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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Quran 14:48 – Creation Of Heaven And Hell

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  • Quran 14:48 – Creation Of Heaven And Hell

    Posted by Ali on March 5, 2022 at 10:21 am


    Ghamidi sahab says jannat doesnt exist as of now, he cites verse Surah ibraheem ayat 48. I thought everything(all planet etc would be gathered up) and produce a new world.

    Surah najm ayat 13 onwards; are these talking about Miraj-and is this Miraj a vision/dream? I mean how did prophet see Jannah, and according to the ayat of surah najm ayat 15 does jannat exist as of now?

    I have heard these are mutashabihaat but I am confused.
    Though some mutashabihaat ayat and others explicitly mention that people will argue over them, I mean there are hints that we shouldnt argue about those unknown things and focus on message(eg:Surah 74ayat31,surah 18 ayat22) but this ayat doesnt.

    It seems as people were aware of sidra tul muntaha, I mean why didnt Quran introduce it first,like explain there is a sidra tul muntaha?
    Would it be correct to think that Allah has described unseen world using the metaphor of Garden/Jannah and sidra tul muntaha is a tree inside this garden?

    Faisal Haroon replied 2 years, 12 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Quran 14:48 – Creation Of Heaven And Hell

    Faisal Haroon updated 2 years, 12 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • Ali

    Member March 5, 2022 at 12:03 pm

    Just wanted to add.
    By the way I’ve watched Hassan Bhai’s Mutashabihaat video(where he talks abt Yusuf Kambalposh),

    I’m not sure if this is relevant but when Quran talks about masjid of bait al maqdis. Quran uses the words “masjid al aqsa” the furthest mosque. Which seems like a style of olden days, how people called lands of east asia as “Far East” because it seemed far and exotic to them.
    Now Quran mentions in Surah Waqiah Ayat 27 onwards, Quran translation describes the Manzar as “And the companions of the right hand; how happy are the companions of the right hand!” “Amid thornless lote-trees,” So it seems lote tree is a tree that shall be there in the heaven.

    So can we say that sidra tul muntaha, is furthest lote tree. The word “Further” to denote away from world in the sky where supposedly Jannah is? Just like the word “further” was used for masjid of bait al maqdis.

    I thought Janna would be created later especially after listening to ghamidi shab, rather than the traditional idea that Jannah is somewhere in space.

  • Ali

    Member March 5, 2022 at 12:27 pm

    Sorry for the confusion. I mean I couldnt make my question explicitly clear. So let me summarise the above stuff to clear any confusion.
    But I would appreciate if you would read the above stuff as well if incase I forgot to add some question here, and since if you answer all the questions I raised it and if you provide your comments on my understanding of the topic which I tried to convey ,it would help clear my doubts.

    Q1)Surah Najm Ayat 13 onwards, are they talking about Meraj? and Is Meraj a vision/dream
    Q2)Does Jannah exist as of now, I remember ghamidi sahab saying it shall be created later.(Surah ibraheem ayat 48) If it doesnt then why does the verse talk about it. Is it because the verse talk about vision?
    Q3)If Jannah exists right now then is it just like people say, that it is somewhere above in space. In the higher skies. like 7th heaven?
    Q4) What is sidra tul muntaha? Is my understanding correct that sidr leaves are part of desrcription of Jannah(Surah waqiah) So furthest here means, Jannah. Just like the word furthest was used for masjid al aqsa?

    Thanks in advance

    • Ali

      Member March 6, 2022 at 9:37 am

      I have somewhat found my answers in
      Discussion 22024
      Discussion 45425

      It seems the prophet saw whatever sidratul muntaha means, from this very “zameen”, and it seems from ghamidi sahab’s explanation that jannat tul mawa is a temporary janna for the arwaah. Rather than the Jannaat e Adn.

      You may clarify or add on anything if you think I am wrong.

      Thanks in advance

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator March 6, 2022 at 2:25 pm

    You might find this helpful:

    Discussion 59537

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