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Creation Of Human In The Light Of Quran
Posted by Tanveer Niaz on December 24, 2021 at 9:51 amHow was human created (both the human personality/recognition and human body)? In what manner human was created?
And please also mention the places of creation of both the personality and human body.
Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 3 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies -
2 Replies
Creation Of Human In The Light Of Quran
Dr. Irfan Shahzad
Scholar December 25, 2021 at 1:09 amIt is mentioned in the Quran
[It is He] Who has excelled in the creation of everything.[73] He began creating a human being from clay;[74]
then carried on his progeny from an insignificant fluid; [75]
then perfected it and blew into it from His spirit [76] and for you made ears [for hearing], eyes [for seeing] and hearts [for understanding] [77] – seldom are you grateful. [78] (32:7-9)
i.e., created everything in such an appropriate and proportionate way and with such perfection viz a viz traits and abilities that no flaw can be pointed out in it nor can any change be suggested in it.
74 This is a mention of the first phase when the physical form of a human being was created. The same method was adopted for it which is now adopted for the creation of a human being. The only difference is that the process that now goes on in a mother’s womb went on in the earth’s womb. Thus all the ingredients of clay which are consumed by us as food and transform into an insignificant fluid and initiate the process through which a human being is created, went through this process at that time in stinking clay. Finally, when the physical being was completed, the clay became dry like the shell of an egg. Once it rent apart, a creature came out of it which can be called the physical form of a human being. It can be analogously understood that the first borns of all other creatures came into being in precisely this way.
75 This was the second phase in which the creature created began reproducing and bringing its progeny into existence. Thus the very process which went on in the womb of the earth then began to happen in the womb of the mother. This was the phase of a human being when it was an unreformed corporal existence devoid of intellect and knowledge.
76 This is the third phase in which after an intermingling of many generations the corporal form was perfected until it became apt for giving it the personality of a human being. Thus two individuals from among these creatures which were present at that time were selected and this personality was given to them through a dilute breath which the Qur’ān calls rūḥ. These were Adam (sws) and Eve. All human beings born after them were their progeny.
A little deliberation shows that these details provided by the Qur’ān present a very cogent explanation of the fossil record discovered by scientists and which the proponents of Darwinism present in their favour and in this way try to solve the riddles which could neither be solved earlier in their views nor will ever be in the future.
77 This is the consequence of the blowing of spirit: it created in a physical being devoid of insight and intellect the qualities of head and heart which became its distinction from all other life forms. Thus he has now become capable enough to be told that God has given him ears, eyes and heart. It is for this reason that the Qur’ān has changed from indirect to direct address at this instance.
Dr. Irfan Shahzad
Scholar December 25, 2021 at 1:10 amPlace of this happening is not mentioned in the Bible and Quran.
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