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'Muslim' A Tag Or Thought
Posted by Sameer Namole on March 17, 2022 at 12:05 pmIslam seems to be a religion or collection of some beliefs and attitudes that pleases the intellect of a man and turn his life throughout.
We know that Islam is the only religion and jewish christians etc ate just other sects of Islam like Sunni, shia.
I want to know :
1. Does Islam has any special relation to Muslim community?
2. A person who haven’t recognize that prophet Muhammad is messenger of Allah, and is a believer of previous prophets will he still be considered as muslim?
3. It seems there’s are two criterias of being a muslim, one is of whoever ‘claims’ to accept Islam or is born to a muslim family. And other, the criteria of a muslim by Allah where we don’t know who’s a muslim for him who is not?
4. Is it compulsory to use ‘Muslim’ identity or to announce that I’m muslim to the world. In other words ‘Can a muslim be a perfect believer even while he announce that he cuts his ties with muslim community.’ There can be many reasons. Like personally saying I started practicing atheism just because I used to hate my community i.e. muslim community that I was born in. So now if I know Islam is totally different from what muslims are doing, can I claim to people that ‘I DON’T BELONG TO THIS MUSLIM COMMUNITY I JUST READ, PONDER AND TRY TO PRACTICE ISLAM AND QURAN IN MY OWN WAY BUT DON’T RELATE ME WITH THIS COMMUNITY’
This was my main question. In short I clam that I am a believer but at the same time I am not a part of this community. JazakAllah
Sameer Namole replied 2 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 8 Replies -
8 Replies
'Muslim' A Tag Or Thought
Moderator March 17, 2022 at 12:50 pmIslam is not to please intellectual need. But to tell that there is afterlife for which you need to work in this life. Quran only ask to use intellect to ponder on reality of life.
Islam means to surrender to the will of God. One who surrender the will to God are called Muslim, the word chosen by God as told in Quran.
If you believe in Quran, how can you deny belief in prophet Mohammad sawYour statement has contradiction in itself. On one side you claim to believe in Quran and surrender to will of God and on other hand dont believe in Prophet Mohammad saw or dont want to be called muslim (word chosen by God)
Can you clarify your point, i may be unable to comprehend your point?
You may refer to this thread to understnd premise and beliefof Islam here
Discussion 1623
Discussion 37138 -
Sameer Namole
Member March 17, 2022 at 1:04 pmSir I understood Islam solely because it appealed my logic.
I think I didn’t explain my question correctly.
On one hand, Islam is what prophet Muhammad and Quran tell us, I CLAIM TO BE A BELIEVER IN IT.
Quran chooses the name muslim for me in essence that to ‘surrender the God’
I claim that yes I’ve surrendered to God.
But on the other hand we see people who claim to be muslim but a majority of them is sinking in immortality. Their schools of thoughts tells people to kill other people in the name of religion. I want distance myself from them. This was my simple question. I am a firm believer in Quran and Sunnah which are given to us by prophet Muhammad but at the same time I don’t want to join my name in those extremist people who are using the name of prophet Muhammad to spread hate.
Moderator March 17, 2022 at 1:12 pmThanks for clarification. I got your point now.
Yes you can dissociate yousrelf from those school of thought and such ideas.
In my personal opinion, i will still prefer to call myself muslim as its chosen by God. We are not responsible for what other do.
If someone argue about it you can politely explain your position and beliefs.
Sameer Namole
Member March 18, 2022 at 1:11 amGot it sir, like you said the name ‘Muslim’ is given by Allah just like the word ‘Islam’.
In essence, every major religion is Islam only in different forms or sects like Ghamidi sahab said.
In that sense everyone is a muslim.
Sir we’re ‘Mohammedan’ right?
If following ‘Jesus’ and his teachings meant to be christian, we’re ‘christian’ too right in that essence?
But we don’t call ourselves christian because we know that in popular form christian means something else, the one who normally believes jesus as begotten son of God is christian.
Just like that imagine a kid from warzone countries like Iraq and Syria where extreme muslim religious thoughts are prevalent, someone who is a muslim but in totally different essence, comes to Europe. What do yoy think how will that guy introduce himself?
He’ll either say he’s not a syrian muslim as the popular thought about it is highly misleading.
This was my concern.
Moderator March 18, 2022 at 1:44 amMay be @UmerQureshi sb or @faisalharoon sb can give better response
Moderator March 18, 2022 at 9:41 pmThere are two dimensions to look at here, one is internal faith of a person, which will ultimately be judged by God on the day of judgement. The second one is social standing of a person w.r.t to their beliefs. If one call themselves a Muslim, they will be considered as such and if one call themselves a Non-Muslim, they will be considered as such. In matters of deciding someone’s fate for legal matters in a society, their confession will the final criteria, irrespectibe of what they believe internally.
Regarding whether a Muslim can claim to be a non-muslim (saying kalma-e-kufr) when faced with persecution, Quran has given this permission provided one is faced with persecution and one believes in God inside their heart and there is no way for them to migrate to another place to avoid that persecution. As far as staying silent is concerned i.e. not exposing one’s identity as Muslim, this is a matter of strategy, as some circumstances may require an individual to stay silent to avoid religious stereotype or Islamophobia. And if it comes down to one’s life, one can claim to be a non-muslim, as mentioned above. This is an individual’s decision based on their circumstances, no general ruling can be given in this regard.
But whenever we are to introduce ourselves, that should only be introduced as Muslims; not Christian, not Muhammadan, Not any other affiliation, just Muslim.
Following thread will be helpful to some extent:
The relationship that Islam creates among Muslims is relationship of brotherhood. Instead of dissociating ourselves from the rest of the Muslims, we should act like a conduit between them and the true messgae of Islam. Dissociating will neither help you as a person, nor will it add any positive value to the society, and neither is this a practical solution toward achieveing a solution to problems face by the world in general and by the Muslims in particular.
Please also refer to the video below from 1:40 to 8:26
Sameer Namole
Member March 18, 2022 at 11:05 pmI totally got your point sir. And the part where you mentioned we’re not Mohammedan or christian we’re muslim.
That’s what I was talking about. I am not saying to disassociate myself or anyone else from community, I want to be presented as I am.
For example : people in pakistan are seemed with a careful eyes in west. In though this may not be your opinion, for the sake of my explanation please consider this example correct. so I was talking that this image is being propagated due to 99% is believing in a school of thought or living with a mindset that is threat to the western society. But when that remaining one will go in west they’ll clearly have to distinguish themselves from the rest of their community. As you know all about a person’s impression is decided by their identity in first meet. Just like Ghamidi sahab is one of the few scholars who can not only live in USA but teach their school of thoughts too. This something foreign idea for our normal religious people. My idea for this question was to not attach my ‘identity’ to muslim community because I hated them as a community and that was the reason I left what they were practising, Their Islam. I learned it again and reconsidered it from objective perspective then. So instead of joining my ‘Identity’ to them, I would love to attach Islam as merely a ‘faith’ I accepted on logical grounds, that is not only at the level of awareness for me, the belief system is at the functional level of myself. People are good they don’t have anything against good and haq i.e. Islam. But they hate the Islam that is being presented to them by our muslim brothers and sisters. Like sir I am sorry for this big message, but here in India this is our clear day to day experience, that when I’m living in non muslim majority area we’re quite more safe and can live in peaceful area. We can say that an individual, if commits a crime like rape or murder, we can say ‘Rapist ka Dharm ya Mazhab nahin hota’ but when a whole locality(muslim locality) starts burning fire crackers when pakistan defeats India in cricket, we all muslims are looked down upon and we’ve to always say ‘sare muslim ek jaise nahin hote’ because this isn’t a conspiracy sir, I personally know people who love some other country (you know the name probably) and hate their own motherland. Even though my ideology has changed due to embracing Ghamidi sahabs understandings, we know that non muslims will go to Jannah too. But just think about it, majority of muslims believe that non muslims will be in ‘Eternal Hell’, and still they don’t do dawah or anything else to save them. Seems like they are happy with going them in hell according to their understandings. I’ve heard many times ‘Hame to yahan problem hai baki ye to hamesha jahannum me jayenge’
Sir you say Ghamidi sahab is clearly stating that the root of terrorism and extremism is prevalent schools of thoughts. I’ve heard this many times and In India they clearly propagate their thoughts about ‘Kuffar’ on loud speakers on Jummah prayer and about ‘Other Firqas’.
If we know the root cause of this problem, I am not saying to ignore it, but we should address it and I will, but first we’ve part ourselves out from the problem first right.
Deen, all about it as Ghamidi sahab says is ‘Allah se Muhabbat’ and ‘Insaano ki khairkhwahi’ sir where is this deen seen in this community.
Again, I left this community because of them and their logic, and embraced the deen of Allah.
When I go with my team to give dawah, in Mandirs etc, mass of 80-100 people start amusing that we didn’t know this is islam. We thought Islam is evil. This is something we shouldn’t be surprised by. People don’t say this openly but they tell this with their people.
For the part of your answer, where you said one can hide imaan inside.
Sir I don’t want to hide it rather I want to propagate it and tell people this is what Quran and Islam is, it’s not what is being presented. This Islam is for your good, it’s not a foreign culture or foreign religion.
Summing up my question, I want to know from perspective of Almighty, that will I have any sinfulness or less virtuous, if I claim that ‘No I am not a muslim in general sense, I am person who follows Quran and Islam as I understand, you can call me muslim if you want, just like this when I go to christian brothers and sisters, I tell them that if you consider person to be a christian who follows bible and teachings of jesus instead of following pops blindly, consider me as a christian. Same for Hinduism, if consider a person to be sanatani, who follows vedas and gita directly instead of following and worshipping any idol that preachers preach.’
Will I be correct or wrong because I care more what Allah thinks or will think about me, rather than what people think. They just go and pass time of their life without finding any meaning for it.
JazakAllah. Sorry for this big and lengthy msg sir 🙏🏻
Sameer Namole
Member March 18, 2022 at 11:41 pmAnd one more thing sir
These assumptions are not derived by fear, even if they seem to be, they’re not. And Allah knows the best. These things are coming out of frustration, that when we see people claiming to be follower of Quran do mischief. I don’t care what they do, but it hurts when they do it in the name of islam!
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