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Forums Forums Islamic Sharia Head Covering For Women In The Absence Of Embellishments/Adornments

  • Head Covering For Women In The Absence Of Embellishments/Adornments

    Posted by Asma on April 14, 2022 at 9:57 am

    If a woman has done makeup on her face but has NOT done zeenat/adornment/embellishments of her hair is she still required to cover her hair?

    Please note that I have already watched ghamidi sahab’s lectures but I am still confused about this one

    Umer replied 2 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Head Covering For Women In The Absence Of Embellishments/Adornments

    Umer updated 2 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Umer

    Moderator April 15, 2022 at 5:48 am

    Covering is only required when lady has embellished/adorned her hair as per Ghamidi Sahab.

    As per covering head in general, following is the article of Ghamidi Sahab in this regard:

    “The Almighty requires of a Muslim woman to not display her make-up or other embellishments such as jewellery before unknown men except what she has adorned her hands, feet and face with. The Quran has made it mandatory upon Muslim women to follow this directive. It is for this very reason that the tradition of wearing the head-scarf or head covering while going out of the house was established, and now has become a part of Islamic culture. Even if women have not embellished themselves and have not put on make-up, they have continued to be very vigilant in wearing some sort of head covering. This attitude has also sprung forth from the insinuations of the Quran: the Almighty has specified that the directive of covering the chest and neckline with a covering is not related to old women who have passed their marriageable age on the condition that their intention is not to show off their ornaments. The Quran says that they can take off this covering before men and that there is no harm in this; however, it has simultaneously stated that what is more desirable in the sight of the Almighty is that they should be careful in this matter too and not take their coverings off their chests. It is evident from this that regarding the head too it is desirable in the sight of the Almighty that even if women have not adorned it in any way, even then they should not take off their head coverings. Although covering the head is not mandatory yet when Muslim women live with a concern for religiosity and try to draw near God, they necessarily take this precaution, and never like to come before unknown men bare-headed”.

    (Javed Ahmed Ghamidi)

    (Translated by Dr Shehzad Saleem)

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