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  • Romantic Ode Of Kaab Bin Zuhayr Read In Front Of Prophet Muhammad (SWS)

    Umer updated 2 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • Ahsan

    Moderator April 28, 2022 at 1:19 pm

    chk this thread, references to hadiths related with music are given there
    Discussion 55241

  • Abdullah AbdulRahman

    Member April 28, 2022 at 3:25 pm

    I checked them, as far as i remember Ghamidi sahab did mention that love poetry type was read in front of Prophet SAW, but he didn’t mention the Ahadith?

  • Umer

    Moderator April 28, 2022 at 4:44 pm

    It was not a love song, instead it was an ode written for Prophet Muhammad (sws) including His praise and honor. Arabs used to start such odes with a “Tashbib” which includes a reference to one’s loved one and after that, the main part starts. The reference of “Banat Suad” is a famous reference to one of such odes written by Kaab bin Zuhayr for Prophet Muhammad (sws), which was started with Tashbib of Suad. And narration states that after Prophet Muhammad (SWS) heard him recite this ode, He (SWS) gave his cloak/cardigan (‘Burdah‘) to Kaab bin Zuhayr as a token of appreciation for his poetry which is why it was later on known as “Qasidah al-Burdah“. This was the original Burdah, all the succeding Burdahs took their name from this original Burdah.

    This account can be found in many Seerah Books, with the most prominent being Ibn-e-Kathir’s Al-Badaya Wa Nahaya ([البداية والنهاية ج٥ ص٥٨ دار ابن رجب]) mainly with reference from Ibn-e-Ishaq and Ibn-e-Hisham. Other references being:

    مجمع الزوئد و منبع الفوائد ج٩ ص٦٥٤ [دار الفكر]

    السنن الكبير للبيهقي ج٢١ ص ٢١٢ . رقم الحديث ٢١١٨٢ [مركز هجر للبحوث والدراسات العربية والاسلامية]

    حياة الصحابة ج١ ص١١٨ [دار ابن الهيثم]

    سير اعلام النبلاء ج٢٧ ص ٢٢٤ [مؤسسة الرسالة]

    You can find the complete arabic narration along with verses of the Ode below:

    بانت سعاد فقلبي اليوم متبول * متيم عندها لم يفد مكبول

    وما سعاد غداة البين إذ رحلوا * إلا أغن غضيض الطرف مكحول

    هيفاء مقبلة عجزاء مدبرة * لا يشتكي قصر منها ولا طول

    تجلو عوارض ذي ظلم إذا ابتسمت * كأنه منهل بالراح معلول

    شجت بذي شيم من ماء محنية * صاف بأبطح أضحى وهو مشمول

    تنفي الرياح الفدى عنه وأمرعه * من صوب غادية بيض يعاليل

    فيا لها خلة لو أنها صدقت * بوعدها أو لو آن النصح مقبول

    لكنها خلة قد سيط من دمها * فجع وولع وإحلاف وتبديل

    فما تدوم على حال تكون بها * كما تلون في أثوابها الغول

    وما تمسك بالعهد الذي زعمت * إلا كما يمسك الماء الغرابيل

    فلا يغرنك ما منت وما وعدت * إن الأماني الأحلام تضليل

    كانت مواعيد عرقوب لها مثلا * وما مواعيدها إلا الأباطيل

    أرجو وآمل أن تدنو مودتها * وما لهن أخال الدهر تعجيل

    أمست سعاد عرضتها بأرض لا تبلغها * إلا العتاق النجيبات المراسيل

    ولن يبلغها إلا عذافرة * فيها على الأبن إرقال وتبغيل

    من كل نضاحة الذفري إذا عرقت * عرضتها طامس الأعلام مجهول

    ترمي الغيوب بعيني مفرد لهق * إذا توقدت الحزان والميل

    ضخم مقلدها فعمَّ مقيدها * في خلقها عن بنات الفحل تفضيل

    حرف أخوها أبوها من مهجنة * وعمها خالها قوداء شمليل

    يمشى القراد عليها ثم يزلقه * منها لبان وأقراب زهاليل

    عيرانةٌ قذفت بالنحص عن عرض * مرفقها عن بنات الزور مفتول

    قنواءٌ في حربتيها للبصير بها * عتق مبين وفي الخدين تسهيل

    كأنما فات عينيها ومذبحها * من خطمها ومن اللحيين برطيل

    تمر مثل عسيب النخل ذا خصل * في غادر لم تخونه الأحاليل

    تهوي على يسرات وهي لاهية * ذوابل وقعهن الأرض تحليل

    يوما تظل به الحرباء مصطخدا * كأن ضاحية بالشمس محلول

    وقال للقوم حاديهم وقد جعلت * ورق الجنادب يركضن الحصا قيلوا

    أوبٌ بذي فاقدٍ شمطاء معولة * قامت فجاء بها نكر مثاكيل

    نواحةٌ رخوة الضبعين ليس لها * لما نعى بكرها الناعون معقول

    تفري اللبان بكفيها ومدرعها * مشقق عن تراقيها رعابيل

    تسعى الغواة جنابيها وقولهم * إنك يا ابن أبي سلمى لمقتول

    وقال كل صديق كنت أمله * لا ألهينك إني عنك مشغول

    فقلت خلوا سبيلي لا أبا لكم * فكل ما قدر الرحمن مفعول

    كل ابن أنثى وإن طالت سلامته * يوما على آلة حدباء محمول

    نبئتُ أن رسول الله أوعدني * والعفو عند رسول الله مأمول

    مهلا هداك الذي أعطاك نافلة * القرآن فيه مواعيظ وتفصيل

    لا تأخذني بأقوال الوشاة ولم * أذنب ولو كثرت فيَّ الأقاويل

    لقد أقوم مقاما لو يقوم به * أرى وأسمع ما قد يسمع الفيل

    لظل يرعد من وجد موارده * من الرسول بإذن الله تنزيل

    حتى وضعت يميني ما أنازعها * في كف ذي نقمات قوله القيل

    فلهو أخوف عندي إذ أكلمه * وقيل إنك منسوب ومسئول

    من ضيغم بضراء الأرض مخدرة * في بطن عثر غيل ذرنه غيل

    يغدو فيلحم ضرغامين عيشهما * لحم من الناس معفور خراديل

    إذا يساور قرنا لا يحل له * أن يترك القرن إلا وهو مغلول

    منه تظل حمير الوحش نافرة * ولا تمشي بواديه الأراجيل

    ولا يزال بواديه أخو ثقة * مضرج البر والدرسان مأكول

    إن الرسول لنور يستضاء به * مهند من سيوف الله مسلول

    في عصبة من قريش قال قائلهم * ببطن مكة لما أسلموا زولوا

    زالوا فما زال أنكاس ولا كشف * عند اللقاء ولا ميل معازيل

    يمشون مشي الجمال الزهر يعصمهم * ضرب إذا عرد السود التنابيل

    شم العرانين أبطال لبوسهم * من نسج داود في الهيجا سرابيل

    بيض سوابغ قد شكت لها حلق * كأنها حلق القفعاء مجدول

    ليسوا معاريج إن نالت رماحهم * قوما وليسوا مجازيعا إذا نيلوا

    لا يقع الطعن إلا في نحورهم * ولا لهم عن حياض الموت تهليل

    Translation by Michael A. Sells

    Suad is gone,

    – my heart stunned,

    lost in her traces,

    – shackled, unransomed.


    What was Suad

    – the morning they set off,

    but a faint song,

    languor in the eyes, kohl,


    Revealing as she smiled

    – side teeth wet

    as a first draught of wine

    or a second,


    Mixed with the hard cold

    – of a winding, backsloped,

    gorge bottom stream, pure,

    cooled in the morning by the north wind,


    Filtered through the winds,

    – then flooded

    with rains of a night traveler,

    flowing white and over.


    Misery she

    – who might have been a friend

    had she kept her promise,

    had a well-meant word been taken.


    Some friend. In her blood

    – brew trouble and lies,

    the withdrawal of vows,

    – the trade-in of lovers.


    From form to form,

    – she turns and changes

    like a ghoul slipping

    – through her guises.


    She makes a vow,

    – then holds it

    as a linen sieve

    – holds water.


    The promises of Urqub

    – were for her a model,

    tall-tale promises, empty talk.


    Here I am hoping, still again,

    for a bit of her affection.

    I don’t imagine you’ve brought us any.


    Don’t be fooled by what she offers.

    Desires and dreams are delusions.


    Dusk, Suad is travelling a land unreached

    except by champion, old-blooded, easy pacers,


    Beyond reach, except for a dromedarian thick-neck,

    still shim-stepping though fatigued, or ambling.


    She sweats, back of the ear-gland streaming,

    her range the signless, wayless, unknown spaces,


    With the eyes of a lone-stag, white-on-white,

    watching the hidden corners,

    – roughlands and crest dunes blazing,


    Thick where haltered

    – meaty where shackled,

    carriage of clear excellence

    among pure-studded mares,


    Worn to an edge, in-and in-bred, twice,

    from a full-blooded sire, long-necked and agile.


    A tick crawls along her chest and flanks,

    – only to slip from her glistening hide,


    Hard as a wild ass,

    – wiry along the thigh ridge,

    fore-elbow from the rib-cage twisted wide,


    Nose-ridge and jaw jutting down past her eyes

    – and throat like a stone pickaxe,


    Tail like a bristled

    – palm frond, leafless,

    lashing down over udders that no milk flow gives away,


    Hook-nosed, ears of clear pedigree

    for one trained to see- cheeks-polished,


    She strides into her gallop, legs like lances,

    – rawboned, flying, barely meeting the ground,


    Tawny along the hoof-pads where they split the shale

    – over bare rock ridges, unshod,


    As if the churning of her forelegs,

    – when the sweat flows,

    when the mirage haze wraps itself around the flattop mountains,


    A day the chameleon burns in the glare,

    sunward side straightening like iron in fire,


    When the trailsman calls out, as the locusts,

    ashen in the midday sun, twitch at the rocks: “break trail for the midday heat!”,

    were the arms of a woman, long-necked, mid aged, who rises and is answered by child-bereft mourners.

    She wails, upper arms limp, her mind, as they cry out the death of her eldest, loosening.

    She tears at her chest, hands open, bodice ripped ragged from the collar bones.


    They scurry at the flanks, the lie-smiths,

    saying O Ibn Abi Sulma, you’re as good as dead!


    Every friend I thought I had, saying: you won’t find me looking you up.

    – I’m busy.

    I said: out of my way, bastards! let whatever the Compassionate decrees be done.

    Every woman’s son, long safe, will one day be carried off on a curve-backed bier.


    They say God’s messenger threatens me.

    Before the messenger of God one hopes for pardon.

    Go easy, guided by the one who gave you the Quran and spelled out its warnings.

    Don’t take me at the word of the lie-smiths.

    Though talk of me spreads, I did no wrong.

    If an elephant stood in my place and heard what I hear

    – It would shake in terror and stay shaking until it received the messenger’s grace, God willing.

    {I cut through the empty regions, my armor the darkness when the cloak of night had fallen,}

    To put my hand, not to withdraw it, in the hand of the vengeful, whose word is law.

    That one was more terrible when I addressed him and was questioned and my lineage examined,

    Than a prey-snatcher, mawler of the lion’s lair, his den in the belly of Atham, ringed with thickets,

    That sets out at dawn to feed twin cubs

    with human flesh thrown in the dust, dismembered.

    When he confronts his equal, he cannot, by sacred law, leave him unbroken.

    In fear of him the wild ass starves to the bone, shunning forage.

    Men do not cross his wadi, Except for the brave and bold one there, the shreds of his garments and his weapons about him, carrion for beasts of prey.

    The messenger is a sword lighting the way, forged in India, a sword of God, unsheathed.

    Among a band of Quraysh someone spoke, in the belly of Mecca when they gave themselves-away!

    They left, and left behind arrows with broken heads, the weak in battle, the leaners, the unarmed.

    Eagle-nosed vanquishers clothed in Davidian weave, through the dust of war their chain-mail


    Brilliant, streaming in double arrays of coils like the branches of the shrivel-vetch, coil on doubled, twisted coil.

    They side like white camels protected by a hard blow when the enemy, stunted, dark-faced, run away.

    They don’t parade their satisfaction when their spears strike home, nor do they cut and run when they take the blow.

    Spear thrusts land at their throats.

    At the pool of death they have no plans to flee.

    (Translation by Michael A. Sells)


    Following video also provides summary and background of the above Ode:

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