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Sahih Al-Bukhari 5230 (Prophet SWS Not Allowing Ali (rta) For Second Marriage)
Posted by Zayf Shakir on January 1, 2022 at 10:37 amNarrated Al-Miswar bin Makhrama:
I heard Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) who was on the pulpit, saying, “Banu Hisham bin Al-Mughira have requested me to allow them to marry their daughter toAli bin Abu Talib, but I don't give permission, and will not give permission unless
Ali bin Abi Talib divorces my daughter in order to marry their daughter, because Fatima is a part of my body, and I hate what she hates to see, and what hurts her, hurts me.”Sahih al-Bukhari 5230
In-book reference : Book 67, Hadith 163
Why did Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ not allow Ali Ra to marry other woman? Islam has permitted a man to marry more than one woman. Then what was the reason behind Prophet’s not allowing Ali Ra to marry other woman?
Zayf Shakir replied 3 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
Sahih Al-Bukhari 5230 (Prophet SWS Not Allowing Ali (rta) For Second Marriage)
Moderator January 1, 2022 at 7:56 pmJust the way Islam didn’t put any restriction on marrying more than one, Islam has not put any restriction on the bride to stay in that marriage at all costs if a husband indulges in second marriage or to not put second marriage condition subject to approval/permission of the first wife.
In this narration, Prophet Muhammad (Sws) in his capacity as a father, excercised his right to ask Ali (rta) to divorce his daughter first before indulging in second marriage. This was done in his capacity as a father, not in his capacity as a Prophet. Therefore, this has no religious connotations.
Zayf Shakir
Member January 2, 2022 at 12:32 amWife can make a decision whether to stay in that marriage or not but where did Allah allow father to take these decisions?
Moderator January 2, 2022 at 8:31 pmAs the use of words in the narration itself (i.e. Fatima is a part of my body, and I hate what she hates to see, and what hurts her, hurts me) indicate to the fact that Prophet (SWS) was reflecting the sentiments of his Daughter and not imposing his own decision in any way.
Zayf Shakir
Member January 26, 2022 at 6:01 amSo every daughter on earth has sentiments than why did Allah allow a man to marry four women? Then every daughter’s sentiments should have been considered!
Rehmat Istefahani
Member January 26, 2022 at 2:10 pmAllah has clearly stipulated in the Qur’an that if a man is not just or equitable in his dealings with his multiple wives he should marry only one. The just and equitable thing is to ask for the permission of the first wife, if she refuses then he should refrain from marrying the second time and causing injustice and pain by going forward with this decision. Polygamy was a practice established in pre islamic Arabia, with the advent of Islam this practice which would allow men to take as many wives as he wished was limited to 4. Polygamy was retained because unlike modern society Arabia was divided into tribes and the weaker sections of the society like women and children were supported by husbands who were the head of the family. Only men could fight, that left more women and children as the men were martyred in frequent wars. So Allah allowed men to take up multiple wives to shelter widowers and orphans. In this too Allah has set bounds that the man must be just and if he fails he should remain in a monogamous marriage. Polygamy is not a Right as many people claim and exercise, it is an allowance with conditions and is fair only when the moral values of the husband and the wives are respected. Allah also allows Muslim men to marry chaste Christian And Jewish women yet you will find majority of Muslim scholars who will advise against marrying Christians, the Shia jurisprudence completely disallows this practice, so these are allowances a man may do it only of it is beneficial and not harmful. If Allah didn’t care about the feelings of women why would Allah mention immediately after the verse “You may take upto four wives” that “if you fear injustice then take only one”. We have been given justice (adl) and intellect(aql) as a part of our fitrah. Now Allah will test us even with his divine law(Shariah). A man who marries multiple times secretly to fulfill his lust will surely be tested and asked if he treated his wives fairly, if he thought about the feelings of his first wife before marrying another woman. Just like a man who beats his wife and disrespects her will be asked on the day of judgement.
Zayf Shakir
Member January 28, 2022 at 6:01 amIf it is the whole scenario then why did Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ not give permission to Ali RA to marry other woman! That woman would also have gotten shelter. Likewise Fatima RA no woman on earth is happy to see her husband with another woman as his wife. My question is not why Allah allowed man to marry four women i wanted to ask if that was allowed by Almighty Allah Why did Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ forbade it when it comes to His SAW own daughter?
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member January 28, 2022 at 7:49 amThe answer is very clear brother. Inshort the answer is “Consent”. Allah allowed men to marry 4 women but each time it will depend on the consent of the previous ones.
1) If a person has one wife but he wants to marry again then he needs to ask his first wife then he can go for the second.
2) If a person has 2 wives and wants marry for the third time then he needs to ask his first and second wife and then he can go for the third. If both of them agrees then no issue. If one of them don’t then she can asks for divorce or he can also respect her by not marrying again.
So here Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is doing his duty as a father as no father wants their daughter to be devorced. It was not a decision by him neither he was forcing. And I think every gaurdian can play this role for their daughters.
As far as the matter of giving shelter is concerned it will also depend on the consent and situation. In this case consent was not their and one women would have gotten divorced and the other would have gotten married. So the logic also doesn’t sound strong. Also Ali(r.a) was not froced by Prophet muhammad(S.A.W) . He just played the role of a father.
One can marry a widow, divorced woman but if a marriage leads to divorcing of another woman then it will make less sense to marry. But if a woman is not a loving partner then he can go for it and can divorce her if she asks for it.
So yeah situation , nature of a relationship everything will play role according to me.
Here is the conclusion:-
1). Hazrat Ali(r.a) and fatima (r.a) had a very beautiful relationship so it would be less sense to divorce her to marry someone.
2). Above point become more clear when Prophet muhammad(S.A.W) only advised him as a father of Fatima. So Ali(r.a) obviously thought on this matter and decided not to marry cause this could lead to the breakage of another marriage and he had a very good relation with fatima.
3). Maybe It was not neccisate for the other woman to marry Ali(ra). I mean for shelter and marriage she could marry someone else.
So observing the whole situation this is my opinion.
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member January 28, 2022 at 8:33 amAnd also it was not a decision by Prophet muhammad(S.A.W) rather it was a decision of Fatima(r.a). So Prophet muhammad(s.a.w) supported her and advised Ali( r.a) not to break a beautiful relationship to constitute another.
Zayf Shakir
Member January 28, 2022 at 8:53 amI know about consent of previous one. My point is as Fatima RA didn’t want her husband to be with anyone then no woman on earth would like to see her husband with another woman. Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ had 11 wives and they never complained (at least i haven’t heard or read about that) so by that logic second marriage of Ali RA shouldn’t be a big problem. But again that how i think and it’s my perception of the situation.
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member January 28, 2022 at 9:23 amFor the Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) wives they had a injunction on them.
If you say about complaining then there are many narrations and stories that Aisha(r.a) used to jealous of Khadijah(r.a) than any of the wives of prophet muhammad(S.a.w).
This indicates each of them used to get jealous. Aisha (r.a) also used to get jealous from the other wives but she used to jealous of khadijah(r.a) the most even she didn’t see her. But the thing is they never asked for divorce also they had a injunction on them.
So the issue is not about being jealous but the issue is about the breaking of marriage. One can get jealous and still accepts it. The thing “consent” is there only for this reason. Maybe Fatima(r.a) was unable to accept and neither she had a injunction on her so there was no reason to break a beautiful marriage and to constitute another.
Zayf Shakir
Member February 3, 2022 at 1:33 amWhy did they had injunction on them? They were women and they should have had the right to get jealous and speak for it. Why they weren’t allowed to say anything about Prophet’s marriage? Hazrat Ali didn’t marry but after the death of Hazrat Fatima i think he got married to 8 or 9 women! Why’d he do that? Those women mustn’t be so happy to have other women with their husband. If Fatima RA’s feelings are given so much importance then why not others.
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