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Premarital Relationships Violation Of Huqooq Allah Or Huqooq Al-Ibad?
Posted by Sameer Namole on March 2, 2022 at 6:35 amPls consider all sides of this hypothetical example first.
A country ‘allows’ premarital relationships or live-in relationships.
So now if a couple gets engaged in consensual premarital relationships will it come in ‘Haqooq ul Ibad’ or ‘Haqooqullah’ as their is nobody harming anyone or like that. Country or society has no problem with it and the both of the couple are comfortable with it.
Will it be taken as Haqooqullah just as leaving a salah etc or will it come in Haqooq ul Ibaad but here nobody is going against a contract like marriage.
Deleted User 9739 replied 1 year, 4 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies -
6 Replies
Premarital Relationships Violation Of Huqooq Allah Or Huqooq Al-Ibad?
Faisal Haroon
Moderator March 2, 2022 at 7:56 pmGod conscious Muslims should refrain from such arrangements just because they have been prohibited by God. Knowingly and willingly committing an act that has been prohibited by God could be considered rebellion, and we know from the Quran that rebellious people will never enter the paradise. Secondly, both adultery and fornication have been prohibited on the same principle – in order to protect the rights of the children that may result from such relationships.
In Islam nikah or marriage is a publicly announced consensual decision to live together with a sincere intent that this arrangement will be a lifelong relationship. There are certain ‘adab’ of nikah and it establishes certain rights and responsibilities for each one of the spouses because as opposed to animals, human beings are intellectual, social, and moral beings. The institution of nikah legally protects each of the spouses, as well as provides a caring family for the children that may come into existence as a result. If a couple can decide to live together, I don’t think that it would be too difficult for them to do it under the banner of nikah.
Sameer Namole
Member March 4, 2022 at 12:54 amRight sir I got your point that God fearing people should refrain from it. But as we see there are many people now a days engaged in these relations.
Thats why I am still unable to understand and my question is still intact for me that if a couple is living together without marrige bond and society has no problem with it, ‘Will it come in Huqooqullah or Huqooq ul Ibaad’ this is my straight question.
You’ve elaborated correct and I’ve got the message and spirit you want to convey but my question is still there sir.
Deleted User 7113
Member March 4, 2022 at 4:12 amIt’s right of Allah that his orders should be obeyed. One is free to obey or not to obey. On day of judgment he will get its results. Considering this, your questions comes in haqooq Allah. Such couple is not obeying Allah’s order and violating his orders. So one can decide himself. There is no compulsion but result will depend upon action.
Sameer Namole
Member November 2, 2023 at 2:17 amI have returned to this question again, as I was reminded of it when I asked it before, and I still have some remaining confusion. In this matter, I want to determine the borders between what falls under ‘huqooq-ul-ibad’ (rights of fellow humans) and ‘huqooq-Allah’ (rights of Allah). It is fundamentally correct that a person should avoid committing any known sins, as knowingly doing so would be considered rebellion against Allah. However, there are countless sins among humans that we may not be aware of but engage in due to our weaknesses. For example, missing prayers, etc. When a person misses a prayer, they are not intentionally defying Allah but struggling with a personal weakness, and a link is formed to continue missing prayers. Yet, we still place it in the category of rights of Allah. I want to understand how to categorize this act.
If a government or state allows premarital relationships, and society does not strongly condemn them, and even both the young man and woman agree to enter such a relationship willingly, is it a sin related to Allah or fellow humans? We understand how premarital relationships negatively impact society’s foundation, affect the family institution, and why these relationships should be condemned to maintain it. It feels like this sin is related to ‘huqooq-ul-ibad.’ But in this case, if society and state laws permit it, it doesn’t seem so bad. For example, even using a refrigerator has a negative effect on the ozone layer, which can harm humans. So even using refrigerators can be considered a violation of huqooq-ul-ibad. But we don’t refrain from using it because everyone allows it. So, I want to know your thoughts on this.-
Moderator November 5, 2023 at 11:09 pmPlease watch:
Deleted User 9739
Member November 5, 2023 at 11:21 pmThere is only one acceptable way for sexual relations, and that’s marriage. Period. Anything outside of marriage whether secret or declared, does not only clearly violate Allah’s commandment but a degeneracy of mind and lethal for your future marriage. People who develop the habit of extra marital relations find it very hard to sustain a healthy marriage. Habits define your character, and character defines your destiny.
Before doing either/or and compartmentalizing it into one of haqooqullah or haqooq ul ibad, open your eyes and save yourself.
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