Quran 2:219 Says Prohibitions (Gambling, Alcohol) Have Benefit?
In Surah Bakarah, Ayah:
They ask you about drinking and gambling [because in their society these are also a means of helping the poor]. Tell them: “There is great sin in both, [and no doubt] they also have some benefits for people; but their sin is far greater than their benefits.” ( this translation is taken from a thread of yours. Im sorry but I forgot the number, otherwise I would source )
Im sorry, but it seems kind of strange to me, that Allah SWT would leave a hint of mention about alcohol and gambling having a benefit, then bring the overpowering statement that it is totally forbidden.
Why would Allah SWT mention alcohol and gambling having a benefit, when we are meant to avoid it?
It seems kind of contradictive. Its as if it implies men in the past did good deeds by the means of something immoral.
It also potentially can cause some people to question the prohibition, by wondering ” hey! Why is something that even Allah mentioned a good for, suddenly prohibited? That makes no sense!”
To reiterate the question, why would Allah mention a benefit for something that is forbidden?
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