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Islam And Science
Posted by Shamir on April 6, 2022 at 2:14 amThe more I study science, the more I start to drift away from religion, whether it’s the invention of the mobile or the car. My only question is why didn’t all this progress before? Didn’t God love the first man so much?
Faisal Haroon replied 2 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
Islam And Science
Faisal Haroon
Moderator April 6, 2022 at 8:56 pmAs it has been pointed out to you many times before, the message of God is for our success in the hereafter. What laws of God we discover in this world and how we invent things based upon those laws is our worldly concern. We do not create those laws. All science does is discover them and use them for the benefit of the greater humanity.
God has sent us to this world to test us and He has done so for a minuscule amount of time relative to our entire lifetime. Should we succeeded in this test, we’re promised an eternal life of ultimate joy and comfort. Is this much love not enough?
Member April 7, 2022 at 10:31 amWell, I understand your point, but why should we believe that the God mentioned in the Qur’an is the one who makes these principles?
Faisal Haroon
Moderator April 7, 2022 at 11:01 amThere’s only one Creator, as it is glaringly evident from the coherence of the laws that work beautifully together in order to sustain this vast and endlessly complex universe.
Since there is only a single Creator, the question of which creator to believe in is not really valid. A more valid question would be regarding whether or not our beliefs regarding the Creator are correct.
For Ghamidi sahab’s detailed explanation regarding our faith and beliefs, please see:
Member April 7, 2022 at 11:32 amPlease don’t get me wrong I honestly want to know the truth, I have read Discussion 37138 and got a lot of information and also understood how strong our faith should be. I also know that the Qur’an is about our Hereafter but I also want to know if the Lord who gave us this life and is testing us has mentioned any of His signs in this world like Qur’an 41:53 “Soon will We show them Our signs in the Horizons and in their own souls, until it becomes clear to them that this Quran is indeed the truth. Witness? ” What signs are these verses pointing to and besides, are these the signs by which I am conveying my message to you? For example, mobiles, loudspeakers, other inventions because these are signs that God did not keep them like this?
Faisal Haroon
Moderator April 7, 2022 at 11:44 amQuran 41:53 is in a particular context of Itmam-e-Hujjah, and is addressed to the direct addressees of Prophet Muhammad SAW. You can read the explanation in Al-Bayan but it has nothing to do with scientific discoveries or inventions of today. However, just the fact that science discovers these laws in the nature is within itself an evidence that there must be a lawgiver – God.
Member April 7, 2022 at 11:54 amI have understood your point to a great extent, I want to understand more. Please give me some guidance for this
Faisal Haroon
Moderator April 7, 2022 at 12:21 pmI’m not sure what other guidance you’re looking for. I strongly suggest that you go through all the videos in the discussion I shared above and all of it’s sub-discussions. A lot of questions you ask on Ask Ghamidi are deeply related to the material shared in those videos. If you have already watched these videos then I suggest that you watch them again as many times as needed to get clarity. A lot of times even I go over certain material many times in order to be able to properly understand and appreciate it.
Member April 7, 2022 at 12:24 pmThank you very much Faisal Bhai. InshaAllah, if Allah wills, I will definitely come to Ghamdi Center of Islamic Learning one day for the purpose of knowledge.
Faisal Haroon
Moderator April 7, 2022 at 12:25 pmSure Insha’Allah!
Member April 26, 2022 at 1:06 pm@faisalharoon Brother, in the same thread, I quoted Qur’an 41:53 and said that God is addressing us and saying that I will show them the signs. But you said that it was on the occasion of completion of argument. It has nothing to do with us. In this video Ghamidi sab is also saying what I was. Please watch it from 02:15 to 02:55
Faisal Haroon
Moderator April 26, 2022 at 1:36 pmIn such live discussions and debates it’s not always possible to be accurate about context, audience, etc. From such debates we should try to understand the overall argument and it’s basis rather than focusing on generalizations.
Translation of Quran 41:53 by Ghamidi sahab is available for anyone to look at. I’m reproducing it below along with it’s relevant explanatory note. When trying to understand concepts in detail it’s imperative that we look at something concrete like this.
Quran 41:53:
[Rest assured O Prophet! and they should also be warned that] soon We shall also show them Our signs in the world around them and within them as well [69] until it will become evident to them that this Qur’ān is the absolute truth. And [for your assurance] is this not sufficient that your Lord is a witness to everything? [70]Listen! These people are in doubt about assembling before their Lord. [71] Listen! He has embraced everything. [72]
69 Ie., those who become the companions of the Prophet (sws) from the nearabouts of Makkah and from within Makkah and from among the Quryash also, and such testimonies of the dominance of truth and defeat of evil will come before them that the veracity of the Qur’ān will become evident to every one of them.
Translation by Javed Ahmed Ghamidi
English rendering by Dr. Shehzad Saleem
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