Why Humans Are So Important To Allah?
The question:-
1) Allah created Human beings , animals , plants , Allah did so much for this earth but what is the reason?.
Why humans are so important to Allah(swt) ?
Allah is important to us that I understand but Why we are so important to him?.
I know Iblis showed arrogancy when Allah told him to prostate before a human being and that’s why Allah did so much for us . He send so many messengers and a agreement was set between Allah and Iblis . We agreed to come in this world with our free will but on a condition that our memory will be erased. Iblis took the road of disobeying and said to allah that he will continue to divert human beings till the day of qayamah. All this I have understood but 1 thing still I am unable to understand is that why Allah made this test so hard for us?. Why Allah is so much concerned for us at the same time?. He himself allowed Iblis to divert us but on the other hand he threatens us. Allah could stop iblis and could threw him to hell at that time then the test would be easier for us.
Allah doesn”t need anyone so what was the need to take this decision ?.
He himself created us and he himself will put us in hell or heaven on the basis of our deeds but on the same time what Allah got by creating us and what will he get by putting us in hell or heaven?. We will be rewarded or will be punished. Allah won’t get anything .
May Allah forgive me , I am not questioning on the decisions of Allah but I just want to know the reasons..
I don’t think Allah created us to worship him. It can never be the reason. We worship to Allah for different reasons.
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