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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Word Fawahish Meaning In Little Easy Language

  • Word Fawahish Meaning In Little Easy Language

    Posted by Tushar Dwivedi on November 24, 2021 at 7:46 pm

    Assalamualaikum Sir,Sir my question is on the issue of Fawahish as Ghamdi Sir explained in 7:33 ..Due to litt So hard urdu words ,I am unable to understand these words…

    So ,my question is from Hassan Ilyas Sir that —

    What is Fawahish in 7:33 ? And how many things come inside it ? Is watching, hugging, kissing na mehram is part of this or these acts come inside Sadd e Zariya ?

    Umer replied 2 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Word Fawahish Meaning In Little Easy Language

    Umer updated 2 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator November 25, 2021 at 11:01 am

    Fawahish” are prohibited in Quran (7:33) and include fornication, homosexuality, bestiality and all other sins of similar nature. The word فَوَاحِشَ comprehensively includes exposing the private parts before others, spreading details of sexual nature or fornication. Therefore, any action or any talk which involves such acts/discussion is to be considered as prohibited.

    To understand the definition of Fawahish as used in Quran, please refer to the following response which has English Captions embedded with the video:

    Discussion 41639 • Reply 43290

    At an epistemological level, Fawahish refers to acts related to sexual impurity whether it be related to that of a mind or a body. Please refer to the following response which has English Captions embedded with the video:

    Discussion 52205 • Reply 52215

    Since adultery is the natural epitome of Fawahish and has been categorized as a crime in Quran in addition to it being Haram, therefore, acts like Hugging, Kissing etc. done with a lustful intention have been prohibited as a sadd-e-zariya to prevent from that Fawahish act, which has been categorized as a crime in Quran.

  • Tushar Dwivedi

    Member November 25, 2021 at 9:46 pm

    Assalamualaikum Umar bro, Bro.. Summary of this whole answer is —

    Fawahisha includes Except wife,sex with others either it is with mehram or non mehram,with of same gender or with opposite gender,with humans or with animals,with their permission or without their permission…And also exposing our private parts to others…Only

    Sadd e Zariya includes pornography, watching others with lust, touching others in any manner like kissing, hugging etc…with lust..

    Is my understanding right bro ? And also my dear bro,can you please share this to Hassan Ilyas Sir only for my mind’s relief ? Please Umar bro… Assalamualaikum

    • Umer

      Moderator November 26, 2021 at 2:38 pm

      Yes, your understanding is correct.

      Every month, there’s a live Q&A session held with Javed Ahmed Ghamidi Sahab on AG via Zoom, everyone is welcome to register for the event and ask their questions directly to Ghamidi Sahab–unfiltered. And if one doesn’t get his/her turn despite registering and attending the event, he/she is given a chance at propority-registration for the next AG live event with Ghamidi Sahab. If you feel like you still have some confusion in this regard, I’d recommend that you register for the upcoming Q&A live event with Ghamidi Sahab at the following link:

      Discussion 59351

  • Daniyaa Khan

    Member September 9, 2022 at 10:46 am

    I was Reading this thread thoroughly Umer Qureshi Sir Can you please explain what do you mean by Spreading details of sexual nature or fornication. It’s not understable for me. Has it more list of things which are prohibited or any other meaning it has.

    Please help me to understand


    • Umer

      Moderator September 10, 2022 at 1:31 am

      For example, any discussion which involves these things (exposing the private parts before others, spreading details of sexual nature etc.) or is explicitly suggestive of such acts (whether through audio, video, written or pictorial foms) would be equivalent to spreading details of sexual nature and would fall under fawahish.

      Please also refer to the video below from 29:11 to 30:57

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