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  • Purpose Of Khimar, Hifz-e-furuj And Difference Between Khimar And Sayyab

    Posted by Mumin Ahmad on December 6, 2021 at 12:37 pm


    Is the purpose of Khimaar to hide just adornments or both adornments and the woman’s chest? I mean, if a woman isn’t wearing any adornments on her جیب is it still incumbent upon her to place a khimaar over their bosoms? Or wearing just a normal shirt (not tight, rather a loose one which properly hides the chest) suffices?

    Does the hukm of hifz-e-furuj only include protecting the genitals or does it include all the private parts/sharmgah(which in a woman’s case also include the chest) ?

    I’m confused because if we think that the purpose of khimaar is to hide the chest/cleavage( with or without adornments) then it would mean that women could show their chests/cleavages to their fathers/brothers/slaves /fathers in law and that clearly isn’t modest. But in another verse of Surah An-Nur it is said that women can remove their ثیاب on the condition that they don’t display their adornments.

    My question is that if it’s allowed only for the elderly woman to remove their ثیاب if they aren’t displaying any adornments, doesn’t it mean that young women need to wear these ثیاب even if they aren’t wearing any adornments? Is the ثیاب in question the khimaar?

    Thank you

    Umer replied 3 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Purpose Of Khimar, Hifz-e-furuj And Difference Between Khimar And Sayyab

    Umer updated 3 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 7 Replies
  • Mumin Ahmad

    Member December 6, 2021 at 12:41 pm

    Because if I’m not erring, according to scholars, khimaar is meant to be worn only before those people to whom women cannot show their adornments. Otherwise it would mean that women also have to wear khimaar even in front of their husbands 😅

    I’m not fully sure so please correct me if I’m wrong

  • Umer

    Moderator December 6, 2021 at 1:37 pm

    – A normal shirt covering the chest area of a woman properly is sufficient to fulfill the directive of the Quran. In principle, a decent dress is what is required according to the norms of the society. Etiquettes of dressing may vary from situation to situation as well as from time to time. For salah, the etiquettes are different than for sports, for example.

    In all cases, the requirement of وَ یَحْفَظْنَ فُرُوْجَھُنَّ (covering of private parts and covering of parts annexed right next to private parts to ensure proper and complete covering of privates) must be observed in additon to other directives in Surah Nur, however, it’s application may very from situation to situation and from society to society.

    – Hukam of Hifz-e-Furuj includes all the private parts.

    Khimar (بِخُمُرِ) and Sayyab (ثیاب) are synonymous words. Here it is explained that this directive of covering the embellishments of the chest and the neckline does not pertain to old women have lost their sexual urge and towards whom men feel no attraction. If they want, they can dispense with the cloth. There is no harm in it provided they no longer have the desire to be embellished and show themselves to others. It is about the desire (inner feeling), not about their actual state of adornment. They’re exempted from covering their embellishments on the chest and neckline provided they don’t have any desire to show it off to others and to be embellished the way young women do.

    For comments of Ghamidi Sahab regarding use of words Khimar (بِخُمُرِ) and Sayyab (ثیاب), please refer to the video below from 1:03:04 to 1:06:40

    • Mumin Ahmad

      Member December 6, 2021 at 2:45 pm,20,21,22,31,95,84,101

      The translation says that the old women can remove theirثیاب on the condition that they don’t display their adornments. Doesn’t it mean that old women too aren’t allowed to display their adornments, whatever their inner desires maybe? And if that’s the case, wouldn’t it mean that young women have to wear these ثیاب/خمر even if they haven’t adorned themselves?

    • Umer

      Moderator December 6, 2021 at 2:52 pm

      Mumin Ahmad Sahab, I have already responded to this Question. My reply would be a simple repetition of my earlier response.

    • Mumin Ahmad

      Member December 6, 2021 at 3:23 pm

      Sorry if my question seemed to be repetitive.

      What I wanted to say was that while you’re saying that old women don’t have to cover the embellishments on their chests provided they don’t desire to show them off, and it’s about the inner desire, the translation above doesn’t mention that. It just says that the old women too CANNOT DISPLAY their adornments but can dispense with their ثیاب . Wouldn’t it mean that young women have to wear the ثیاب even if they aren’t wearing any adornments/embellishments?

    • Mumin Ahmad

      Member December 6, 2021 at 4:50 pm

      Since I don’t know Arabic, I often get confused by translations. What I actually wanted to ask was that if the phrase غیر متبرجٰت بزینة mean :

      1)a(n) (old) woman who is not (at a given time) displaying her embellishments or

      2) a(n) (old) woman who generally lacks the desire /habit of displaying her embellishments ?

      Because this would give two totally different meanings to the verse. The first one would be that old women are allowed to remove ثیاب only if they aren’t wearing any embellishments at that particular time(and this meaning would again cause confusion because of what I think a lack of complete compatibility with khimaar verse as I mentioned above). The second one would be that old women who aren’t interested in displaying their adornments are allowed to remove their ثیاب (which would clear what appears to me a slight incompatibility with the khimaar verse ) .

      I am learning so obviously my opinions don’t have any authority , am just asking questions .

    • Umer

      Moderator December 7, 2021 at 10:31 am

      It is the second possibility as mentioned by you. Because when you follow the flow of verses from verse 27 onward of Surah Nur (Chapter 24), then after establishing principle of Khimar for women wearing embellishments, the later exception (verse 60) for older women could only mean “not showing adornments/not displaing adornements” in the sense of not showing them off or have no intention of displaying them to others the way younger women do. The translation here can have both possibilities as mentioned by you, but the possibility number 2 becomes clear when read in light with principle of Khimar established in previous verses i.e. verse 27 onward.

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