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Getting Tattoos From Members Of The Opposite Gender
Posted by Muhammad on May 6, 2022 at 11:01 amCan a girl get tatoo from male on body part which must be near her breast.?
Mohammed Zubair Alam replied 2 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies -
8 Replies
Getting Tattoos From Members Of The Opposite Gender
Faisal Haroon
Moderator May 6, 2022 at 11:46 amWhat do you think the answer to your question should be?
Member May 6, 2022 at 1:07 pmAccording to me it shouldn’t be done by opposite gender…as it is not necessary thing…however when it comes to doctor sometimes it become necessary to show private parts even if doctor is of opposite gender…but according to me that should also be avoided unless it is life death situation…this is my point of view
Faisal Haroon
Moderator May 6, 2022 at 1:16 pmRight.
Haseeb Faisal
Member May 6, 2022 at 5:26 pmAsalamoalaikum Mr. Faisal Haroon,
So, just to be clear, showing the private parts to a doctor of the opposite gender should be avoided unless it is a life or death matter? Does that mean sensitive exams like a prostate exam or rectal exam have to be performed by a same gendered doctor, since this isn’t necessarily life or death, but to screen for cancers (or other conditions) as a precautionary measure?
Member May 6, 2022 at 5:50 pmBro here I mean to say by life or death when it is very necessary like same gender doctor is not available and test have to be preformed urgently…everyone knows inside what is necessary or not…Life and death does not literally means life and death. it means when you have no other option and test has to be performed urgently ..basically I mean to say we should try to avoid this scenario (show private parts to doctors of opposite gender) in best possible way we can..inside we know we trying our best or not to avoid that situation…still sometimes things are not in our control. …that is my point of view
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member May 7, 2022 at 3:11 amAccording to me, I believe Surah nur instruction was given only to maintain social norms between men and women.
In such matters there is no wrong in it, especially when it comes to going to doctors of opposite gender for treatment. Religion has not imposed anything on such matters.
One may feel uncomfortable while talking about private parts to a doctor of opposite gender . One may not feel any such uncomfortabilty. Both are fine as long as intention is clear and principle is being maintained. One may be more inclinated to think from the emotional side and one may be inclinated to think from the logical side . One may think that he/she should consult doctors of same gender in such cases and one may feel that he/she should consult a good doctor irrespective of gender because religion has not said anything about it.
There are different types of personalities in this world and each of them thinks differently, so as long as one is honest with oneself and upholds the principle there is no harm.
So in such matters ,we should not say what to do or where to go when religion has not imposed anything. We can only say go to a good doctor irrespective of male of female. Now it’s up to the individual to decide as per his/her convenience.
If you talk about getting a tattoo, then it is not needed on the private part, unlike the treatment.One adorns the the body parts only when it can be shown in public and private parts must be hidden. Getting a tattoo on the private part means decorating the private part and it is not necessary to decorate the private part. So in this case one should avoid going to the tattoo artist of the opposite sex .
The Intensity of the matter will depend also.
Dr. Irfan Shahzad
Scholar May 8, 2022 at 12:24 amThis is all about professionalism. Since it is a medical norm since the old days, to consult doctors of the opposite genders for treatment, so their examination is considered allowed. There is supposed to be no bad intention involved usually.
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member May 8, 2022 at 12:41 amYes sir, I agree.
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