Ghamidi Sahab's Spoken Arabic
السلام عليكم
Are there any recordings of Ghamidi Sahab’s conversations in Arabic? I want to be fluent in Arabic and Arabic lectures and conversations of scholars who are not Arabs are really motivational. They make it feel just that little easier. So, if there are any recordings of him speaking Arabic and you can share them, please do.
The thing is that I am done with the basic Nahw and Sarf and, provided a dictionary, can read Arabic. I read some of Dr. Amir Gazdar’s مواقف العلماء في الحجاب والاختلاط and some of ألف ليلة وليلة too in hopes of building vocabulary. So, if you can provide any tips on how to build vocabulary and how to be fluent and comfortable with the language, it will be really be appreciated.
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