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  • Logical Problems With The Concept Of Reincarnation

    Faisal Haroon updated 4 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator July 13, 2020 at 10:22 pm

    Wa’alaikum as salam. I think one would have to try very hard instead to convince me to believe in the concept of reincarnation! In our understanding God has created this world as a test to pick the best people for another magnificent world that He is about to create. There’s nothing in this world that could lead me to this knowledge so he sent messengers to inform me of this plan of His. Everything makes perfect logical sense, and I can present His uncorrupted word as evidence. What evidence do we have for the concept of reincarnation?

  • Agha Mahmood

    Member July 13, 2020 at 11:20 pm

    Thanks Faisal for your prompt reply.

    I agree that it is hard to convince the concept of reincarnation but it is same if we try to convince someone about eternal life after death.

    Eternal life after death is a concept that came from Quran. Similarly reincarnation concept came from Hindu scriptures. If we leave the scriptures aside there is nothing that I found logically convincing to believe. Buddhist try to convince through their process of choosing next lama. According to Tibetan Buddhist belief, the current Dalai Lama is a reincarnation of a past lama.

    High Lamas searches for a boy and once located they present a number of artifacts and ask the boy to choose the items that belonged to the previous Dalai Lama, this is seen as a sign, in conjunction with all of the other indications, that the boy is a reincarnation.

    What could be the strongest argument to negate the concept of reincarnation ( cycle of death and re born ) for someone who does not believe in Quran and Prophets

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator July 13, 2020 at 11:29 pm

    @Am75 sahab our belief in the Quran and the prophets is not just a matter of blind faith – it is based on evidence. This evidence is as strong as the evidence for gravity, for example. I don’t think that one can convince anyone about eternal life unless they start the argument from the beginning and convince them about Quran being the word of God first.

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