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  • Why People Are Leaving Islam?

    Posted by Shoaib Imtiyaz on March 22, 2022 at 8:46 am

    Now days we see on internet that many people leaving Islam and helping to leave islam through institutionalized manner.

    Most people are from muslim countries.

    What are the reason behind it and what are the solution of it

    Faraz Siddiqui replied 2 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 22 Replies
  • 22 Replies
  • Why People Are Leaving Islam?

  • Faraz Siddiqui

    Member March 22, 2022 at 10:06 am

    Atheism is the dominant philosophy of our time. It explains formation of universe, formation of humans, provides freedom and give reasons for morality.

    As of 2017, atheism is the largest religion of North America and Europe. Muslims take joy is the PEW research that Islam is fastest growing region, this research was based on child birth rate and not conversion to Islam!

    Simply put atheism is a complete code of life. It provides answers that r logical, follows todays world

    Our scholars think if they can deny evolution, they’ll defeat atheism. This is so wrong.

    They way we answer, it doesn’t add anything to the discussion and it also doesn’t make any sense

    For e.g. scientist say we don’t know how universe is so well tuned, we say God did it. Question is which God? Allah, Yahaweh, Krishna or Zeus? Then we say it’s definitely Allah, how? It says in the Quran. Ok, what about Bible, Torah and Vedas? No answer


    I am not sure brother. Atheism is rooted in human reason and can be defeated by reason alone. Requires deep study of atheistic ideology, understanding the arguments and using the same tools to defeat this idea.

    Need scholars well versed in science and scientific philosophy along with Quran and Islamic and world history

    For us, we can follow the moral rules of Islam and that will help us spread the message.

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator March 22, 2022 at 4:13 pm

    As pointed out by Faraz sahab above, the reason for people leaving Islam as well as other religions is quite obviously the new wave of atheism. The solution is to educate our own selves as well as our children.

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator March 22, 2022 at 4:15 pm

    Faraz sahab, according to Ask Ghamidi Code of Conduct I normally refrain from commenting on anything not directly related to the original question, however, I find it necessary to respond to your comments above.

    I have studied atheism and I can very confidently tell you that thus far it’s a baseless ideology. Yes, it does look very logical on the surface. However, just like for the past 1000+ years the ideology of Neoplatonism impressed the greatest minds of that time despite being purely speculative, atheism is also purely conjectural in nature even though it manages to cast its spell on many great minds of our time.

    “…it explains formation of universe, formation of humans…”

    The last time I checked, that’s not the case.

    “Question is which God? Allah, Yahaweh, Krishna or Zeus?”

    The question assumes that there are multiple gods. That’s not what the religion claims. The religion claims that there’s only one true God. Which viewpoint about God is correct can be determined with due effort in a pretty scientific manner.

    “Our scholars think if they can deny evolution, they’ll defeat atheism”

    I believe so too, however, I’m not concerned about defeating anyone. My only concern is to follow the truth for my own satisfaction. The theory of evolution has many gaps, in fact, if one digs deep it turns out to be nothing more than a mythical concept. However, without evolution, atheism is just plain denial of God without any basis in knowledge, reason, or rationality.

    “way we answer, it doesn’t add anything to the discussion and it also doesn’t make any sense”

    I agree that Muslim scholarship is far behind in correctly presenting their view in this regard. Christian scholars, however, have done a fantastic job of pointing out the absurdities of evolution and thereby atheism. Michael Behe, Francis Collins, Edger Andrews, Stephen Myer, David Berlinski, and many more scholars some of whom belong to either the Intelligent Design or the Progressive Creationism schools have done a fabulous job in this regard. Even though many go through a lot of trouble in answering New Atheism through scientific facts, I think that the idea doesn’t even deserve that much academic attention. The very basis of evolution as well as atheism is nothing more than conjectures at this time. Long story short, there’s simply no ideology out there at this time that can explain this universe without an intelligent agent. Ones who claim that they can, can only do so through huge unscientific assumptions aka fiction.

  • Shoaib Imtiyaz

    Member March 22, 2022 at 4:31 pm

    But I found that they leave islam not due to atheism but due bad response of muslims eg violence, limited freedom, women oppression

    Serious problem is that they believe in atheism but doing their work on maligning the image of islam???

    We talk about western philosophy have anyone read about eastern philosophy or Indian philosophy and Indian religions

    Indian put that

    1- their religion is oldest

    2- Their religious texts include sciences as a part of religion

    3- Indians work on philosophy , medical sciences, astronomy, mathematics and other sciences from very beginning

    3 – They are the oldest civilized society

    4- They provide the list of hundreds of intellectual personality across different field

    How Islam is better than of Hinduism or eastern philosophy ????

  • Shoaib Imtiyaz

    Member March 22, 2022 at 4:35 pm

    I had seen a video of Ghamidi Sahab where he was talking about atheism and said that I had read the philosophy of last 2500 years and non of philosophers denied the god

    Did he read the Hinduism and eastern philosophy????

  • Faraz Siddiqui

    Member March 22, 2022 at 7:28 pm

    Faisal Bhai many thanks for your reply. I have to disagree with you at this point though. Atheism is not based on conjecture neither it depends on theory of evolution.

    Take 2 examples, If we say Allah created universe, Hindu say Krishna did it and Greek say it was Zeus. Do we have any objective data that it was Allah and not Krishna or Zeus? Objective data means something acceptable by all 3 parties. I don’t think we can prove it without referring to Quran or Vedas or Greek mythology, all aren’t evidence for everyone. We can find flaws in their books and they point out problems with Quran. In other words, the matter thats in this universe bears no stamp of any single creator, every religion has created a story of creation to fit the observations of there founders.

    Secondly, if we say evolution has many gaps, absolutely true. What does religion has? A claim that God did it, again how and which God? How do we prove that Allah created it? Finding fallacies in evolution just shows its not perfect, it doesn’t prove that religion is right.

    Michael Behe arguments (Darwin’s black box) has been refuted, Francis Collins never came forward with an objective explanation but his own religious experience, Berlinski is an agnostic and not a believer, Myers has a good argument regarding complex computation of genes. But again that shows fallacy of evolution and doesn’t say that there was an act of creation by an omnipotent God. We just don’t know how it happened. If we insist that God did it then it’ll be God of the gaps analogy

    Shoaib Imtiaz

    Brother in the beginning God was an A Priori concept meaning, an accepted fact that doesn’t need to be proven. Therefore all religions, philosophies have an impression of some form of God. Neither atheism existed in the meaning we understand it now. Exclusive atheism was punishable by death, Socrates was killed under the same allegation of atheism

    Indian philosophy is rich and ancient. They r not that scientific though, astrology and math were popular but much later after vedas and even Puranas. The philosophy is divided into 2 broad categories ASTIKA (Believers) NASTIKA (non believers) Nastika schools are Buddhism, Jainism and Carvaka. Buddha was the first atheist (so they claim)

    Chinese and Egyptian philosophy is older than Indian philosophy.

    Most people leave islam not because of a thoughtful discussion or rational thinking, they leave after personal trauma. Also true for other religions. All factors u mentioned r true but not the driving force. There’s a British researcher who researched why young muslims r leaving islam, book’s name is The Apostates, u can read it and see the different reasons.

    In short, religion is losing its grip on human lives. People use religion for 3 things, rituals at birth, marriage and death ceremony. Morality is also not dependent on religion but atheistic / secular understanding of human nature and suffering

    I see atheism as the dominant ideology, real threat to islam is atheism and not anything else

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator March 22, 2022 at 10:06 pm

    Faraz sahab, I think that I responded to your concern regarding Allah, Krishna, and Zeus in my previous response, but to reiterate, each claim can be validated on the basis of it’s evidence. Once it’s understood that three different viewpoints exist regarding God, each one can be investigated and the most plausible viewpoint can be accepted. This exercise is not any different than what we do in science or any other field of knowledge on a daily basis.

    Evidence for any book that bears the claim of a divine scripture can also be independently investigated and established (or refuted). Once it has been established as such then there’s no problem in referring to it. Why do we need to insist that things must be established without referring to the Quran (or any other scripture)? It’s like demanding that the universe must be explained without the theory of universal gravity. It’s taught in schools, however, there are differences of opinion on it. It doesn’t mean that we should throw it out the window. Until a better theory can be established, why not use it to our own advantage?

    God of the gaps is a self contradictory analogy to begin with. As soon as we say the word God, we’re referring to an entity that by definition knows more than it’s creation because He’s the Creator. So what if we attribute the gaps to Him? Had we established that human beings were omniscient themselves then this criticism would be valid, otherwise it’s just bogus. Besides as Muslims we not only attribute the gaps in our knowledge to God, but in fact we attribute all knowledge to God.

    Also it’s not as if those who turn to the God of the gaps criticism have actually filled those gaps with any empirical evidence themselves. Yes sure, we have made tremendous advancements in science and are now in a position to explain many things that earlier we only attributed to God, but our explanations today require an intelligent agent (God) as desperately as they required it before.

    Instead of God, they simply attribute unknown things to randomness and nature, which is completely absurd. What’s randomness? It’s nothing more than a disgraceful surrender that we fail to scientifically explain the underlying mechanism of a phenomenon. As soon as words like probable, must have, randomness, aliens, or God are invoked, we have transcended the boundaries of science. The domain of science is to investigate empirical evidence, discover cause and effect (causation), and explain repeatable and testable mechanisms within this universe. Calling random mutation and natural selection a science is a total disgrace to science! I might as well call it alien mutation and genie selection and there’s no way any Darwinian will ever be able to refute me!

    Long story short, the idea of Darwinism and thereby scientific atheism tantamount to nothing more than an extraordinary work of fiction thus far. What happens in the future is anybody’s guess!

    I’ll end with a quick note about the names I mentioned in my previous post and you responded to. It doesn’t matter if an idea was attempted to be refuted, or if an author is an agnostic. An academic approach would be to sincerely try to understand their criticism along with any refutations and form our opinions based on the weight of the arguments as established by the provided evidence.

  • Shoaib Imtiyaz

    Member March 23, 2022 at 12:12 am

    Faraz bhai thanks for you response

    But nowadays I am searching for the solution that how can we educate our upcoming generation ???

    Don’t you think that majority of us will go in hell according to quran

    And that the thing which we see in this world that people leaving Islam and accepting atheism

  • Shoaib Imtiyaz

    Member March 23, 2022 at 12:50 am

    As reading I find there are mainly six schools of Hindu philosophy and most of them denied the existence of God.

    I request you Faraz bhai and Faisal bhai to read the basic argument against the existence of God.

    Most of literature including Buddhism and Jainism literature are also atheistic in nature???

  • Faraz Siddiqui

    Member March 23, 2022 at 5:51 am

    Faisal bhai

    Yes we can investigate which God comes close to a certain claim but it’s not scientific cuz there’s no experiment to prove it. It can be logical and reasonable but can never be absolute

    I ask you, what agreed upon criteria we have to judge divinity of any scripture? It’ll remain a speculative exercise with followed on each side. Again, neither conclusive neither an evidence for divinity

    First things is to establish creation. Every creation bears its creator’s name. Where do we find God in universe’s creation?

    I am repeating myself, just by finding fallacies in bigbang or evolutionary theory doesn’t mean religion is true. Religion has to prove its own merit. I accept the criticism of the scientist u mentioned but, again, they prove evolution is wrong and not Christianity is right. If they prove Christ is the true God by debunking evolution then why U and I r Muslims still??

    God of gaps points to the fact that historically we accepted God as an agent when we can not explain something.

    I think this more reasonable that we say we don’t know or use other phrases u mentioned than attributing it to an unknown entity. There r 33-37 major gods and millions of smaller gods. There over 300 scriptures that claim divinity, atleast 12 r major scriptures. Any person who wants to follow reason and evidence would take up not knowing and atheism than deciding which religion or God to follow because if there was 1 true God existence wouldn’t allow billions of people to be misguided and go to hell.

    Shoaib Imtiaz

    No brother, there r 6 believers schools and 6 non believers. Budddhism has 4 major divisions and Jainism has 2 major divisions. Later Buddhist schools declare Buddha as the 9th avatar and a god.

    Which arguments u r referring too?

    Both Buddhism and Jainism center around human suffering and hence deny existence of an all seeing all powerful all living god. They don’t deny divine beings altogether though.

    I can not say how many will go to hell. Allah’s attributes r Rehman and Raheem so I believe in His mercy more than His wrath.

    The science snd philosophy of atheism has posed very serious epistemological and scientific questions. Require an in-depth understanding of the arguments and evidences. Re reading of our religious scriptures under light of current data, scientific and philosophical.

    For e.g. Allah said

    And ˹remember˺ when Lot scolded ˹the men of˺ his people, ˹saying,˺ “Do you commit a shameful deed that no man has ever done before? 7:80

    Now we know that homosexuality existed before Sodom and Gomorrah, ancient Egypt is an example. Sodom and Gomorrah existed 1900-2100 BCE. The first homosexual couple was in 2400 BCE in Egypt.

    I believe Quran is true because when we believed earth is center and doubted Quran, Quran came out on top. Unfortunately, that time islam was proven by non Muslims and it seems this time again we have to wait for secular and atheist science to prove our Truth to us

    We need hardcore evidence to prove Allah’s existence based on testable data and not conjectures and speculation and finding fleas in other ideologies. Hinduism, Jainism, communism, scientism, all can be wrong but all the wrongs cannot make Islam right!

    • Faisal Haroon

      Moderator March 23, 2022 at 10:08 am

      Faraz sahab you have some great concerns. If you can please create a separate post for each one, I will do my best to respond to them.

    • Faraz Siddiqui

      Member March 23, 2022 at 12:50 pm

      Many thanks Faisal bhai. I am in the process of reading and understanding history of atheism and arguments. None of what I said is my own beliefs (Alhamdulillah ) I am using their arguments with respect to their mindset. Atheism is way beyond Big Bang theory or theory of evolution. I am utterly dissatisfied with the way we answer atheism but, till now, I also don’t know how best to answer atheism

  • Shoaib Imtiyaz

    Member March 23, 2022 at 6:39 am

    Thanks Faraz bhai for your response I think everyone has different opinions regarding existence of God.

    I saw you answer many other questions very reasonable manner on this platform .

    I want to ask you about your research on existence of God and Islam and your thoughts of understanding because I feel can provide answers to me and you study about it regularly ???

    And others can also answers like Faisal bhai

    Jazakallah !!

  • Shoaib Imtiyaz

    Member March 23, 2022 at 6:43 am

    Many people I see on YouTube they called themselves atheist and all day talking about Islam and maligning Islam and making money from it???

  • Faraz Siddiqui

    Member March 23, 2022 at 7:01 am

    Yes people do that. But if they feel islam is that bad then it’s their right to give their opinions. I don’t think answering back is a fruitful exercise. Because they don’t believe Quran is an evidence and I already mentioned that debunking scientific theories doesn’t prove anything

    Remember another book, An Atheist muslim by a Pakistani origin cancer doctor

    Currently I am reading the Cambridge history of atheism, it came out in 2021. I went through Oxford handbook of atheism recently. Other books on my to-read list, Evolution of God, Case for God, evolution of Atheism, Why we believe.

    There’s 2006 conference Beyond Belief on YouTube, all famous atheist scientist gave their opinions about why there’s no God. An interesting watch.

    If we r done here then u can start a separate thread with 1 opinion and we can discuss.

    I don’t have doubts about Allah, Alhamdulillah. I am not satisfied with the approach we take to answer atheism

  • Shoaib Imtiyaz

    Member March 25, 2022 at 7:34 pm

    Assalamualaikum Faraz bhai

    Some points by Atheism

    1- Faith is a thing which you reach without any reason , conclusion, evidence, rational .

    Faith is blind (Faith is described as religion)

    Faith become reality due millions of people stated believing in it.

    2- Religious people don’t have evidence, reason about what they believe. They have only sentiment.

    Only thing can defend their beliefs is sentiment

    3- Religious people got hurt when they and their religion is exposed by rationality, reason etc

    4- In any so called holy book you can’t find any scientific thing or about physical phenomena of nature which were not known about time like Earth is geospherical, Earth is moving etc

    5-Every religious people is 90% atheist because he/she rejected all others faith on the basis evidence , reason etc and become irrational about his own faith or religion.

    6- If we read history we find religion is violent everywhere. Religion killed people .

    Please explain with reference to Quran and Islam


    • Muhammad Talha

      Member March 26, 2022 at 7:30 am

      1. ‘Faith is blind’, no, it’s not. There are reasons for one’s beliefs, could be both objective and subjective.

      Atheists quote ‘Faith is blind and based on no evidence whatsoever.’

      The evidence they are looking for is kind of like 2+2=4. An equation whose answer is God.

      2- ‘Religious People’ and ‘Religion’ itself are two separate concepts, it would be a fallacy to mix up both and view one in the light of the other. People have sentiments, both religious and non-religious, it can be seen in patriotism, affiliations. You cannot question the whole concept of religion based on the actions of a tiny fraction who ‘claims’ to follow religion (Islam).

      3. Once again, religious people. Just like you can find a lot of them who get hurt and emotional and reactive, you will also find many who will listen to you, discuss with you and will try to answer your concerns.

      4. Religious books aren’t scientific books, that’s not their subject. They are from the domain of literature and should be studied accordingly. Still, Quran sheds light on some scientific facts indirectly.

      5. Again, religious people.

      6. Let’s talk about history and let’s not go too far, take the two world wars, we’re they religious wars? Fought in the name of God? How violent were they? How many people got killed?

      They were idealistic wars that had nothing to do with religion.

      I hope some of this helps.

  • Faraz Siddiqui

    Member March 26, 2022 at 5:08 am

    W salam

    I do not understand what do u want me to explain?

    Things u mention r said by atheists but how do I explain it by Quran and sunnah?

  • Shoaib Imtiyaz

    Member March 26, 2022 at 7:54 am

    The above following points are questions raise by an atheist

    For example 1 point how Islam see faith it and in islam faith is blind or understandble…..

    And others points also

    • Faraz Siddiqui

      Member March 26, 2022 at 10:24 am

      Yes brother I got that these were points by an atheist. Didn’t understand what u wanted me to do.

      U want me refute the answers from atheistic perspective?

  • Shoaib Imtiyaz

    Member March 26, 2022 at 10:29 am

    Yes I want you to refute


  • Faraz Siddiqui

    Member March 26, 2022 at 12:06 pm

    Ok, I don’t understand the purpose of this exercise. I’ll answer this time but do let me know what’s going on

    Faith is blind because it’s like believing in fairytales. U believe it’s true but as your knowledge grows, u can see the flaws. People of faith has zero objective evidence and only subjective evidence. And amazing fact is this that u can use the subjective evidence to prove ANY deity! The evidence can be used to prove Yahaweh and same argument can be used to prove Brahma or Zeus. If we ask who made water cycle, answer is God, then which God, then each religion pull out there own books and say “my god”. If we ponder then we’ll see the fallacy, claim is from this physical world but answer is from a metaphysical source, a divine book. Not testable or provable! Accept this bk is from god and that’s why it’s a proof. Absurd!

    Religious books r plenty, over 300. It’s very simple that God could put something that proves it’s divine. Things that humans will observe in later times. But religious bks give claims and only claims. They talk about crops and water cycle, rain, storms and earthquakes and say look god can do all that. How does they prove this claim? By faith alone. If any bk can claim all of the above and only explained 1 thing in detail, something that we know ancient man couldn’t have known like shape of earth or stars burn or rain comes from sea water. In other words, if there’s increase in human knowledge based on religious bks then there claim of divinity would be justified. All religious bks give 0 evidence. They give eg of common observable phenomena and claim god does it. Modern followers find subtle or hidden meaning in their bks and say look, it’s proof. There’s mathematical secrets of vedas, medicines from Vedas, even aeronautics from Vedas! What can I say???

    Religious ppl say that they r work of literature, more absurdity. This is to hide all the mistakes and inaccuracies. Work of literature from all mighty god, really! How’s that an evidence for divine? So God sent literature for us to follow and solve our problems and guided us? Literature means, it can reinterpreted over and over and “find” hidden meanings whenever we like.

    No religious bk would confirm other bks, it’s common sense to think that if there’s 1 God and he had sent down multiple bks for different times then He must’ve put confirmation or news of earlier messages, like Vedas predicted later books or Torah predicted Bible, u find none! Any concept that’s unanimous? Nope.

    Religion kills, no doubt. Go back in history, why did Spartans fought Athenian? Why did Roman’s attacked all the world, what about crusades, what about war between Catholics and Protestants, or among muslim sects since the 2nd century post hijra. Do u know Nazi soldiers took oaths on the Bible!

    3 religions fighting for 2500 yrs over Jerusalem!

    Why does all Abraham Religions r waiting for their military messiah that will lead to the biggest war?? War for what? To kill chickens? To kill humans on the most massive scale. All religions preach this thirst for blood of others who do not believe in their version of metaphysics!

    No serious student of history and theology can deny religion only wants domination over others.

    There’s lot more but I stop here

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