Attitude Of A Religious Person
I’m quoting a paragraph from Meezan :
Pg no : 80
[The correct attitude which the followers of this religion should adopt is called ihsān. It means to do something in the best possible way. When some religious duty is carried out in a manner that a complete balance is maintained between its form and spirit, every constituent of it is taken fully into consideration and a person does the deed in a manner that he considers himself to be standing before God, then this attitude is called ihsān. The Qur’ān says: ( And who has a better religion than he who submits to God, such that he does ihsān, and follows the faith of Abraham, who was devoted to [God] (4:125)
The Prophet (sws) has explained ihsān in the following words: Ihsān is that you worship God as if you are seeing Him because if you are not able to see Him, He surely sees you.]
There is written that we should consider ourselves standing infront of God and be God conscious when ‘we’re doing deeds or worshiping him’
I want to know if this attitude of Ahsan should come only when we’re performing worship rituals or we should be God conscious for 24/7, like whatever we’re doing in our day to day life.
Thanks in advance.
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