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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Application Of Quran's Ruling Of Forgiveness For Person Who Doesn't Offer Salah

  • Application Of Quran's Ruling Of Forgiveness For Person Who Doesn't Offer Salah

    Posted by Mohammed Zubair Alam on April 9, 2022 at 5:09 am

    If missing salah is a major sin, then does the Quran’s ruling of forgiveness applicable to it?…

    Regarding major sins in particular, Allah says in the quran that if a person repents as soon as he realizes his mistake , Allah will forgive him.

    So the Quran is silent if a person repents later on after realization, though they will get salvation during the intercession of the prophets.

    My question is “Does this ruling apply to namaz also?”

    I mean what If a person establish prayer later in his life?..

    I mean it could be possible that his real realization took time , or maybe he kept realizing it with time by gaining knowledge , or it took him time to change himself completely and making a habit of salah, or he didn’t get time to know in detail about all these things, or maybe he was just confused ..any reason it could be..

    So yeah If a person establish prayer later in his life, should he expect to be forgiven only during the time of intercession , or this ruling does not apply in missing salah and is applicable only when a sin is done against human rights.

    Mohammed Zubair Alam replied 2 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Application Of Quran's Ruling Of Forgiveness For Person Who Doesn't Offer Salah

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar April 10, 2022 at 2:13 am

    The principle of forgiveness is:

    “[It should, however, remain clear that] God’s responsibility to forgive is only for those who commit a sin while being overwhelmed with emotions and then repent soon. So, it is they to whom God shows His mercy and accepts their repentance and God is All-Knowing and Wise.

    On the contrary, there is no repentance for those who sin all their lives and, when the time of death approaches for any of them, he says: “Now I do repent!” Similarly, there is no repentance for those also who die as disbelievers. It is these for whom We have prepared a grievous punishment. (4: 17-18)

    The people in between them, their forgiveness will be decided case to case by the merciful God, whose mercy does not violates His justice.

    There is more probability of forgiveness when it some to the matter related directly to God, no human right is violated.

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