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  • Isbal Izar

    Posted by Saddamhusen Saiyed on January 3, 2022 at 7:37 pm

    Can someone please help understand the issue of isbale izar in detail?

    I have checked mutakabbirana ilbas topic in ilm un nabi hadith section on but its first part is unavailabe

    When we look at isbale izar done out of arrogance then it is understandable as arrogance is condemnable. But, we see in ahadith prophet saw has warned his companions multiple times on this issue it is hard to imagine that they would be doing it out of arrogance. Moreover in certain ahadith arrogance is defined as doing isbale izar, so how do we understand these ahadith. Please someone guide me to the detailed analysis of this issue.

    Saddamhusen Saiyed replied 3 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator January 3, 2022 at 11:42 pm
    • Saddamhusen Saiyed

      Member January 4, 2022 at 1:14 am

      Thanks for the reply but this doesn’t answer my doubts….

      There is also a hadith in which letting the garment dangle below the ankle itself is defined as do we understand that?

      In Hadith related to Abu Bakr he is saying that if he doesn’t take care about then it drops below ankle so it was not like as he didn’t have arrogance he was allowed to do but he did take care of it

      In one more hadith where umar is on death bed and he asks young man to take care of his lower garment…I mean why such a great focus is given to this issue and if it’s given so much of importance then is it proper for us that we understand it in different way and think its not necessary for us to follow such practice

    • Umer

      Moderator January 4, 2022 at 4:48 am

      In Farahi Discourse, Quran and Sunnah are the primary sources of religion, Ahadith are elucidation of the same Quran and Sunnah. Therefore, Ahadith do not contain any independent directive on their own. The principles are present in Quran and Sunnah, while Ahadith contain application of the same principles. Therefore, these ahadith had to be subjected to the principle of arrogance in accordance with Quran even if they, hypothetically speaking, hadn’t contained the word arrogance in them (which is not the case here because many such ahadith specifically use the word Arrogance/Pride in them as can be seen in the first part of the same series whose link is provided in the comment below).

      Therefore, after studying all such Ahadith in the light of Quran and Sunnah, Ghamidi Sahab writes:

      The issue of isbal-i izar is no different. It was very common among the arrogant in the pre-Islamic Arab society to wear a long shirt, let the loose end of their turban hang below their back and let their legware (izar) dangle so far below the ankles that half of it would drag behind on the ground. In Arabic, this is called isbal. The Prophet (sws) showed his great dislike for this, and once remarked that the Almighty would not like to see the person on the Day of Judgement who walked while arrogantly dragging his leg-cloth (tehband). All narratives regarding izar relate to this appearance.

      It can however be said about the tehband that if it is allowed to dangle below the ankles, then it to some extent resembles the appearance of the arrogant just discussed; so care must be exercised even if the purpose to make it dangle is not arrogance. Thus this can be said about the tehband. However, it is a fact that this resemblance is only reflected in the tehband; it has no similarity with a shalwar, apajama and a trouser.”

      Please also refer to the following to understand How Ahadith should be studied:

      Discussion 32850 • Reply 32869

      Discussion 56414 • Reply 56415

  • Saddamhusen Saiyed

    Member January 4, 2022 at 2:11 am

    And please provide the link of taqabbur ka libas part1 of hadith section ilm un nabi on it’s link is broken

  • Saddamhusen Saiyed

    Member January 4, 2022 at 5:45 am

    Thanks a lot brother I will read both these parts

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