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  • Zakat Calculator Questions

    Posted by Deleted User 7113 on April 24, 2022 at 11:46 am

    Zakat calculation app is really wonderful. But there are few points which need clarification. 1. In this app, zakat has been levied on income. Whereas zakat is levied on saving, on which one year has passed. This is the agreed rule? What is the basis of levying zakat on income, whether it is salary income or daily wages. Of course in Shia sect there is khums on income but not in Sunni sect.

    2. In this app, Zakat has been levied on industrial production considering it equivalent to agricultural production. There is huge difference between the two. In agriculture production, output is several hundred times higher than the input. One sows one kg seeds and 100s kg of grain is produced. In industrial production input and output are equal. One puts in ten kg yarn and will get 10 Kg cloth or uses one kg raw plastic and will get one kg plastic utensils. So there is no growth. Thus, How industrial production can be taken equivalent to agricultural production?

    3. What’s about a milk man or cattle pan? If somebody owns 50 cows and collects their milk and sells. Does he have to give 10% of milk produced daily as zakat? In addition he has to give zakat on saving from income by selling milk. Also one cow per 10 cows as zakat? Is it like so? If yes then what’s the basis? I am not aware if any milk man does like that.

    4. What’s about the person who owns one cows or goat and uses its milk for personal use. Will he have to give 10% of milk as zakat daily?

    I will be obliged if Ghamidi sahib or Hassan Ilyas or Salim Shahzad can give any explanation of these observations and calculations?

    Faisal Haroon replied 2 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Zakat Calculator Questions

    Faisal Haroon updated 2 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 6 Replies
  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator April 24, 2022 at 9:27 pm

    The Zakat Calculator is implemented according to Ghamidi sahab’s understanding and explanation of the Sharia of Zakat. On the first screen of the calculator that sharia has been succinctly explained. Details can be found in Ghamidi sahab’s book Meezan or in the following FAQ:

    Discussion 46733

    Zakat on production is an agreed upon Sunnah, however, Ghamidi sahab has made an ijtihad in it’s application on the modern forms of production. Whether the production is industrial, agricultural, or even in the form of salaries or service fee, the principle remains the same. The weight of input or output is irrelevant because you pay zakat on the value of production, while the means of production are always exempt.

    If a person owns cows and uses their milk to make a living then he will pay 5% on his sales in zakat, while the cows will be exempt as a means of production. If money is saved from his business then on a pre-determined date he will pay 2.5% zakat on his total savings.

    Everything of personal use is exempt from zakat so if a person owns a cow and benefits from its milk then there’s no zakat on it.

    Please go through the sharia of zakat I shared above and if you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

  • Deleted User 7113

    Member April 25, 2022 at 1:52 am

    Thanks. My question about zakat on salary income or other daily income is not answered. Because I have not found any basis for it anywhere. Zakat is due on sahib-e-Nisab on saving after one year. Then how Zakat becomes due on monthly /daily salary or income? Please clarify. Regarding industrial production I have a right to disagree with your viewpoint. I am aware of zakat rules mentioned in your recommended thread. I have read Meezan also.

    Thanks in advance

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator April 26, 2022 at 7:59 pm

    Of course you have the right to disagree with anything that I or anyone else says.

    Production zakat has transmitted to us a sunnah. This is explained in the resources that I shared with you above, and can also be viewed in the following video from 15:50 to 20:22:

  • Deleted User 7113

    Member April 26, 2022 at 9:01 pm

    Thank you. What’s about salary income. The thing I like about Ghamidi Sahib’s thinking is that we can discuss instead of being authoritarian

  • Deleted User 7113

    Member April 27, 2022 at 1:07 am

    In another thread, you just described that zakat is due on profit in industrial production. That makes sense. Initially I had understood that zakat has to be given on the amount of products. For example if someone has a textile mill and produces 100 packets of cloth per day, then he has to pay ten packets as zakat per day. That was not equivalent to agricultural produce. If 5 or 10% zakat is levied on the profit earned on sale or cost of those 100 packets, that is right. Am I right as per your stated principles of zakat?

    I will end my discussion here as I have got the answers of other questions.

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator April 27, 2022 at 8:21 am

    I’m not sure which other thread you might be referring to. Industrial production is of course one of the modes of production so I might have referred to it in a certain context.

    Once again, on the very first screen of the Zakat Calculator the sharia has been succinctly explained which precisely answers your question. Also as you move to next screens, each box further explains what amount to enter in it. In short, production zakat is on the amount earned e.g. profits from a business.

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