Praying During Pak-USA Flight
Though duration of flight between Pakistan and USA is same on both routes but but departure and arrival time and dates may be same or different. Also Sun sets and rises twice on both routes. When we go from Pakistan to USA, we leave at fajar time and reach USA same day before the zohr time expires. Total duration of flight is usually 16-18 hours But coming back from USA to Pakistan, we start at asar time on one day (say Sunday) we reach Pakistan on Tuesday at fajar time. Thus 9 prayers are missed, whereas duration of travel is same. If we look at sun outside plane window we see sun setting and rising twice. This confuses me. My question is that how many namaz one has to offer on the two routes. While going to USA we see sun setting and rising but as per calendar it’s the same day morning and afternoon. Are we missing whole day namaz by virtue of Sun rising and setting. This problem is more severe if we go by eastern side via Thailand Singapore Japan and USA Once it happened with me that I flew from Singapore on Sunday evening and reached USA same Sunday morning. I had already offered zohr and asar of Sunday. I repeated it again in USA. My question is again the same. Do we have to see our watches to decide which namaz we have to pray irrespective of Sun or follow the Sun rising and setting instead of watches as both don’t corroborate.
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