a.s).

    2:ghamadi. Saab in his book meezan give reference that nimaz,roza,zakat are offered by all prophet adam to muhammad s.a.w. (in bible it is mentioned).

    The point i want to make is that islam is new religion .it is the tradition which start from adam to muhammad s.a.w

    Where in quran it mention that islam is a new religion?

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 26, 2021 at 4:28 am

      Brother I know islam is not a knew religion but why did allah narrated the same stories which he did to Jesus?why stories in Quran are copied from Sumerian,Greek,Jewish books?why would a God copy old stories from here and there?God will not tell the old stories but Muhamed can copy old Stories from different civilizations and which he did then how can we tell that Qur’an is word of God

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 26, 2021 at 5:29 am

    Brother @Qutubshah come up with references which copy stuff you are you talking about.

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 26, 2021 at 6:20 am

      The story of ashab e kahaf is copied from 7 sleepers story which was originally written by Jacob of serugh

      The story of Al khidr is also copied from Jewish legends Written by Jewish rabi joshua

    • Faraz Siddiqui

      Member November 26, 2021 at 7:05 am

      7 sleepers story from works of Jacob of sergu is very different than Quran’s account. Secondly, Jacob did not “invent” the story but mentioned in a poem of his. 7 sleepers has been found in more than 100 manuscripts with multiple languages. Pointing that it is a fact of history narrated over the centuries in multiple cultures.

      Al khidr also doesn’t resemble the Jewish rabi Joshua’s journey. Firstly, it was a “dream” journey with Prophet Elijah and not Moses AS. Again, very different in context and lessons. For e.g. a cow is killed instead of a woman’s life!! Is that what Islam preaches?

      Brother Ahmed, i am sorry to say but it doesn’t seem that u r truly interested in anything. Just posting ridiculous and old tales and arguments lacking any personal input or effort of a true seeker of truth. You started the thread about existence of God and all the posts is about doubts in the quran

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 26, 2021 at 7:09 am

      Brother I have intention to find the truth. I believe if God exists then islam should be true and Qur’an should be word of God because I know Bible is corrupted ,hindu scriptures are corrupted,all religious text except Qur’an are corrupted and today’s Qur’an is 99.9% same to the Qur’an revealed by muhammad and so I only find Qur’an to claimed the word of God and I think if Qur’an is copied from ancient myths then it cannot be from God and hence I think God doesn’t exist like this I summarised the existence of God.

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 26, 2021 at 7:12 am

      Brother I think if God was really narrating Qur’an then he should not narrate old stories and it’s really easy for a person to narrate old stories and claim it to be word of god.why didn’t God narrated stories which weren’t heared by anyone before. God is all-knowing he can easily do that.why?I fell really suspicious here .I fell muhammad copied old stories

    • muhammad saad

      Member November 26, 2021 at 7:37 am

      @Qutubshah brother you are only giving sweeping statements .share the stories which you think copied from other source in Quran may be i also change my mind.?

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 26, 2021 at 7:53 am

      I already shared them above you can look it in the thread I will again mention it the story of ashab e kahaf from the Syrian author Jacob of serugh but the brother above says there are 100 different stories of 7 sleepers and the story of Al khidr is also copied from Jewish legends and remaining stories of Qur’an too are copied from ancient fables I ask why?can God narrate a story which was not known to mankind ?Yes he can but a human like muhammad can’t do that only he can copy previous stories that’s what he did in quran

    • Faraz Siddiqui

      Member November 26, 2021 at 8:46 am

      That’s what puzzling, all these so called doubts have been answered already over and over again

      Have u read any books or lectures/debates??

      Do u really think that Muhammed SAW would copy stories and people of his time, who traveled far more and beyond than him wouldn’t catch it? Jewish scholars won’t say a word after listening to the Quran?

      Please, if u r a true seeker then exhaust other sources. Read a good tafseer detailing all the myths u mentioned. Jay R Crook has done a detailed analysis of stories in Bible and Quran, Atlers Hebrew Bible translation and commentary is an excellent source to understand Jewish outlook among many others

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 26, 2021 at 6:46 am

    @Qutubshah brother cameup with all the stories which you thinks copied from other scipt in Quran(with reference).i will be try to answer them all together.

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 26, 2021 at 8:02 am

    @Qutubshah brother religion is step no 2 first make up your mind about existance of god.

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 26, 2021 at 8:04 am

      I think No one can prove the existence of God and no one can deny existence of God

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 26, 2021 at 8:36 am

    @Qutubshah brother i agree but which make more sense does matter water,sand etc has a capicity to create anything from it .if you bought material to make indusry does after 1300 billion year ago it is possible that that material itself change into industry .oviously not as matter is mindless?

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 29, 2021 at 6:16 am

      The story of crucifixion of jesus in quran is copied from Heresies book which was written in greek originally and this sect of Christianity which belived that Jesus was not crucified lived in arabian peninsula

      He did not himself suffer death, but Simon, a certain man of Cyrene, being compelled, bore the cross in his stead; so that this latter being transfigured by him, that he might be thought to be Jesus, was crucified, through ignorance and error, while Jesus himself received the form of Simon, and, standing by, laughed at them. For since he was an incorporeal power, and the Nous (mind) of the unborn father, he transfigured himself as he pleased, and thus ascended to him who had sent him, deriding them, inasmuch as he could not be laid hold of, and was invisible to all.-

      — Against Heresies, Book I, Chapter 24, Section 40

      See the exact same thing is copied in Qur’an

      That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah”;- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-

      Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise;-

      — Qur’an 4:157–158

    • Faraz Siddiqui

      Member November 29, 2021 at 2:24 pm

      Brother Ahmed, thank you for providing the reference this time.

      the book Against Heretics was written by St Irenaeus of Lyon in 180CE. It was written against 4-5 groups of heretics (christian infidels so to speak) collectively called Gnostics. The book is about refuting their ideas and not about teaching christian theology. The book is not available today but only its latin translation was discovered

      Please answer the following, then we can move on

      1. How did Muhammad SAW got access to the book in greek? He never travelled to Greece nor any of his earlier or later sahabas were from Greece?

      2. chapter 24 started addressing the heresies of 2 gnostics, Saturninus and Basilides and continued to mention their beliefs and refuting them

      3. Section 3 started with the name of Basilides, stating his additions to official church doctrine and section 4 (that u quoted from) also continues to talk about is beliefs

      4. How did the christians of medina and later christians in arabia and different parts of the world never objected that these beliefs about Jesus AS Crucifixion were actually beliefs of some earlier deviated christian sects? but only later when the latin translation of the book was discovered?

      lastly, it looks like you copy pasted from an unreliable source (wikiwand) because the reference mentions section 40, instead of section 4 of the chapter 24 of book 1 (only 7 sections in chapter 24)

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 29, 2021 at 2:42 pm

      1.the story of Crucifixion of jesus according to against heresies was maybe popular in arabain peninsula In different Christian sects who hold this believes muhammad might have copied this thing from them.i ask you one question as I think you did a lot of research on this topic.did the Christians of Arabian peninsula didn’t believe in crucifixion of jesus before 7th century?what was their belief regarding crucifixion of jesus during the time of propeht and centuries before his birth?

      2.chapter 24? Which chapter?is it of Qur’an?

      4.I didn’t understand your point.what do you meant to you mean Christians of mecca objected to the belief that Jesus was not crucified?or did they objected after the book got translated into latin?

    • Faraz Siddiqui

      Member November 29, 2021 at 9:12 pm

      1. You quite confidently saying Quran is copied so plz stay away from “May be this or that”. Any factual evidence that Muhammad SAW had access to a Greek book?

      What Christian of Arabia believed is not the discussion point, we r discussing if Quran is copied from Against Heresies book written in Greek and translated in Latin and discovered in 1904 in a complete version and translated in English in 1930-40s. Earlier version published in 18th century were found to be forgeries

      2. Chapter 4 of book 1 Against Heresies

      3. If the story of Jesus AS not crucified was copied then the Christians of medina should have objected that it’s copied or the Christians from later centuries should’ve objected that Quran is copied. But it only happens after the discovery of old manuscripts,for e.g. NagHamadi documents ??

      4. Plz read the whole chapter u quoted from, St Iranaeous is refuting 2 gnostic teachers, Saturninus and Basilides, why would Muhammed SAW would take such a small portion from the long list? He also didn’t copy it correctly cuz Quran doesn’t mention Simon, Jesus AS standing and laughing then transforming himself etc whereas St Iranaeous mentioned lot of other details including copying Aristotle’s philosophy of Nous, logos, dymatis and Sophia?

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 30, 2021 at 3:16 am

      What Christians of Arabian peninsula belived is very important if they believed that Jesus was not crucified then muhammad can easily copy from them

      Christians of arabia might have objected during the revelation by saying that Qur’an is copied who knows?

      And yes Qur’an does say Simon was crucified instead of jesus but it says Jesus was not crucified it apeared so I don’t understand what author of Qur’an meant by appear it apeared so?

    • Faraz Siddiqui

      Member November 30, 2021 at 4:56 am

      You haven’t read the quran at all. Quran clearly mentions the beliefs of the Christians

      Early Christians may have changed the whole religion of christianity and made Jesus AS a god and he was only true messenger of God, who knows?

      you see brother, this “may be” or “who knows” mindset doesnt enable us to be objective. The history is recorded, so lets stick to facts and not speculations

      So the allegation that Quran copied the story of Jesus AS crucifixion from the the book Against Heresies is totally false and not even an intelligent one

      Quran stated a simple fact that Jesus AS was not crucified and thus the whole gambit of son of God sacrificed for humans sins is a fabrication

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 26, 2021 at 8:41 am

    @Qutubshah brother there are only two possibilites.either it is due to chance and conincidence or there is a concious mind behind it.matematically this ingreated complexity can,t be result of random chance.

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar November 30, 2021 at 4:13 am
    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 30, 2021 at 4:25 am

      Sorry I can’t read urdu.i can read Roman urdu but I can’t read urdu in Persian script

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar November 30, 2021 at 4:52 am

    The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sent in the line of Abraham. He was Abrahamic prophet. He came to revive the religion introduced by Abraham in Arabia. The similarities of his teachings with those of the Bible and the tradition of Abrahamic religion is a proof in his favour not against him that he retold those stories and teachings and rather criticised some of their versions to present the correct version. And this came from a person (Muhammad PBUH) who had no formal learning in religion, literature, history etc. and suddenly he came up with this expression whose contents could be not challenged in terms of the information of the past events, and arguments it put forth and for its literary merits. and when the predictions it made came true as they were, left no doubt that this was from God.

    Secondly, he was sent with the same mission of the previous prophets, but this time for the last time, with special arrangements to preserve his story in the full light of the history and to preserve his teachings in the form of Quran and the perpetual sunnah, so that the religion of God stayed intact till the last and the event of Jaza and Saza made evident in this world for the last time stay there to remind the people the last intervention of God, so that they may believe him and the day of judgement.

    Thirdly, no scientific jargon is used in the Quran, therefore no scientific objection is applicable to Quran. For example, if Quran says, God knows what is in your heart, this too is scientifically wrong. Quran uses the idioms not scientific statements.

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 30, 2021 at 5:41 am

      Why would a God retold same old stories?just to correct the wrong stories?

      Quran doesn’t contain any significance historical events it doesn’t say anything with absolute only retells the stories which already existed in arabian peninsula and that too with minimal details .then how can it be word of God? If God really wanted to re-tell those stories then he could tell those stories in great detail by including many things in it.but the Qur’an only gives vague explanation of those stories

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 30, 2021 at 7:18 am

    @Qutubshah brother see the following video .

  • muhammad saad

    Member November 30, 2021 at 7:32 am

    @Qutubshah brother there is no need to told whole story again if it was already told in pervious book of GOD. For example in Quran GOG MOGOG are told in context of sign of the day of judgement .but detail is not provided about who are GOG MOGOG the reason is that it is already mention in detail in bible who are GOG AND MAGOG.

    • Ahmed Mohiuddin

      Member November 30, 2021 at 7:49 am

      Then why to re-tell those stories if they were already told in Bible? can’t god tell new Stories?

    • Umer

      Moderator November 30, 2021 at 12:47 pm

      Quran is a book of Inzar and for Inzar to be effective, it needs to be done with reference to incidents known to its addressees. That is why, Inzar to Bani-Israel is done with reference to incidents from their known history, same is the case with Bani-Ismael i.e. from their known history. It doesn’t matter if the events/stories are repeated in Quran, becasue new stories would not achieve the purpose of Inzar if addressees are unaware of those events/stories. Besides, Quran is the last book of Inzar and has this staus till the day of judgement now. Therefore, to save criticism of mode of transmission and purity of text, all the Inzar has been saved in a final and most credible form till the day of judgement.

      The discussion in this thread has reached its breakeven and the thread has gotten too long, therefore, I am closing this thread. You’re free to start a new thread, but please try to add new content to the discussion and avoid repetition.

  • Umer

    Moderator December 16, 2021 at 4:38 pm

    For comments of Ghamidi Sahab, please refer to the video below from 9:23 to 17:06

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