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  • Traditional Critique On Fikr E Ghamidi

    Posted by اشهل صادق on January 11, 2022 at 7:16 am

    السلام عليكم

    Can I get recommendations as to which critique on the understanding of Ghamidi Sahab by a traditional scholar is worth reading? The books people have recommended to me, for example فتنہ غامدیت کا علمی محاسبہ by professor maulana Muhammad Rafeeq, are quite difficult to read due to extreme biasness and misrepresentation of Ghamidi Sahab’s views. Also, they denigrate Ghamidi Sahab for holding a certain opinion even though others, who they will not critique like that and indeed revere, also held the same opinion. For example, they will critique Ghamidi Sahab for not believing in Ijma as they believe in it but leave aside Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Imam Shaukani, Ibn Ashur, Abu Hayyan, Imam al-Ghazzali etc. They will critique Ghamidi Sahab for believing that music is not Haram per se while forgetting that Imam Ibn Hazm had the same opinion and will critique him for not believing in the return of عيسى عليه السلام while letting maulana Azad’s unbelief in the same thing slide. At the same time, reading critiques is also important so as to bring to our attention other sides of the argument and to try and get closer to the truth. So, if anyone can recommend some good critiques, it will be appreciated!

    Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 3 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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