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Missing Salah For A Long Time Due To Illness
Posted by Mohammed Zubair Alam on April 15, 2022 at 7:10 amThe question is:-
What should be done if a person misses prayers for 1 day, 2 days, 10 days or more due to illness?
Does he have to perform his missed prayers , or in such cases there is no need for a person to make up?
Mohammed Zubair Alam replied 2 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 14 Replies -
14 Replies
Missing Salah For A Long Time Due To Illness
Moderator April 15, 2022 at 3:38 pmPlease see:
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member April 15, 2022 at 3:46 pmI did not get.
Is it obligatory for a person to pray even during illness?
Moderator April 15, 2022 at 3:57 pmOne should try their best to offer Salah in all circumstances and on time. In the presence of any ‘undue difficulty‘, one has option to combine and reduce the prayers and can also pray with signs only, if standing up properly is not possible. And if praying on time is not possible due to ‘undue difficulty‘, then one should offer that Salah as soon as one gets out of that undue difficulty, it will not be considered Qaza.
If one realizes after so many years of not praying about offering Salah, then one can make the intention of praying missed farz salah when offering Nafil Salah. There’s nothing explicit mentioned in Sharia about this issue (i.e. Qaza-e-Umri), but this is opinion of Ibn-e-Taimiya and Ghamidi Sahab also prefers this opinion.
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member April 16, 2022 at 2:26 amI still haven’t got my answer😕. Maybe my question formulation was wrong.
1)Suppose, a person is unconscious for 1 day because he had an operation, or someone is in a coma, what should he do after he recovers?
The response given by you raises two more questions:-
2)Undue difficulty ” is subjective to an individual, right?
In times of difficulty, First of all, a person should find a way to combine prayers and pray appropriately.
If the situation requires more ease, he can combine and shorten his prayer simultaneously.
If the situation requires more ease than the previous one, he can pray while sitting, laying, and can also combine and shorten his prayer simultaenously If the sutuation asks more.
If none of the choices can be made then he has the last option of praying as soon as he gets out of that undue difficulty. I think it should be put in last option or maybe I am wrong. So yes I tried to make it in a sequence. Is the sequence correct, or is there no need for this sequence?
3) If a person is not accustomed to prayers, can he do only repentance in the beginning and offer only fardh prayer?.
I mean if a person realizes later in his life that he should pray, can he start with the fardh ?. I think the criteria is to pray the fardh prayer only, right?.
If one repents that he will never leave his fard prayer from today onwards , then he can hope that allah will forgive him , right?
Yes, with the passage of time when he becomes accustomed to the prayer, he can offer Nafal prayer and can also offer Nafal prayer with the intention of fardh. I think it is up to the human to decide when and what he is capable of.
Moderator April 16, 2022 at 3:17 pm1) If a person is unconscious for one day, then he should offer his leftover prayers after attaining his consciousness back. Those prayers would not be considered as Qaza when he offers them.
2) Decision of undue difficulty is subjective to the person and he has to decide which particular course of action in his case creates ease for him. The spirit one gets from Quranic directives is that God wants Muslims to offer their prayers on time, either when walking or while travelling or laying etc. It is because of this spirit, it is recommended to pray on time through whatever means possible. But this doesn’t mean that a person who combines his prayers because of ‘undue difficulty‘ has done anything wrong. In Hajj (where Jihad against Satan has been symbolized), such shortening and combining of Salah has been instituted as Sunnat-e-Mutawatra by Prophet Muhammad (sws) without depending on any such sequence.
3) Since nothing explicit has been said in this regard in Sharia, therefore, if one asks genuine forgiveness from Allah after realizing this fact, then hopefully Allah will forgive. This is view of Ibn-e-Hazm as well. However, the above mentioned view in earlier comments is based on extra care.
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member April 16, 2022 at 11:25 pmThank you umer sb.
1) If a person is unconscious for many days , then?
Moderator April 17, 2022 at 7:36 amIt is eventually upto the person to decide.
Few days which can be counted on fingers can be fulfilled by offering the remaining prayers.
If days are too many, then it goes beyond the capacity of the person to complete remaining prayers through mere counting, in that case, approaches mentioned above can be adopted (preferably the one which involves extra care).
There is some guidance available in case of Prayers left during menstruation cycles of women, where they are not asked to complete their leftover prayers after their periods. But since it is not something which repeats everymonth (coma) like periods, therefore, one needs to deal with this scenario with more care.
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member April 18, 2022 at 1:00 amYou mean, In such a situation, one can ask forgiveness to Allah , or can pray nafl prayers with fardh intent.
Moderator April 18, 2022 at 6:47 amYes, this is for the person to decide, I personally would prefer both.
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member April 18, 2022 at 9:58 amThank you Sir.
Bdw, why should a person repent in such a case?
I mean, he didn’t choose to be unconscious.
Moderator April 19, 2022 at 6:38 amDoes a God-fearing Muslim need a legal reason to ask for Allah’s forgiveness? Whoever adopts this attitude is reflecting his arrogance in front of Al-Mighty.
Shorterning and/or combining of Salah (almost in all circumstances) is done when one is incapacitated by the circumstances to offer complete Salah or to offer on time, for which one can say that its not their fault so they are not gonna ask for forgiveness and neither are they gonna makeup for their salah because they didn’t choose such circumstances. It is one’s incapacity which allows for this relaxation to pray at a later time, not one’s consciousness or unconsciousness.
The right approach is to makeup for the missed Salah, whether one was conscious or unconscious during that time, to the best of one’s ability and to ask for forgiveness as well. And if the number is too big to even count, then Nafil Salah strategy can also be adopted. And if a person , despite trying is even unable to complete the number, then one’s continuous repenting will do the work hopefully.
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member April 19, 2022 at 11:13 amI tried a lot but failed to understand what you said😕. You said that having an attitude of not being remorseful for unconsciousness means showing arrogance. But you said again that if someone is unable to perform the prayers on time, they can say that they will not apologize because it was not their fault.
So if someone goes into a coma after being hit by a car, isn’t that a Incapacity?
Maybe you misunderstood the word “unconscious” and by “unconscious” you meant the unconscious Muslim.
So I’m asking about the unconsciousness caused by the coma or the operation.
So after each of your responses, I concluded that, in this kind of case, it is up to the individual to decide what to do. There is no legal reason for this. It is up to the individual to decide what he/she will do.
One can ask for forgiveness ,or complete the missed prayers if possible through counting ,or perform nafl prayers with fardh intent if the days are too many . I think in this case it is the person who will decide what to do, not anyone else cause there is no explicit ruling .
Overall If I ever went into a coma , after recovering , I would also prefer both strategies , but I asked this question so that I could answer every question that my brains asks me.
Moderator April 20, 2022 at 6:31 amI used unconscious in the same meaning as unconscious in a coma.
Since it is a matter between person and the God, so God can forgive him on mere attitude of repentance and consistency in observing future Salah, if he so wills.
But from the perspective of an individual, should he assume this on his own or should he make effort to makeup his missed Salah (which was required of him once incapacity remains nomore), to which it is being said that the individual should try to makeup for his missed Salah to the best of his ability.
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member April 20, 2022 at 6:41 I got it.. thank you so much 🙏🏻🙏🏻.
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