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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Why Children & Women Of Banu Qurayza Were Enslaved?

  • Why Children & Women Of Banu Qurayza Were Enslaved?

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar May 18, 2022 at 11:32 pm

    Banu Quriaza was a tribe, and every person was involved and agree with their collective decision. If anyone of them disagreed, he or she should have informed the Muslims and declared it at least openly by separating themselves from them. So every sane and adult was punished. Moreover, this was done at the decision of Saad bin Muaaz who was appointed by the Jews themselves to decide their fate. Thirdly, after slaying their men, the only good option for woman and children was left to be taken in the custody of Muslims.

  • Feroz Karim

    Member January 16, 2025 at 2:37 pm

    After slaying their men, how is it a Good option to enslave them. Why they were not given the right to decide themselves? Taking into custody doesn’t mean to enslave them.

    Another question when Banu Qurayza decided to lay down their weapons. They became prisoners of war. Surah Muhammad saw was already revealed, which does not allow prisoners of war to be killed or enslaved. how they could kill those prisoners of war. Even if Hazrat Saad decision was this, how could Hazrat Muhammad let this happen when those were the citizens of medina. And if this was a case of itmam e hujjat, the same happened at Fatah e Makkah, People of quraish decided not ti fight just like Qurayza and laid down their weapons. But no women and children were enslaved and they given a period of Muhlat to until the end of haraam months to decide their fate.

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar January 17, 2025 at 1:24 am

    They were conquered, but they did not volunteer to submit, therefore the conqueror had the authority to decide their fate. Since they were mischievous people, the rebels of God, therefore God Himself had been punishing them with the same punishment through other nations many a time in their history. God had warned them that if they did not resist opposing the divine message, He would do the same with them and He did.

    See the following verse from chapter 17 verses 3 to 8

    “We had informed the Israelites about this decision of Ours in this very Book: [119] “Twice shall you surely create disorder in the land and show great rebelliousness; [120] [thus on both occasions you shall be sternly punished].”

    Then [you saw that] when the time for that first promise arrives, [121] We let loose on you such people [122] of Ours who were extremely powerful. So, they barged into your houses and that promise was fulfilled.[123]

    Then We rotated your turn to them and gave you wealth and children and made you a large group. [124]

    [This was a lesson for you that] if you do good deeds, it will be for yourself and if you do bad deeds, that too will be for yourself. [This was the first promise.] After that, when the time of the second promise arrives, We depute some other mighty people [125] of Ours so that they may ruin your faces and barge into your mosque the way they had done the first time and ravage whatever they can lay hands on. [126]

    [Even now, O Israelites] it may well be that your Lord shows mercy to you [once again]. But [remember that] if you do the same, We too shall do the same and We have made Hell a shed for such disbelievers.

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