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Forums Forums Islamic Sharia Difference Between Khimar Directive And Sayyab Directive In Quran Surah Nur

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  • Difference Between Khimar Directive And Sayyab Directive In Quran Surah Nur

    Posted by Rehmat Istefahani on January 3, 2022 at 4:16 am

    Since covering of the juyyub and it’s adjacent parts comes under the directive of hifz e furooj and the khimar directive is seperately Asking women to draw their headcovering over their bosoms to hide their necklaces ,do women who have not adorned their chest with necklaces have to take a third covering over their chests even if they have properly fulfilled the directives of hifz e furooj?

    Why doeS Allah alow old women to dispense their sayyab and not khimar? Why two different words? If old women can cast away their sayyab( outer covering) does this mean they can display their ornaments provided they don’t have the desire to attract the opposite sex?

    Ibn Taymiyyah says dharaba’ means covering the head and ears and neck properly to not reveal anything. Why does he include all these three parts if they don’t constitue the part, “illa ma Zahra minha”. Since he was a respectable scholar and majority of classical scholars want free women to cover their hair are women bound by ijma to cover their hair

    Umer replied 3 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Difference Between Khimar Directive And Sayyab Directive In Quran Surah Nur

    Umer updated 3 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Umer

    Moderator January 3, 2022 at 9:42 pm

    – Women who have not adorned their chest with necklaces do not have to take a third covering over their chests if they have properly fulfilled the directives of hifz e furooj.

    – Khimar and Sayyyab are synonymous words, please refer to the following response of Ghamidi Sahab available in the following thread to understand the linguistic nuances underlying the use of different words with the same meaning:

    Discussion 60993

    – For meaning of word ‘Dharaba‘, please refer to the following response by Dr. Irfan Shahzad Sahab:

    Discussion 60946 • Reply 61110

    Even before Imam Ibn e Taimiya, Sahaba like Abdullah ibn e Masood (rta) and Abdullah ibn e Abbas (rta) had differed on issue of the meaning of ‘illa ma zahra minha‘ . Therefore, every such argument will be studied in the light of reason and logic, and then an informed decision will be reached. For details, please refer to the following video from 10:02 to 37:50

    Discussion 47826 • Reply 47839

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